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Creative Cloud's intrusions

Explorer ,
Sep 21, 2020 Sep 21, 2020

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Dear Adobe:

I have just downloaded and read your document "Which Adobe background processes are required for my apps?" I read it all the way through, and none of this applies to my work and application environment. I do not consider my applications to be "apps". Apps are for iPhones and Androids. Computers run applications.

Having stood by Adobe since Illustrator 88 came out, I like to think I should have had something to say about it when Adobe unilaterally began intruding directly and duplicitously into my operating system and application usage. I do not need "Core Sync" and "Adobe Desktop Service" and anything related to them. They bring my workflow to a halt while they do their snooping. I should be able to disable all of these Creative Cloud intrusions without Adobe disabling my usage of InDesign CC, as long as I keep paying the rental fee every month.

I do not, intentionally, use any Cloud-based applications or supposedly "free" use of Cloud-based fonts or images. I've been forced to pay to rent the current InDesign application because I'm a book designer, and InDesign is the best application currently available for this work, universally accepted by all my clients and printers.

My massively powerful and fast 2010 MacPro 8-core tower chews through enormous Photoshop CS6 (which fortunately still works flawlessly and has everything I need) files almost instantly. On the other hand, despite my relatively high-speed internet connection, Adobe regularly brings my work to a halt while it snoops around my active processes and, apparently, applications and private data residing on my internal hard drive. I guess Adobe thinks it would be "easier" if I just drank the kool-aid and entrusted all of my work and applications to "the cloud."

Adobe needs to stop treating its customers like we're all just a bunch of thieves and idiots. This is not a strong long-term business model and you will eventually find yourselves following QuarkXpress down the memory hole. (Affinity is out to eat your lunch, if you haven't noticed it yet.) That would be a shame. Well-deserved, but still a shame.

I do not place any of my files in any cloud storage system. I buy all my fonts from legal 3rd party vendors and keep them on my hard drive. I believe the "cloud" is unsafe to store my data, no matter how simple it is to use. I don't care what the uber-geeks think, I've been employed in computerized graphic arts production since long before the MacPlus was released (look up "Genigraphics" and "Compugraphic" sometime) and you will never convince me that sitting back and twiddling my thumbs while Adobe takes-over and ransacks my computer looking for something they can wag their finger at me for is a legitimate, rational, business model.

Jeff Schalles

File sync






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Sep 21, 2020 Sep 21, 2020

I will do that as well. I don't expect Adobe will care, but I thought some users on this forum might get some insight from my remarks.




Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2020 Sep 21, 2020

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these are user-to-user forums.  post suggestions here, https://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html





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Explorer ,
Sep 21, 2020 Sep 21, 2020

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I will do that as well. I don't expect Adobe will care, but I thought some users on this forum might get some insight from my remarks.






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