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Um ponto que me incomoda bastante e ao mesmo tempo sugestão de melhoria é padronizar funções nos aplicativos da adobe. Por exemplo, se você utiliza os apliucativos da creative cloud, seria muito mais fácil se em qualquer aplicativo que você usar pelo menos a mioria das teclas de atalho tenham a mesma função nos diferentes aplicativos, em vez de você ter que manualmente ir trocando o atalho em cada aplicativo, ou por outro lado ser forçado a decorar qual tecla de atalho vai servir pra importar um arquivo no ilustrator, qual vai fazer o mesmo no premiere, e no after, no in design e por aí vai. Também relacionado à integração, me incomoda que enquanto eu consigo converter um texto do photoshop para o after, eu não consigo fazer isso do ilustrator para o after, o que seria bem útil já que tem certas coisas que são mais práticas de fazer no ilustrator e que você vai querer manter o texto como texto editável quando for animar no after
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[Moderator moved from Using the Community forums to Creative Cloud Services.]
Do a Google search for Smart Objects in Photoshop & Illustrator.
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post in the cc desktop ideas forum
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This post has nothing to do with the CC desktop app. It's about multiple products, which as you know are handled by individual product teams -- Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects...
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it's the closest forum for this suggestion.
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it would be much easier if in any application you use at least most of the hotkeys have the same function in the different application
Adobe started to standardize many of the keyboard shortcuts when the first version of Creative Suite was released. People who had been using only one app let out screams that could be heard around the world when the shortcut they had been using for decades was changed. One example is Cmd/Ctrl+1 was a shortcut for channels in Photoshop and was changed to 100% View for consistency with other apps.
while I can convert a text from photoshop to after, I can't do it from illustrator to after, which would be very useful since there are certain things that are more practical to do in illustrator and that you will want to keep the text as editable text when animating in after
You might post this as an Idea in the After Effects forum where the developers will see it. It's a good one!