Adobe Digital Editions – Anonymous Activation
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If you do not have an Adobe id, and want to get right to reading the book, you can choose to authorize your device without an ID. You can continue to download and read all books in this utopian environment, as long as you don’t need to transfer these books to a different device, or you de-authorize ADE.
Now if you wish to do one of the above, and still preserve access to the books you’ve currently downloaded, follow the steps below:
So this gives rise to the question: If I have activated ADE without an ID, is there a way to activate with an Adobe ID and continue reading books fulfilled using the anonymous account, and also move the books to other devices? The answer is YES, but there is a catch.
You can achieve it and activate ADE again directly without de-authorizing the existing anonymous account. The catch here is, it should be a fresh Adobe ID which is not activated on any other device or computer.
"I have an Adobe ID and am using it on another machine. Is it possible to associate the existing ID with the anonymous account?”
No, because once an ID is activated, a unique UUID will get associated with this user account. In the fresh ID case, it will be associated with the UUID of the Anonymous account.
“Do I have to maintain both the accounts?”
You can join your existing account with the newly created account, which will allow devices activated with one Adobe ID (or Vendor ID) to read books previously fulfilled with another Adobe ID (or Vendor ID).
"I have de-authorized anonymous activation without activating it with new Adobe ID and lost access to my books fulfilled on my PC with anonymous activation". Can I access the books again?"
No, you must get a new acsm file from the vendor and fulfill again.
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Please Help, i have a kobo reader and bought a eBook via Takealot, however after down loading the book to my PC the book does not want to open. I have installed ADE and authorized my labtop
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May I know the ADE version you are using?
Are you getting any error message while opening the book?
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hen I tranfer book fron Adobe to my reader amesage tell: My reader is not autorize to open that book
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I have the same problem. Who can help with an answer please.
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quote: "I have de-authorized anonymous activation without activating it with new Adobe ID and lost access to my books fulfilled on my PC with anonymous activation". Can I access the books again?"
No, you must get a new acsm file from the vendor and fulfill again.
have same issue....
i tried downloading the acsm file again and again but program keeps saying unauthorized. bought book and downloading from rakuten kobo.. please help
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I am using my ADE to read ebooks from Google just fine, but I have a question that has been driving me a bit mad.
How does ADE "know" about my Google account?
My Adobe ID is a totally different email address, but I am able to download the ACSM files and read them just fine.
How does that work?
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I apparently have authorised another device with my Adobe ID. Can I remove that device from my Adobe ID and authorise another device?
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And I believe that I need to create an new Adobe ID. I need to therefore create a new account with a different E-mail?
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ok, so I downloaded a textbook onto my computer through ADE, but accidentally forgot to associate it with my adobe ID , so I can only access it on my computer, but I need access to it on multiple devices. Is there a way to reverse this so I can have the book tied to my adobe ID??
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Epubsoft can resolve this problem and alow access to ALL devices.
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Hi @Saurav_Ghosh ,
I have the same question as @Lara5EC6 but I see there hasn't been a response to it yet, so I'll ask again :). I initially thought I didn't need to connect my account when I installed Adobe Digital Editions, but it now turns out I do. However, when I try to authorize my computer, I cannot click on this option in the menu (see screenshot below). How can I change this?
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I did this with a purchased ebook but i now need too add it to my account so i can access it on other devices.
Is there a way to do this without repurchasing it?
Also, I'm using adobe on a mac for the first time and there is no way to log into my account on the application
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If you want to download a library book Adobe has made it impossible to download ADE 3.0 which was the only thing that worked for Kobo. Solution: buy a Kindle. Seemless when you want to read library books. Obviously Adobe and Kobo have a deal so that library download won't work anymore and you are forced to buy overpriced Kobo books. #boycottKOBO, #boycottADOBE
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I'm so glad you pinned this announcement. I had a hard drive failure and could not deauthorize ADE so it didn't count against my maximum authorizations. Customer service agent said he could not do it because "ADE is a free product we do not support" even though the ADE help pages say they should be able to. I never transfer DRM-protected content between devices, so this is a perfect solution for me (that and avoiding anything requiring ADE to begin with).
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Can you please help? I have ADE and a B&N Nook Simple Touch. Computer is Win10. Since moving to this version of ADE, I can download books from my library as normal, transfer them to the Nook as normal, but when I attempt to open the books on my Nook, it keeps attempting to connect to WiFi instead of opening the book.
I did not have this issue on the previous version of ADE, but unfortunately, this is a work computer and this version of ADE is the only one I have access to.
Any advice?? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
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Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider plus en me donnant plus de détails svp et j'utilise un Mac et c'est pour ma liseuse Kobo. Merci.
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I made the mistake of de-authorizing my anonymous activation. However, I only lost access to the book I fulfilled through that device (PC) and the other book I fulfilled through another device is still accessible on the PC. What does this mean in terms of my PC's Adobe Digital Editions? I know that I cannot access that lost book again, but can I re-authorize my Adobe Digital Editions with an existing ID this time like so:
Will doing this cause any problems? After my experience of loosing access to my book just because I was trying to make it accessible to other devices (but took the wrong route of de-authorizing my anonymous activation, which resulted in lost access), I'm wondering if I should just make a new Adobe ID. I feel like my ID is messed up now and wondering if it is?
Finally, why is the book I fulfilled on another device still accesible on my PC, even after the whole de-authorizing an anonymous activation situation?
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Paragraph 2 of the main post by the helpful-wishing Adobe employee says follow the steps below, which is immediately followed by a screen pic that is partly illegible on my computers, so not clear what the steps are. They appear to be whatever is in the screen shot and are not the steps that follow the mystery screen pic, as he writes after the mystery picture, "This (ie, the mystery steps) gives rise to the question ..."
He goes on to say, "You can join your existing account with the newly created account", as the solution to using different accounts with different devices/books, yet achieving portability. However, he doesn't state how you join the two accounts, so doing so sounds like an operation improbable of success for an ordinary user.
I have wrestled over the years, with long gaps, with this system and used a great deal of time and spent money on books, some of which have disappeared into the ether and others of which I can access only on a retired device. My latest version was buying books for Kobo, but I found I couldn't access them on Kobo, thought I was lucky to find them also in Adobe Digital Editions (which is a clumsy way to read) on a now almost disused old computer.
Like others who comment here, I'm not succeeding in using on multiple devices and it looks, as the Adobe Employee says, that I will need to re-acquire them form the vendors if I wish to read them.
Adobe doubtless earns revenues from the publishers for the security over copying that the Adobe sytem provides, or if the system was easy and not diabolical to use, should. Yet despite the probable revenue stream, the system is non-functional. In contrast, I've used Kindle on two Kindles, an iPad, at least 2 phones and a computer, with no problems moving from device to device as I read. With Kobo and Adobe Digital editions I've never had time to read more than a few pages, as so much time goes into access that it is just too hard.
Last night I had some online chat, which was nice to get, though essentially unproductive. The chat simply gave me links to reference material. Some of it was totally irrelevant, about entirely different Adobe products. None of it solved the problems, though I learned a bit more about how ADE works, but not enough.
I do hope someone from Adobe reads and does something about this. However, I suspect like most big companies, Adobe will (unfortunately) have little true interest in their users' problems because so much else that they do does work, perhaps not as well as it ought, but works. However, here's hoping, Adobe.
Stephen Page
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I'm having these same thoughts. They need to update their customer service model but probably won't. How many of these questions have gone unanswered. For years even.
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Good evening. I bought a book. Unfortunately it has an adobe drm that don't allow me to read it.
It is a loss of time. You will send me the epub file i don't want to download anythingmore from adobe. This is an order. And quickly.
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mine is grayed out and wont let me authorize user at all. please help
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I ceraste an account, and adobe ID (ADE4.5) , I bougth a acsm link, it doesn't connect to adobe server.
no way to solve it.
no support available, no chat starting... the worst site ever found.
So I lost my money.
I'll never buy something from adobe.
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You said above: "You can join your existing account with the newly created account, which will allow devices activated with one Adobe ID (or Vendor ID) to read books previously fulfilled with another Adobe ID (or Vendor ID)." How do I join the accounts?