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Need help with ebook authorizing

New Here ,
Dec 18, 2021 Dec 18, 2021

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I bought an ebook and I received the .acsm file. I installed ADE on my MacBook and loaded the file into the library. I was able to open the ebook on my computer.

Then, I wanted to transfer the file into my pocketbook. No success there, I can't open it, my pocketbook says E_LIC_ALREADY_FULFILLED_BY_ANOTHER_USER.

I thought there was an issue with my Adobe ID. So I deauthorized my computer and authorized it again with my Adobe ID. Now, there is an error saying that the book is licensed for another user, even on my computer.

I bought the book less than one hour ago and I can't open it anywhere. I'm really lost right now, what can I do?

I still have the urn:uuid license number from when I first opened it on my laptop, I don't know if that can help.







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