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Authorizing my computer so I can use on multiple devices

New Here ,
Jun 15, 2021 Jun 15, 2021

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Hoping someone could help my situation. OK so I have ADE as an active plan. I know for a fact that my Adobe ID and Password are correct because I am logged in talking to the Chat folks as we speak. But it still won't let me authorize my computer so I can share my books across multiple devices. It says "you can only authorize this computer with an Adobe ID that hasn't previously been used to authorize any other computer or mobile devices. Please Try again."


I found a solution thats says I can try de-activating but it says "If you made any purchases with the anonymous ID, contact the eBook provider to reset the activation information. Then, redownload the purchase and it is tied to the currently activated ID."  BUT I can not lose these books and the ebook provider can not be contacted anymore so that is not a viable solution for me. 


There must be another solution or is ADE just really that not well thought out?


Thnak you.








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