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? on what do i put in for vendor in Erasing Authorization

Community Beginner ,
Dec 25, 2022 Dec 25, 2022

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Hi - i'm having issues downloading a epub to read on ADOBE Digital Editions.  To fix this, i am trying to erase the authorization and reset it.   However, i have no idea what to put in for the vndor ID.  Is this my library user ID?   Or something else.    Any advice would be appreciated.   Pic2 - adobe digitla.jpg






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Community Beginner ,
Dec 28, 2022 Dec 28, 2022

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HI ---  I posted this several days ago but no reply.  I have since figured out that i am supposed to put my ADOBE ID into the vendor field.   I have done this and it still give me this error "uaable to erase authorization.  Please try after some time."   I have unstalled ADE from my computer.  Cleared out all cookies and cleaned my cache from chrome browser.    When i re-install , it still give me this error.  I reached out to ADOBE customer service and they basically said , we can't help you, bc is not a product we support...     Can someone who is knowledgeable tell me how to wipe this out of mac so i can do a install it clean..  Even when i erase the app, and reinstall ---.. i notice that it actually loads my prior ebooks i've read as history.. some how it is recognizing the old acct info.      I just want this to work and am hitting a wall on how to fix this.  I've spetn 6 hours already trying everythign under the sun to fix this... 

  Pic adobe error.jpg





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 28, 2022 Dec 28, 2022

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So after 5-6 hours of chat time and researching this thru threads --- i have figured it out and am posting answers to this save other poor soul with similar problem the grief of having to fig this out bc ADOBE customer service won't tell you how to do it.  So for some reason, ADE even after deleting it, will still retain some ghost authorization data.  To complete reset this, on. mac you need to find the application.dat file which is hidden file on MAC in your application support Library.  To access this follow the steps outline in the 2 pictures i have inserted below.  Go to Finder , Choose Go to Folder and type in ~/Library and click go...   this will bring up the 2nd screenshot .  You need to find teh ADOBE / Digiutal Editions Folder / .  Then look for Activation.dat file, and  move to your trash.  Quit all applications, then restart Adobe Digital Editions... and it should give you a completely clean steps to authorize your pc (like it was new).  At least that is worked for me.        I hope this saves someone the 5 hours of aggravation i had to ensure to figure this out, which took  literally took  5 min to implement.   

Pic 1.jpgpic 2.jpg





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