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I have just installed Adobe Digital Editions, and the arrow keys are not working at all. In other words, when I press the down, up, left or right arrow keys, nothing happens - no scrolling at all. I tried scrolling on a PDF e-book and a sample e-book, with the same result. This makes reading an e-book very difficult.
What can I do to make my arrow keys work?
Thanks very much.
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This seems to be an ongoing issue. I never had this problem on my Windows 7 PC, but now on Windows 10 using ADE version 4.5.3 162045 the arrow keys won't navigate through pages.
I've read questions about this issue dating back to version 1.5 in 2008. Why hasn't this been fixed in all these years and all these versions?
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I just installed Digital Editions to review a book before publication. But the arrow keys for navigation don't work. I can swipe to change pages, but it only goes backwards, not forwards. Looks like this is a very old issue - why hasn't it been addressed?
(Mac OS X 10.12.3, Digital Editions
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Having this issue too! What the heck?!? Fix this Adobe!!!
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Yep, same here. Page up and down and mouse wheel seem to work OK, but arrow keys leave ADE unresponsive and then then jumping to the last page. Poor show, and glad I'm only looking at a library book; I'd be pretty annoyed if I'd had to pay for the book or the software.
A welcome reminder to avoid Adobe and anything reliant on it!
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Had the same issue on my previous touch-screen PC in the fall of 2016. Eventually got an actual mouse (hadn't used one in years) and that helped, but was still a pain as I don't use them for anything else and it was not user friendly for comfortable reading. I just got a new 2 in 1 and downloaded ADE to access the previous book and see that this is still a problem, not just for me, but that it hasn't yet been addressed from a post over 6 months ago. Also, I can't scroll using the touch screen either. I really am only able to move through the pages by using the scroll bar or using an actual mouse. Perhaps there is a setting issue, but I would expect some suggestion from Adobe by now. Also, I thought maybe this was just an issue for PC, but see that it has also been an issue for Mac. I would prefer to use ADE, but unless this issue is addressed and resolved, future book purchases will not be ADE. Adobe, please help.
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Enable Windows 7 compatibility option in explorer. Then arrow keys will work.
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This is the only solution I have found as well. Very frustrating. Arrow keys work in "Windows 8" compatibility mode as well. Just sad that we have to tell an Adobe program in 2024 to run as if it were 2012. I worry what else will break in that mode.
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Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I am having the same problem, cant seem to find a solution. Thank you!
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This is the solution, folks!
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I found that changing the page view changes what keys you can use to get to the next page. In "Fit Width", I could scroll using the mouse and up/down keys. In "Fit Page", I could use the right/left keys to go back or forward. It's a very annoying condition because fitting the page means the text becomes small and hard to read, but that's how it is (for now).
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After all these years, this is still an issue! Fit Width means up down work the same as PgUp and PgDn, which is to say, not the way you'd expect. I just want to scroll up and down like a normal person, not skip the rest of the page I haven't read yet. I really wish Adobe didn't have a monopoly on this.
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I found that if you hover over the bar that shows your page number, arrows and scrolling on the mouse will change the page, if you are not hoving over the bar, page up and page down are your only options outside of clicking the arrow to turn pages.
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This is still a problem in August 2024. Why hasn't this been fixed????