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"Errors were encountered in this item"

New Here ,
Apr 07, 2021 Apr 07, 2021

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I've recently started managing an online eBook retail store that makes use of Adobe protected content so our customers use Digital Editions to access the books. I've had 3 cases within the last hour of people reporting the same error and I haven't found a single solution or help from Adobe. 

I've had them uninstall and reinstall the software, but it still doesn't work. 

The issue is also only occuring on their PC. I've had them install the app on their phone/tablet and then it works fine, however, for some reason the PC is where the issue is every time.

They've also gone through the support steps found on Adobe and verified their versions of Digital Editions, but they still cant access their books on their PC's


Is there anyone that has a fix for this? This is extremely fruststrating and embarassing since I have no exact fix to give my customers






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