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Moving Digital Editions between authorized computers -- missing step notes

New Here ,
Oct 15, 2022 Oct 15, 2022

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The approximate solution for moving your authorized books between authorized computers is to copy the content of .\Documents\My Digital Editions from one computer to another -- but important details are missing.   Should you merge or merely overwrite all folders with copy, i.e. the tag folder?   Is there any chance you'll knock out a duplicated entry?   Worse yet,  Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.11 has no help entries about these specific details.   If you attempt to chat with support, they tell you support ended.   On the File menu, there is not even an import library, to assist you.   Computer savvy users with some DOS and file manager skills can take guesses, but this is a severe omission in docuemtation and support.   Adobe is asking us to respect to DRM, but Adobe has no respect for end users.  Their total lack of any rudimentary features that are promised to end users is disrepectful.


While I am sympathetic to authors wanting to manage their books, and the cost of  chat support, the complete omission of important steps and features has gone too far.     If a DRM promises you that registration will allow you to move your ebooks, it ought to:  have an import/export command, have a series of help entries that point you to the exact details for how to do it so as not to corrupt a library by overwriting key tags and manifest files that may require a merge vs. overwrite and allow chat support for this promised basic feature.   








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