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Trying to set up Virtual Classroom - get limit exceeded

New Here ,
Mar 15, 2020 Mar 15, 2020

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Just signed up for the Virtual Classroom Manager 200 and as the Administrator I am trying to set up a new Virtual Classroom that anyone with the URL can access. I set it up but when anyone that has received the URL for the Virtual Classroom tries to attend, they get "user limit exceeded". When I look under Administration, I see the following:

Do I need to add my ID (that is currently ONLY a member of "Administrators" to another group? When I try add my ID to Traiining Managers for example, I get the same "limit exceeded" message.

Dazed and confused...help!






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Mar 15, 2020 Mar 15, 2020

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You need to be a member of the Virtual Classroom Managers group. Don't give up the Admin group membership, but this gives you the ability to create, manage and run Virtual classrooms.


Next, be sure you aren't creating your Virtual Classroom in the Meetings library. Virutal Classrooms (in Adobe's concept of them) live in the Training Library. Select the Training tab at the top of Connect Central and you'll see a button to create a new Virtual Classroom there. Based on your description, it sounds like you created the room in the Meetings library, which is tied to your Meeting licensing, which is 1 concurrent attendee. This is what is in place for accounts using only Named Virtual Classroom Manager licenses, as it unlocks the live meeting functionality in Connect. 





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New Here ,
Mar 22, 2020 Mar 22, 2020

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I downloaded the trial version too and all of my trial runs give me the same message. I use Connect on a regular basis and I know how to create a virtual classroom. My permission has me as the host and I started the training times for the future and for the current date/time and I still get the same message that Sharon gets whether I give access to users who request access or if I open the classroom to anyone who has the URL.


I even paid $50 for the basic version to see if I could open a meeting (which is different than a virtual classroom because there's no webcam in the $50 subscription) and several people can easily sign-in to the paid version. I think there is something wrong with the trial's settings because the limit is supposed to be 25 (Sharon has 200 in her message above and Adobe is only advertising 25 now) but despite the number of learners or my permission settings, not even one person can sign-in to the URL that I emailed without getting the "...user exceeded the limit" message. 


Any suggestions because this really sounds like a trial error to me that Tech. Support needs to address - thanks :-).





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Mar 23, 2020 Mar 23, 2020

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I'm not aware of a limitation of the webcam in any version of Connect. The trial account with the Virtual Classroom (VC) should allow for webcam use, you just need to load the Video pod in the VC. 


Based on your screenshot in yoru original post, you are not a member of the Virtual Classroom Managers group or the Meeting Host group and both show a group membership of 0. Since your Meetings in this account have a Peak Concurrent Users of 1, any Meetings would only allow a single attendee in the room at any given time, explaining the functionality you are experiencing. Because of how this account was created, you are not required to be a member of the Meeting Host group to start/run Meetings. Due to your description of the issue, I have to come back that you created the room in the Meetings section of Connect, rather than the Training section of Connect. 


Meeting Rooms:
Meeting location.JPG



Virtual Classrooms:
Virtual Classroom location.JPG


As you can see they live in completely different locations in Connect and have different Icons to represent that they do have different functionalty. The real difference between a Meeting and VC (other than where it is located) is that a VC holds 200 attendees while a Meeting usually holds 100, and a VC can pull a training Course into the Share pod and enroll and track all attendee's progress and pass/fail status of that Course while in the VC. 





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New Here ,
Mar 27, 2020 Mar 27, 2020

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I am having the same issue. My virtual classroom is set up under the Training section and I can access the class as a host but any participant that logs in gets the error message "User limit exceeded - The user limit for this account has been exceeded."

I am using the 90 day trial version. Here is the info under Administration and the virtual class that I'm having issues accessing as a participant.


License Info.JPGvirtual classroom settings.JPG





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Mar 27, 2020 Mar 27, 2020

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You are not a memeber of the Virtual Classroom Manager group, which is required for you to be assigned the license to create/run/manage Virtual Classrooms. Add yourself to this group and the room should work.







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