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Ok, I'm well aware that there are already a number of posts referring to this exact same issue, and that there is an existing workaround, but I'm creating this new post anyway. Consider this more of a bug report directed at Adobe than a post asking for a workaround. Point is, I want the bug to get fixed for good, not to be pointed to a workaround that just allows the
In short, when trying to authorize ADE on my Mac using my Adobe ID and password, I keep getting an error: E_AUTH_INVALID_KEY_DATA.
The underlying cause of the issue seems to be very long, auto-generated passwords from password managers – see this post here. I'm not 100% sure that the linked issue from 2016 is the exact same one I'm running into, but replies as recent as January 2022 indicate that password length appears to be the issue. I haven't tried shortening my Adobe password yet, but honestly I'd rather not make sacrifices to security because of a bug in one particular program.
In any case, this bug needs to be fixed. For now I'm just going to authorize without an Adobe ID - asking me to change my password which works in literally every other Adobe application is not an acceptable solution.
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