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Unable to Sync FLV

Explorer ,
Oct 26, 2017 Oct 26, 2017

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I could be wrong but I thought for sure we were able to sync a shared FLV file in a meeting room. We used to record our Meetings and then download them as FLV files to be viewed for offline use. We would then upload them to a Meeting Room so that staff can view them on their own. I thought there was a "Sync" button present but I no longer see that button. I still see the "Sync" button if I share, for example, a PowerPoint. We recently upgraded to Adobe Connect 9.5 so I'm wondering if the ability to sync an FLV has been taken away? Or was it never there to begin with and I am just not remembering correctly? I was also hoping to upload an MP4 and then sync that but I also don't see this as an option. Thanks.






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Oct 26, 2017 Oct 26, 2017

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FLV and MP4 videos are sync'd automatically. The playback of the videos is controlled by the Host/Presenter in the room and the Participants get to watch it, but not control its playback. If you demote yourself in the room to a Participant you'll see that you no longer have playback controls.

So, the more accurate description is that you cannot un-sync video content.





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Explorer ,
Oct 26, 2017 Oct 26, 2017

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Yes that's true, I can't un-sync the FLV video. We want the participants to be able to control their own viewing of the FLV or MP4 videos. Is that not possible?





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Oct 26, 2017 Oct 26, 2017

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Well, there is a soft no. If you are uploading FLV of MP4 assets to the Share pod there is no way for Participants to play them back on their own. However, if you want them to watch the video asynchronously, you can do one of the following:

In the Meeting

  • Set the room to Auto promote Participants to Presenters. This means that anyone joining the room will be given Presenter level rights, and can then control the playback of the video.
  • Use Adobe Presenter or Adobe Captivate to create a single slide Flash (SWF) presentation containing your video. Then upload that presentation to the share pod and un-depress the sync button. This will allow Participants to play back the video on their own.

Outside the Meeting

  • Upload the MP4 or FLV file to the Content Library of Connect. The video will then have a URL for access. Distribute/embed that URL and don't use the Meeting function at all. Content URL's can be set to be publicly view-able or password protected.





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