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I have several Templates with Layouts. Almost all of the templates work well when a new meeting is created from them. However, one of the templates seems to fail when a new meeting is created from it. I get a blank layout with a single Notes pod, with the following text:
The template you are looking at is the one we use if the default template feature is not working.
That strange thing is that when it first started happening, it was intermittent. Sometimes it would work and other times it wouldn't. Then we had one of the meeting rooms that had been created from the template look fine initially, but then when I went back to it later, the templates had disappeared and the one Notes pod with the text above was showing.
I would really not like to have to recreate the meeting layouts! Any suggestions for how to get this working?
Please help me!!!
And please - don't tell me to go to support. I have called and called, emailed, updated my ticket and I get NO response. It has been over 6 weeks since this problem started and I put in my first support ticket January 8th!! It is now February 26th and I still have no resolution.
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Take one of the working rooms that was created from template in question and move it into a Template folder (Shared Templates or My Templates). Then create a new Template room from the room you just moved into the Templates folder. Place the new Template room in the appropriate Template folder and move the meeting back to its desired location.
You may need to go clean up the new Template room, but it should then be able to be used for creating future meetings.
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I already tried that. It won't create a new meeting from the other working ones either. I've tried putting them in my Shared Templates and in My Templates. I still get nothing.
Just as a quick aside - the original meeting room works just fine. It is residing in the Shared Template folder and I can open it, all the layouts look fine - but when I try to create a new meeting it doesn't work.
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So when you create a meeting and choose a template - you don't see the ones you moved to the shared templates folder as a choice?
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No, I see it just fine. I select it from the list when I am creating a new meeting. It creates a new meeting, however, when I open the new meeting it shows the following message in a Notes Pod - "The template you are looking at is the one we use if the default template feature is not working."
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We were once advised that templates might not work properly if the permissions setting on the template was any else besides *Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room.
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Did you get this resolved? I am now having the same issue. The templates are selectable, however when you enter the room you see the error message
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I know this is an old thread and did you ever solve this? Like you, I really don't want to create my training all over again...
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We just started having this issue today - we used the same template yesterday without issue, and today it won't load in our meeting rooms and we see the note/error message. Other templates seem to still be working fine. This template can be opened from Adobe Connect templates page without issue, but when you try to open a room that has that template, you see the note/error message.
Any help is appreciated!
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Contact the Connect Support team. Adobe Connect Support
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I have, I chatted and did a screenshare with them this morning. No word on any findings - but the fact this thread is from 2013 doesn't give me much confidence in getting an answer.
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It should just be an issue with that room that can be fixed behind the scenes. I believe that it is a known fix.
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Has anyone ever solved this as here we are in 2020 and this is all too familiar! Any help on how you solved it would be great - I cannot face having to rebuild all my layouts into a new template with no confidence that it won't happen again - I can open my templates "as rooms" but cannot open new rooms using the templates (any of them apart from the Adobe Default ones) if id have known this I would have built into the defaults rather than following the guidance of "Alistair Lee" in his numerous video appearances on You Tube - Ive only had a licence for three weeks so too soon to be disenchanted!!! Two open tickets - lets get back to you seems to be the common response.....
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Same problem here. No fix in sight. I can open all the templates and they work fine, but as soon as I make a new room, based on the templates (we are using the templates for two years now), I just get an empty room.
I have daily training sessions with internal staff or with customers. I need a reliable tool.
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Same here - is there any advice on this issue? Somebody states there is a known fix?....can't find it anywhere and driving me nuts!
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Contact the Connect Support team. Adobe Connect Support
The fix needs to be done server side.
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Here we are in June of 2020 and there is still no fix but I will say that, despite having to recreate my room, Adobe Online Support was able to help me. I learned a couple of things: 1 - when creating a new class DO NOT delete the 3 layouts that are already in the room. You can modify them and rename them but don't delete them. 2 - when leaving your room each time be sure to go to Meetings and then select End Meeting. This will help your files to not get corrupted 3 - Instead of uploading your content directly into the room use the content tab in your Adobe Admin site. If you happen to have a room that needs to be recreated it is way faster to do if you have the files in either your content or shared content folders. It did take me hours to recreate a complex room because I did not do this step and uploaded it directly into the room.
Adobe online help was great, despite me having to recreate the room. I learned a lot.
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I wrote about this in March 2020, as a new user and despite being told my "template had corrupted" and there was nothing they could do, I have continued to build templates and rooms - I am now a licence holder for a client of mine and for absolutely no reason it has happened again. The template opens fine but will not let me create a new room from it. I have tried all four of my default templates and they are all behaving this way, despite me not having touched them - this is SOOOOO clearly a problem with Adobe Connect Software that corrupts the files but no-one will accept responsibility. Without the ability to back up or store locally my work I am totally at the mercy of software which is full of bugs. These templates were built to cover reoccurring training sessions and so not having to empty a template of delegate content each time was the purpose of creating "master" courses and then specific "events" which could be saved. Adobe Connect markets itself as Virtual Training but doesn't seem to think that you would ever repeat a course???
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I undestand that deleting the templates can be a problem. I just don`t see the connection. Why can I open the template room fine (as Morphette), but I cannot create a room, based on the very same template? Why is there not a place, where delted items go and you can restore them, if you see that deleting them causes problems. Why are the standard templates not protected against being deleted by a user, if they are so imporntant? We have a lot of reoccuring events and I won`t empty the template. This is just not feasible.
We are in 2020 und you can expect a nice and intuitive piece of software. Together with confirmed (by our local Adobe-dealer) problems with the html-client (which is still not available for presenters), and missing other 2020-features like playing HD-videos, it is really cumbersome to work with it.
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February 2021 : same old problem. How come a firm like ADOBE pays no attention to a problem that goes back to 2010? Is it that the creators of Adobe Connect are no longer with the firm and the actual developers know nothing about how to fix it? I wonder... I have been a user of Adobe Connect (or tried to be) for more that a year because I thing that there is no plattform than Adobe Connect. I had the "template bug" since the beginning and customer supoort answer was always : start from zero... What kind if answer is that? But I am so in love with the plattform that guess.... not once or twice but in three different oportunities I did start from the begining again and again. I tried to get CLARIX involved by buying the product from them in November 2021... and guess again : same problem, eventhought Clarix customer service is by far better than ADOBE. But we together, Clarix and myself, haven't been able to get ADOBE to solve the bug. So, what is the next step? I have a ticker running up and down in Customer Service but it seems nobody cares.
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This just happened to me AGAIN. I am so MAD. I have not deleted anything, I have gone back and forth and back and forth with adobe about this for 2 years. They SAID they fixed it last year, but here I am again, about to have to recreate 2 huge classes from scratch. I am beyond frustrated.