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Hey there, I am a photographer & I have tried to update my portfolio site multiple times. Just trying to upload a new album. Each time I re upload all the photos to the album and click update site and the browser sits on the "One Moment...We're Updating Your Site" screen for up to hours at a time, never updating anything.
This is very confusing and aggravating as I have tried to update multiple times already.
I am uploading from an eternal harddrive. Any advice or insite is appreciated,
Thank you
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I am uploading from an external**** hard drive.
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try a different browser or
portfolio questions:
portfolio faq:
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Let me understand this more clearly:
1. You are uploading images directly to Portfolio from the PF console?
2. Or you're using Lightroom integration?
If you continue to have difficulties, submit a ticket to Adobe Portfolio support below.
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Hello - My site also will not publish. I did a complete redesign and am now ready to update the live site but when i select that green button, it then is stuck on the 'one moment... we're updating your site' page, even overnight. any ideas? I have created new pages and content over the course of months so not sure if the volume of changes I have made is causing this to take so long?
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Try using another browser that doesn't block scripts or have VPN enabled.
For example, the latest Chrome or Firefox.
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hi - I have tried chrome and firefox - and cleared my cache multiple times now. My other adobe portfolio site updates just fine. now this one is giving me the 'It seems that something went wrong? It's probably our fault. Please try again later' error every time I try to update the live site. I've filled out the Adobe contact form but they can't get back to me for 3-5 business days... any ideas?
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Is your Portfolio connected to an active Creative Cloud subscription? Log-in to your online account below to verify account status.
Adobe employees are the only ones who can help you with Technical support or Account problems. They work Monday - Friday. Most technical requests are replied to within 24 - 48 hours via email. Check your spam folder for a reply.
- Portfolio Support -
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I have created new pages and content over the course of months so not sure if the volume of changes I have made is causing this to take so long?
By @kelseyh4154912
Have you successfully published/updated this Portfolio site in the past?
Do you have less than 5 Portfolio sites on this account?
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hi - yes I had published and updated this portfolio site in the past many times. and yes I have less than 5 sites.