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One email address with two urn:uuid number

New Here ,
Dec 28, 2020 Dec 28, 2020

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Most of my epub files have been bought and downloaded with an Adobe ID '( = my email address) , that I have apparently lost.

But I have always used the same email address for adobe ID.

I can see in the directory ...\My Digital Editions\Manifest, in the xml files my adobe ID : urn:uuid:deb62d10-3118-4b62-bf9f-a90498896200

Recently, following the last ADE update, I remove the authorization from my pc , and reactivate a new time the authorization with the same Adobe ID (=email address ) than previously, but the urn:iuuid is no more the same number

It's two different urn:uuid with one email address ( see files attached, screen capture from a long time with the initial  number , and the new one)

I get now the famous "E_LIC_ALREADY_FULFILLED_BY_ANOTHER_USER" error, with "URLLink.acsm".

and I cannot open anymore with ADE most of my epub files.

My bookseller refuse to send me again the ascm links for all my ebooks ( more than fifty book ). Only 2 or 3 books they told me.
Is there a solution to recovre the initial urn:uuid ?












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