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Can't authorize computer (slightly different question / issue)

New Here ,
Dec 30, 2023 Dec 30, 2023

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Hi, I'm having a typical problem with a twist, and wondering if someone can help.

I'm trying to authorize my Mac with Overdrive. I installed ADE 4.5 successfully (even though my Mac OS is old - El Capitan), but when I try to authorize my computer, I get the typical error message "Incorrect login ID or password for the selected eBook vendor. Please try again".

I use Libby on my Android phone, but my Libby login info didn't work, so I tried my Gmail login, and that didn't work. Is this supposed to be my Adobe ID and password? I thought it was supposed to be the same password I use to get books, which is my Overdrive / Libby information. I also thought that special characters don't work, so what do you do about the @ in an email address?

[Not sure this is related, but I tried to copy my Libby settings from my phone to my Mac (In Libby, the "copy to another device" option), but when I tried to enter the 8 digit code onto my Mac, it didn't work, even though I typed the number correctly multiple times. Maybe that's what's wrong...]







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