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Hola, quise entrar al Adobe Creative Cloud desde al aplicación de mi escritorio, como todos los días y me sale este mensaje:
Imposible acceder a los servidores de Adobe
Comprueba la configuración del cortafuegos, asegúrate de que la configuración de tiempo del ordenador sea la correcta e inténtalo de nuevo
No entiendo bien qué debo hacer, me puede alguien ayuda ?
Hello, I wanted to enter the Adobe Creative Cloud from the application on my desktop, like every day and I get this message:
Unable to access Adobe servers
Check the firewall settings, make sure the computer's time settings are correct, and try again
I don't understand what I should do, can someone help me?
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Hi, I also got the same problem since the latest update of Adobe CC.. Just in case, I'm using a PC running on W10 Pro x64, 2004 ver. (latest Windows 10 update). If someone can help, please let us know.
Thank y'all !
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hola tambien tengo el mismo problema y no he podido trabajar por ello si alguien nos puede dar una solucion
hello i also have the same problem and can't work for it if someone can give us a solution
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Same issue here. The servers cannot be reached. Uninstalled and installed Creative Cloud desktop app several times. With and without firewall active. Time is correctly set.
@Adobe: Any ideas?
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...well... for a reason I have no idea of it is working again.
I posting here solves my issues in the future, too... well then 🙂
My issues seems gone for now.
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i have the same prooblem.i have changed my plan and i can't download the applications because of this problem.
"Unable to access Adobe servers
Check the firewall settings, make sure the computer's time settings are correct, and try again
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Hola, pues tengo el mismo problema. Llevo toda la tarde intentándolo y nada. Me doy por vencida. ¿Alguien sabe algo más?
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Guys, I was just with Adobe Support for like 2 hours straight and had the same issue, but managed to fix it. Here's the solution. Ready?
Adobe Creative Cloud doesn't support your local OS language settings...
My case is that I'm running Windows 10 (1903, prior to update 2004) and I initally contacted Microsoft support and after a few rerolls of updates nothing worked and they told me to call Adobe Support. With them we did absolutely everything, including some Adobe console tools, which managed to delete Creative Cloud and reinstalled it... but still nothing, until I changed my Windows language settings to English and not my native language. The moment this was done Creative Cloud poped up and reconnected with the server.
Here's the link:
TLDR: Fix your Windows language settings and it will work:
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wow it works.thank you very much.but really it was so difficult to tell us that this was the problem?
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You Sir are a Hero. Language solution works...
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It worked ineed. Funny is, that the new CC didn't recognize my PS and Bridge installations and made me install 'em again. Something went really south with that version of Creative Cloud.
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Tengo mac osx 10.14
Como indican más abajo para windows, cambié el lenguaje del sistema a inglés. Si bien esto no hace desaparecer el cartel de aviso en la aplicación Creative Cloud, lo que ha ocurrido es que el icono en la derecha de la barra superior del Finder ya no está atenuado. No se si esto habrá solucionado el problema.
Aún así he creado un nuevo usuario en el ordenador como indican aquí:
Esto me ha permitido actualizar todas las aplicaciones desde el nuevo usario.
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Hola encontre esta solución me acaba de pasar y encontre la solución en YouTube: Like si les ayuda.
How to fix: Error: Unable to reach Adobe servers (Adobe Creative Cloud) - YouTube
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the previous youtube post repeats the windows defender fix. ie, reset your windows defender (in the control panel) to default.
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Works perfect for me. Thanks
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good to hear!