Hi I need help, been trying to send emails and crash reports for the past 3 weeks and got no help whatsoever.
I'll layout the problem and what I've tried already.
So, first of all, one day Creative Cloud stopped loading my Apps. I tried the "Repair" option, log in, log off. Nothing works.
Next step would be to Unistall the App - Well I can't!! When I try to Unistall it says that I have other Apps so it can't be Unistalled. So I try to unistall Premiere Pro, and It won't let me because it opens up Creative Cloud in order to delete it from there, and guess what! The Apps never seem to load.
I don't know what else to do honestly. Also it's worth to mention that I can't even you Premiere Pro because it crushes with an error, I've searched in YouTube and find an option that if you edit the preferences to open up with Windows 8 or something it'd be solved (I have windows 10), And yes it can run the program but is has like input lag and nothing really works.
I'm paying for this service and haven't been able to use it for more than 3 weeks, so please, can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance.
Also It's worth to mention, Premiere Pro 2025 and 2024 also wont work when I try to open them , the App crushes everytime I try to open it and I've sent the reports but no one answers.