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Creative Cloud Storage Full, but no more than 5GB of Data uploaded

Explorer ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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Since chat support once again is completely useless, I now have to rely on this forum.

My creative Cloud Storage is full. 100+GB. At least that's what Adobe has been telling me for a few years now. Today I needed to get 14 pictures from my iPad to my PC without loosing the edit settings, so a cloud might be a good solution, aye?

Well, as I said, it says it is full. I have deleted a few pictures, and some new ones were able to upload (basically exactly the amount of space I just deleted). Right now, I have a handful of PDFs uploaded, and 34 pictures exactly. Everything together should not be more than 5GB. It can not be more. Still, there are a misterious 100GB somewhere. There is no archive, there is no trash can not deleted, nothing. Everywhere I looked, the pages said: There is nothing to see here, sorry about that mate.

So, what do I do now? I've checked EVERY help article I could find, and EVERY help article, that was suggested in prior threads about this issue. I told chat support my problem, and they sent me back to the same articles, claiming: This article WILL help you. Well, it didn't, but thanks for nothing I guess.

The whole cloud in itself is a joke to me, why can't it be a simple folder design page where everything is listed. And if it's not in there, it can't count toward the storage. Would be to easy I guess.

Any suggestions? Anyone from Adobe able to actually help me, look into it and tell me where the frick I have lost 100GB?

File sync






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

Well, I was able to solve it by myself, just by accident.

The TL;DR for everything having the same issue:
The storage space was blocked by not synced pictures from my MacBook, which I couldn't finish.
Here is how I got there and solved it, it might help you, but I can't guarantee it, since the cloud seems stupid.
1. Started sync in Lightroom CLASSIC (Cloud symbol in the top right, start sync).
2. Waited until it was done, then it said in the sync settings (click the little settings gear) : Downloadin




Explorer ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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Oh, before I forget. I never use Lightroom itself, except on my phone like once a year and now for a few days on my iPad. I exclusively use Lightroom Classic, which is set up to not sync, and also can not sync since storage is full. It says: 0 Uploading, 0 Downloading, 0 Pending.





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Community Expert ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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use a web browser to navigate to the following locations. at each location there are several folders/links to check.:







if you delete anything from any of these locations, check for a deleted folder where your file(s) was (were) moved. if you want to clear space you must delete files in the deleted folder.


the used storage shown at each of those four sites (when totaled), should match the space shown used by your cc files.





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Explorer ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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Thanks for the answer. I did find a link to these earlier and checked, but also checked again.

Assets and spark do not have anything in it. 
The lightroom one has the mentioned 34 pictures, which are a total of 4GB at max if they were all from my main camera (which they are not). The deleted folder is empty, as I said, when I deleted around 100 pictures earlier from my old camera, and removed them from the deleted folder, it uploaded a dozen pictures from my new camera.
The documentcloud has the mentioned hand full of pdf files. Totalling around 6-7MB.

So overall, I have data worth 4GB or so in my cloud, but it says I used up 105.8GB form the 101GB available.
Thats my point. It doesn't make sense. The 100-ish pictures I deleted earlier today were always the only thing I had synced up, and they've been around for like 3-4 years now. And even back then I already had the error message that my cloud is full.

I could see if Premiere were to sync something without me nowing that the 100GB would be full in an instant, but I can't seem to find any video files anywhere in the links.





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Community Expert ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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Try contacting Adobe Customer Service (Make sure to sign in to your Adobe account first and allow popups and cookies on your browser. You may not be able to see the chat window if using a VPN.):
https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen will automatically open the chat window.
Type "Agent" in the chat box to bypass the chatbot and be connected to a person.

or Twitter:





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Explorer ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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Thanks, I will try twitter. The agent after the chatbot was the reason why I got here, since he wasn't able to help me at all, but only saying: Yeah mate, your cloud is full, check this help article that WILL help you (it was the one telling you where to delete files, which I did prior).





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Community Expert ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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You could try chat again and hope for a different agent.





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Community Expert ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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did you ask the agent which site and folders held the unaccounted for files?





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Explorer ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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I did, and the answer was the support page that will help me figure it out.
Yeah maybe I'll try another agent next week (support in Germany is only Mo-Fr 8am-5pm)
Twitter might point me to one anyways..





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Explorer ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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Well, I was able to solve it by myself, just by accident.

The TL;DR for everything having the same issue:
The storage space was blocked by not synced pictures from my MacBook, which I couldn't finish.
Here is how I got there and solved it, it might help you, but I can't guarantee it, since the cloud seems stupid.
1. Started sync in Lightroom CLASSIC (Cloud symbol in the top right, start sync).
2. Waited until it was done, then it said in the sync settings (click the little settings gear) : Downloading 2105 images (the ones not finishing syncing).

3. In Lightroom CC there now was a Folder called "Sync Issues" with all these images. I was now able to find out to see that these were unfinished from my MacBook from August 2019.

4. Delete all of these (select all with CTRL+A), and then in the deleted folder, go for the delete all option again.
5. Done

I really don't know why these pictures weren't shown with sync issue for over 5 five years, but only after I synced with Lightroom Classic. Just plain stupid in my opinion.

Full story I wrote while resolving the issue:
So I managed to delete some pictures from my iPad, and even though they were not synced before, I was able to sync all (now) 42 pictures I have on the iPad, so I'm fine for now in terms of being able to edit on my PC.
I synced my Lightroom Classic, to finish off my iPad edits. Usually I never sync Lightroom Classic, since I don't use the cloud at all. And I was able to download all 42 pictures from the cloud.

However, the sync screen is now showing that 2105 pictures are in line to download in Lightroom, but doing nothing. Somewhere, there seem to be over 2000 pictures uploaded, which are not able to download, and are not showing anywhere for me to go through.
On Sync activity, which I opened by accident, it shows that all of these are pictures from my MacBook. When I click on the Asset Path/Link, it shows me that the file has not finished syncing in the browser, and that it is a file from August 2019. And that I should continue to sync from my MacBook (which since has been reset at least two times, so I can't do so).
Basically, the not synced images from my MacBook are occupying the storage space. They now also show up under "Sync issues" in Lightroom web. From there I was able to select all, and delete them. Deleted them from my deleted folder as well, and would you look at that.. 4GB of 101GB used.
It's just mindboggling stupid, that this only showed up after I synced with LR Classic, and with normal LR CC it never showed up ANYWHERE.

Thanks to kglad and Peru Bob for their help anyways.





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Community Expert ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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i don't even understand that.





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