- OK ! All modern sites have blogs and e-Commerce integration and Contact Forms etc.
With DW this is HELL,
But I did manage using SnipCart integration by adding Script and some code
and get those BUY buttons or ADD-to-CART button with product QT. and definition
and the Shopping CART with paiement method (Credit or Paypal) and the CART Total on the top of my website etc.
many hours of coding and testing, but it does work well once setup.
But it would be much easier having all this INSIDE DW. !!
Most new Website builder do have this integration. (Wappler)
- The assets tool bar (panel) where we save our images is very difficult to manage
When we select an image for an INSERT .
We CANNOT create sub-folders to organize our images. An important improvement.
OK - Guys ! Hope to get some feedback,