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Creative Cloud Desktop reduces performance of disk read /wrtie by 1/3!

Explorer ,
May 13, 2024 May 13, 2024

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I couldn't find what could be causing my raid 5 to slow to a crawl. So I wiped my SSD and reinstalled Macos 14.5 hooked up the Raid and tested read/write speeds of the Raid. Before any adobe software was installed it was read/write at 458 MB/s. After installing CC it went down to 297 MB/s. that's a loss of 1/3. which in my line of work is a strangle hold. what's even worse is working with adobe support. after spending over 3hrs(not dramatic) I'm reaching out to non adobe (drink the koo-ade ) in hopes of getting a solution. 

This is the same attitude I experienced when bringing up the issue of not being able to tether when using LRC(something I do multiple times a week. they(adobe) blames Apple, Apple blames Adobe. Well Apple is correct on this one! I ended up purchasing Tether tools sharpshooter just to shoot tethered. So Adobe's kool-aide statement about it being an apple issue is like the rest... don't fix, blame others.

System details

1. Fresh install of Macos 14.5 (clean factory wipe)

2. tested drives, tested at around 450MB/s read/write

3. Installed CC, LR and PS

4. tested drives and the results were around 290 read/write

5. 3 hours later and two hangups(chats) I was told this is an "expected" performance change.

6. Macbook Pro M2 MAX with 64gb memory and 1TB SSD with 930MB free

7. Tried to uninstall CC to get performance back, but the instructions on the KB page are inaccurate and does not uninstall. It spits an error about there's apps that rely on CC so I can't install.


Please help. 

Bug Unresolved
App installs and updates , Others






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1 Comment
Community Expert ,
May 13, 2024 May 13, 2024

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sync issues are known to cause performance problems.  do you have files that could be trying to sync?




