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Vendor ID problems when opening e-book

New Here ,
Jul 27, 2020 Jul 27, 2020

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I purchased an Adobe Digital Editions ePub e-book in 2017. Since then, I've changed Adobe accounts (due to work) and had to reinstall Windows on my laptop. I tried to open the book again recently. I've done what I can to track down Adobe logins for every email address I have, and keep getting the same error message when I enter them: the book is associated with a different Vendor ID.


On this help page of Adobe's website, it says, "If you have multiple email accounts or changed your email address since you originally purchased, try using your other or previous email address. If you are unclear which email address is associated with your current membership or purchased product, contact us." I contacted Adobe multiple times and was told to post my issue here and to wait for a response.


Is there some way to figure out which Vendor ID is associated with this book? Or a way to reset the book file somehow?


I have Windows 10.

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