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Hello. Our office in Philippine has experinced delay on voice, camera and even chatting. (over 2sec~1min)
You might say it's because of internet speed or tech-specs.
Actually we have been using Gotomeeting and it's totally fine.
We've compared both companies' required spec, it seems that Gotomeeting's one is little bit higher than Adobe Connect.
We think that Adobe Connect Platform is much cool for our business so are thinking of change the solution to Adobe Connect.
But the delay time is the most critical issue.
Why is Gotomeeting so clear line and Adobe Connect delayed under the same spac and environment?
Is anybody know what makes Adobe Connect more soft and stable?
Please help us...
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More than likely this is an issue with where the server with your account resides. With Connect, it is likely somewhere in the Western US. This means that all your video, voice and data (text chat) communications must go from your computer to the Western US and then back to your attendees' computers. That is a big distance to cover and likely why there is that lag. Gotomeeting may have servers closer to you, thus providing less lag.
Your best solution for removing the lag would probably be to get your own Connect server and deploy it locally, eliminating the amount of routers, nodes and wires that your information must travel through. I recommend you have a discussion with your reseller about the possibility of this solution.