I'm just finding the thread below after facing similar issues to other users where I have a main desktop Video editing PC with Terabytes of storage and a simple travel Laptop with limited 256GB of SSD storage.
What you have described in this thread highlights that Adobe have not thought through the practicalities of how Creative Cloud needs to work in the real world.
You have created a quasi-Cloud computing solution that also potentially stuffs your lightweight mobile Laptop device with loads of local files which is not designed to support mass storage.
Rather than have the what appears to be a slightly flakey 'Pause Sync' option - on your mobile Laptop device where you might have say Lightroom installed with one other App - this still depends on having the full Creative Cloud App on your Laptop.
By default, if you have say 64GB of Creative Cloud syncd files (which I have) – then I want a solid method of setting a preference to NOT sync any files to Creative Cloud on my Laptop. The Pause option seems a workaround and as David B of Adobe stated himself in the discussion thread "the syncing may accidently get re-started'.
Has this been thought about a bit more by Adobe more recently regarding the way it works?.
In my opinion (and seemingly other users) today the method to stop File Sync is not that satisfactory.
As other users have pointed out - it is a common necessity to reclaim some valuable local disk space on Laptops and relying on the 'Pause Sync' button at present is not a solid reliable method.
If there is a more elegant and reliable way to do this now in 2023 - please let us know as I have not found a solution.
Incidently - why is there no 'Ideas Tab' in this Creative Cloud Discussion community section? - as there is in other topics such as Adobe Premiere .......