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I am trying to troubleshoot an error of :
Error getting License. License Server Communication Problem:
According to other feedback you need to erase authorization and then redo it to get this error to go away. My issue is that when the window opens for (command-shift-D and it has my Authorized user correct, and asks for password. I input my Adobe password and says it is the incorrect password. I have gone onto the main Adobe site and changed my password; reloaded Adobe digitial editions; restarted computer...
Still get the same error when I try and download a book. Any ideas?
Even tried to do command-shift-u which is supposed to open the authorization window, this does not work.
I've figured it out!
Type (exactly):
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Digital Editions/
Delete the activation.dat file in the Digital Editions folder.
Then open ADE again and re-authorize. Hope this helps!
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THANKS SO MUCH! I battled with this for two days. May 2020 bring you lots of joy!