Coming up on 25 years of Adobe Photoshop (and other Adobe products) use as a professional, so here's what I'd like to see. A version of Creative Cloud made for people who need to get work done with the product. Current CC is a massive, ad-filled mess. It's cluttered and full of stuff that most users don't need and get in the way. It insults you when you try to close it. When CC first launched, it was a small program that kept your apps up to date and launched them. That was perfect. The current CC is so appalling I have terminated my subscription after many, many years. I would consider re-joining if a professional version of CC were available.
A pro version of CC:
- Slim, lightweight app-launcher/updater/installer
- *Optional* tab/s to show Cloud Files/Fonts/Stock etc. (As a digital painter I don't need any of these and never wish to see them)
- No ads/offers/giant banners
- No extra background services
- Right-click tray icon to quietly and immediately close
I feel like Adobe does not respect the user at all with the current version. There's a lot of talented developers and some truely excellent software at Adobe that I with certainly miss, but I'm not willing to put up with the lack of respect for the customer's time and patience. Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but I really just want to turn back the clock a bit. This used to be better. CC used to be better.