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Stable webcam for Connect 9 on W7 64-bit?

New Here ,
Dec 06, 2012 Dec 06, 2012

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I am having lockups with the latest Add-In on Connect 9 using Logitech's Pro9000 webcam using their latest W7 64-bit drivers.  Others have complained of the logitech 64-bit drivers in other apps as well.

Anyone have a favorite camera for Connect 9?  I feel like I need to build a machine dedicated to Connect and don't use it for anything else, once I get it stable.  Surely it won't come to that.

Are Macs well behaved in Connect as a host/presenter plaform?






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Dec 07, 2012 Dec 07, 2012

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I'd try a different camera before building a whole new computer for Connect. Have you tried uninstalling the Logitech drivers and just using the plug-and-play function of the camera? The Logitech drivers have caused issues for me in the past, and there was a year or two where I just didn't have them installed and the camera worked fine in Connect.





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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2012 Dec 11, 2012

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I uninstalled the Logitech drivers and used the ones in W7 and they seem to be more stable, BUT they don't give me any control that I can find.  I want features for whitebalance, zoom, exposure, etc.  The native Windows driver gives an inferior image.

So, if Logitech drivers are wonky (and they are - they can't remember settings and keep turning on 'right light'!!!) what other webcam companies are players?  They seem to dominate the marketplace.  They make good hardware, for sure, but they just can't seem to write drivers (at least 64-bit ones).

I wonder why we are still having issues with software and drivers so many years after W7 made 64-bit commonplace.  I could understand it with XP, but really.  Vista and now W7 should have made it clear that 64-bit is COMMON.





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Dec 11, 2012 Dec 11, 2012

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Did you try pulling the drivers from Logitech? I've been problem free for years using them. Windows 7 64bit OS.

FWIW, I have the Logitech software version 2.51.828.0 build 13.51.823.0 from 9/21/12, and it is working fine with multiple Logitech cameras in Connect.

You should be able to download it directly from Logitech, and it shows the same software for all versions of cameras I have from Logitech: http://www.logitech.com/en-us/support/6817?section=downloads&bit=64&osid=14

Their site auto-detects a 32 bit OS, and when I modify the URL to 64 bit (url above modified), the same driver shows, so I'm not sure that they have a dedicated 64 bit driver.





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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2012 Dec 11, 2012

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I looked at this webcam.  Looks interesting, but I think the higher end Logitech webcams have built-in H.264 encryption.  I wonder if that helps Connect?


Yes, I was running the Logitech drivers.  I followed your link and it took me to a page for software for he webcam C510. I wonder if they download a universal packaging for old webcams, 32 and 64 bit, etc.  But you indicate you are running 32-bit.  That gives more credence to my case that their 64-bit drivers are unstable, as I have had read from many complaints on the net.

I was directed by Logitech to find the proper drivers in the dialog below (loved the part about leaving my computer off for 15 minutes!).

---------------------------  Logitech Response  ----------------------------------------------------------------------

As I understand, you are not happy with the software of Logitech Webcam Pro 9000.

Greg, I noticed that you had submitted your email to us on 10/26/2012. I want to take a moment to apologize for the wait in receiving my response and for the inconveniences your issue might have caused you.

Please be informed that QuickCam 11 is not the latest driver of Logitech Webcam Pro 9000.

In this case, you may want to uninstall QuickCam 11 and install the latest driver of Logitech Webcam Pro 9000; the Logitech Webcam Software.

Your webcam is plug-and-play, which means that it should work with your Windows native drivers. To resolve the issue, the following are recommended:

NOTE: If you already uninstalled all Logitech webcam drivers on your computer, please proceed with Step II.


Please uninstall QuickCam Software using Revo Uninstaller (This is a third party software.).

You can download the 30 days free trial on www.revouninstaller.com.

This software will uninstall all the components of the program including the registry.

Once you have installed the Revo Uninstaller, please follow the steps below:

1. Close the QuickCam Software> go to the system tray and look for the icon.

2. Right click on the icon of the QuickCam Software > Exit.

3. Open the Revo Uninstaller > look for the QuickCam Softwarethen right click > uninstall.

4. Wait for the software while it scans > it will ask to uninstall the software.

5. Once the software is uninstalled > select the scan to Advance then click Scan.

6. Once all the registry appears > click Select All > Delete.

7. Turn off your computer. Remove the plug from the socket.

8. Unplug the webcam.

9. After 15 minutes, turn on your computer.


After the Logitech Webcam Software is fully uninstalled, please do the steps below:

1. Plug your webcam.

2. Check your computer specifications to make sure that the system is within the minimum requirements of the webcam to function properly.

>> Please refer to the link below:

Answer Title: Logitech Webcam Software v2.x for Windows Release Notes

Answer Link: http://logitech-en-amr.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/17022

3. Plug in the webcam to another USB port on the computer. If you are using a USB hub, bypass the hub, and plug in the webcam directly to the computer. Like any other USB device, you will hear a prompt or a message will come up indicating that your computer "found new hardware". Wait until the drivers are successfully installed.

>> Please refer to the link below:

Answer Title: Verifying your USB 2.0  webcam is working at high-speed

Answer Link: http://logitech-en-amr.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3139

4. Test the webcam on another application (other than the Logitech Webcam Software). You may use any video calling application like Skype, Yahoo Messenger, Windows Live Messenger. If you don't have any of these applications installed yet, please click on the link below to test your webcam:

Link: http://www.testmycam.com/

Test the webcam on MyComputer.

  a. Click on Start > MyComputer > Scanners and Cameras.

  b. Double-click on USB Video Device or Logitech Webcam

  c. Your image should appear on the screen.

If the webcam works fine now, you may now download the latest version of the Logitech Webcam Software using the link below:


After the driver has been downloaded, please unplug the webcam, close all the application open on your desktop, and press F5 on your keyboard.

Install the driver by double-clicking the downloaded driver. A message-prompt will appear click on Run. Follow the on-screen instruction.

NOTE: Do not plug the webcam when asked to, just click on "Skip" and completely the installation.

When the installation is complete, plug the webcam.

Check if the issue has been resolved.

Test the webcam by clicking on Start > All Programs > Logitech > Logitech Webcam Software. Click on QuickCapture. This screen should show your image.

One more thing, kindly ensure that you are running the latest version of DirectX.

Web updates be obtained at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/





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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2012 Dec 11, 2012

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Look at this link. This is EXACTLY what is happening with my camera. This dialog happened over a YEAR AGO and Logitech still hasn't fixed it.  It is hard to believe they can when they give the kind of advice they give in the dialog.


If you have a 64-bit PC and run the camera for a while (30-60 minutes or more) it locks up, then locks up the app using it (Connect Add-In) and then you can't shut down.  It just hangs during the shutdown.  You have to reboot.





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Dec 11, 2012 Dec 11, 2012

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Good to know the problem is out there. It will be interesting to see if Connect 9 has a resolution or if it is the same old stuff.

I am, and have be using a 64 bit OS, Windows 7 (not 32 bit) for quite some time now and have not seen this problem. Not to say it isn't there, but the problem with bugs, is it tends to affect some people and not others.

@grkreis: Does this problem not manifest itself when you don't use the add-in? Do you know if it was an issue tied to Flash Player 9? Since Connect 9 leverages FP 10, this issue may be resolved when using the newer version...

I have a hard time agreeing on the bandwidth issue that was ultimately blamed in the forum you linked to, but it could have contributed, I suppose. Unless you are using a tool that increases the bandwidth demand (increased quality) on the video pod, or you are using an external video pod, then Connect should not ever get to 1 Mbps for video. It's built specifically to be lighter on the bandwidth than that.





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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2012 Dec 11, 2012

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The bandwidth issue couldn't lock up the software using the camera (or at least shouldn't).

I have 32Mbps down and 6.5 Mbps up, so bandwidth ain't my issue...  😉

I haven't tried not using the Add-In. We have to use it because we need breakout rooms.  I have been running Connect 9 since I started with Connect.  It is clearly the webcam driver that trashing Connect. When I don't enable the webcam things are stable.

I thought you said the webpage sensed you were 32-bit. I misunderstood your post then. Sorry.

I am going to try the clean out  technique they mentioned and then install the lws 2.51 drivers (they sent me to the 2.3 version...  who knows why).





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Dec 12, 2012 Dec 12, 2012

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Good luck with the drivers. I think that Logitec's website either sensed that I was on a 32 bit browser or, since they don't have 64 bit drivers, it just assumes 32 bit. Either way, their site sensed wrong. Not worries, it was confusing.

Breakout rooms don't require the use of the Add-in, so you should be able to test the webcam function without it. The add-in is only required for screen sharing. You can append the URL for your meeting with /?launcher=false, and it will launch the room in your web browser.





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New Here ,
Dec 12, 2012 Dec 12, 2012

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Our breakout room folks use screen sharing, so we need it.  I read it also provides better audio.  Do you find that it is good for audio?

Does the Add-In tend to be more trouble than running in the browser?  I would think that browser based Flash would be less reliable than an exe from Adobe (even though it also runs Flash).





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 18, 2012 Dec 18, 2012

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I bought the Logitech C920 webcam and uninstalled the 2.31 drivers and went to the 2.51 drivers.  I got a BSOD on a shut down, so I used the revo uninstaller to remove all things 2.51, unplugged the camera, turned off the PC and reinstalled the 2.51 drivers, this time with no software running (didn't think to stop the AV stuff).  After the install completed, I plugged in the camera and it seems to be stable.  I created a meeting and ran the webcam (no one logged into the meeting) for several hours and no hangups.

It is a MUCH better picture than the Pro 9000.  It handles lower light much better, more saturated colors and the focus is fast and crisp.





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