Is it possible to access the contents of the chat pod, in
Connect Professional, using the XML API? What I want to do is clear
the contents of the pod programmatically.
I've tried drilling down through the SCO ID's of my test
meetings, but I don't see anything below the meeting level. In
other words there doen't seem to be a SCO for the individual pods.
No. Unfortunately, this capability isn't in the product at
this time. Chat is stored as shared objects, which are only
accessible via the app (not via APIs).
Bummer. I suppose there's no way to tie into the stream
between the different meeting clients either? What I mean is that
if I'm the moderator of a meeting and I clear the chat through my
pod then all the other chat pods (for the guests) are cleared as
well. Any way to get at the functionality outside of the XML API?
The reason I ask is that I'm trying to automate the process
for a customer that uses persistent meetings. The problem is they
don't want the chat text from the previous session to show up in
the next session, and quite often the moderator forgets to clear it
out before they exit the meeting.
There isn't a way to do this from the APIs today, its a
manual (and therefore, error-prone as you suggest) process. I know
that many customers have requested programmatic access to the
meeting experience, so hopefully Adobe is working on some
capabilities there to support this and other use-cases.
Have you considered using a custom chat pod using the
Collaboration Builder SDK?
We recently built one for a client that is loaded into their
persistent rooms, saves all of the chat to a specific DB outside of
Connect, and will clear itself once all leave the room or the
meeting has ended. They wanted it for their tech support team
helping their clients. We also added their logo and the ability to
print the chat session (which doesn't come with the standard pod)