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Mon disque dur sur lequel se trouvait mon dossier creative cloud files a rendu l'âme. Ce n'est pas bien grave il était vide à ce moment là, mais le problème c'est qu'au lancement du creative cloud j'ai toujours un message qui me dit que le dossier et introuvable et du coup je dois désactiver la synchronisation. Quand je vais sur creative cloud voici ce qui s'affiche :
Ma question est simple : comment je fais pour modifier l'emplacement de synchronisation? J'ai beau explorer les options partout, impossible de trouver cette solution... Et l'aide en ligne ne m'a été d'aucune aide...
Bonjour frederic godfrin!
I'm sorry but my reply is going to be in English so we can ensure that we get you working - you will be able to use the translate link on this reply.
I think that all you need to do is move the location of the Creative Cloud Files folder - is this correct?
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I'm unable to interpret the error message as it is in a different language, Can you translate it in English so that i Can help you with this issue?
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"Impossible de charger l'emplacement de synchronisation" => unable to load synchronization folder (i think it's the good translation...)
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Hi Frederic,
Are you still facing this issue?
If yes, Please refer :
If this doesn't helps, I would recommend you to contact customer care regarding this issue : Contact Customer Care
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Moving to File Hosting, Syncing, and Collaboration
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Bonjour frederic godfrin!
I'm sorry but my reply is going to be in English so we can ensure that we get you working - you will be able to use the translate link on this reply.
I think that all you need to do is move the location of the Creative Cloud Files folder - is this correct?
I hope this gets you working - if not just send a reply and we can figure out what to do next.
If you are interested in learning more there is a whole bunch of user guides available here: Creative Cloud Learn & Support
Warmest wishes,
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Thank you... It was simple but nobody could say it to me!
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Merci .