I would love to see the desktop version of Creative Cloud optimized for the desktop. Here's a good example of what I mean: lists of horizontally arranged menu items could open automatically as you roll over them and then stay open as you mouse downward to choose the item in the vertical list - like the top menu bar in Mac OS - instead of every, single, thing, being, a, single, click, to open and choose anything. It's just so slow and feels like backwards steps on the desktop - like I'm trudging through sucking mud to move forward. The feeling is similar to when I work with web versions of apps: it's like working on Dropbox's browser interface vs. working in the Mac OS Finder. I'm sure it's easier for Adobe to make all versions the same, but a desktop is not an iPad, so interaction can be different, i.e. desktops allow for rollovers and iPads don't, so why not take advantage of that to make the desktop version the best it can be. Lots of professionals use desktop systems and efficiency is a necessity. Please minimize the number of clicks to choose and do things. Thank you.