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How can I find out what Email is connected to a uuid?

New Here ,
Nov 06, 2022 Nov 06, 2022

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Unfortunately, there is some chaos with my Adobe id's and uuids. 

I used to have a pocketbook, that somehow created multiple Adobe id's through the pocketbook cloud. When that Pocketbook broke a few years ago I got a used Tolino E-reader that I somehow needed to connected to a different ID (I guess because it didn't connect to the pocketbook IDs?)  I don't remember what I did there, I just remember that it was confusing but that I somehow got it to work with the ability to have all my books on that device.


So last week I also lost that e reader and wanted to install ADE on my smartphone to access my books from there but I can't figure out what is the right ID. ADE on my computer is still connected to the right ID but in the authorizing information I can only see the uuid that it's connected to but not the email address. And that is a different uuid than any of the three that are somehow connected to the pocketbook cloud that I can still access (without any of my books). 


There is one email address that I can log in on the Adobe homepage, but I am not sure which uuid that is connected to because I didn't find any place where I can access that information on the Adobe homepage. 


I can also authorize the ADE Android app with that ID but it wouldn't show the uuid either and I can't access any of my books when I log in with that email address.


So I can access my books on the ADE desktop version but I can't figure out how to log in on any other device with that ID because I just know the uuid it is connected to but not the Email address and all the apps and services only show either the Email address or the uuid.


How can I find out what Email address a uuid is connected to?


I'm sorry, if this question is awfully confusing. But that reflects very well how I feel. And I just wanted to buy and read another ebook on a relaxed Sunday morning without going through all of that annoying tech stuff and potentially loosing all the books that I have bought in the past and paid a lot of money for.

ACSM files , ADE authorization






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New Here ,
Nov 15, 2022 Nov 15, 2022

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I have very close to the same question. I have installed ADE 4.5.11... and authorized my laptop (Windows 11). I used the Play interface in Chrome and exported an ACSM file to my laptop.  ADE will not open the book. I attached a screenshot of the error message. I only have one account with Adobe. ADE shows me I the Adobe ID that I have been assigned, so everything that I can find looks ok to me. (Many years ago I did have another Adobe account with another email, but I have not used it in the last 10 years or so.)


 ADE Screenshot 2022-11-14 09.22.07.png





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