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Aura 2 won't authorize device

New Here ,
Jul 30, 2020 Jul 30, 2020

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I got a Kobo because some ebooks won't open on my Sony because of the size of some chapters. The Sony Reader app is a much better app. Trying to get a library book onto the Kobo seems like an exercise in futility. I keep getting a message that my device isn't authorized. Sometimes I can load a book from ADE onto the Kobo with no problems and sometimes I can't. I have reinstalled ADE, tried using a differnt USB port, plugged in the reader and then open and downloading the book. I can open the book on the computerwhen I click on the device in the app. I have tried the device authorization but that fails, too. I am so frustrated by how user unfriendly and inconsistent ADE is. The Sony Reader app is as easy as this is difficult. 







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