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I am having to create and animated, 3d model of the larynx for one of my classes. I have used Dimension to take apart the pieces, so that I could rebuild it in Aero and then animate it, but because Aero is a beta (I'm guessing this is the problem) our files never save correctly or the parts disappear. Then I tried just using Dimension and then I was going to try to use After Effects to animate it and I can't download the correct format of file from Dimension in order for it to be used in After Effect. Honestly, any help or advice or pointers; anything would be greatly appreciated!
when parts of your files disappear on trasfer its normally because the drivers have changed over the years and converting doesn't work right anymore:
you are trying to use Dimension and Aero together but the team that controls these two softwares (3 counting After Effects) don't talk to each other before making changes so the work flow gets errors. the point of exporting as Glb is because its an old standard (that Adobe can't change) ... as a Mac user your 3D options are very limited (mostly old
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Try exporting from Dimension as a Glb then convert that to Fbx in one of the free 3rd party system like 3D paint (default Windows 10 software) for use in Areo... That should get around the driver issues
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Ok, so I can't seem to get 3D paint on my Mac.. do you have any other suggestions?
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You can use or any other online 3d services to upload file and download other format. Or use Adobe Photoshop to animate it and export in different format.
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If you want to use character animations use
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when parts of your files disappear on trasfer its normally because the drivers have changed over the years and converting doesn't work right anymore:
you are trying to use Dimension and Aero together but the team that controls these two softwares (3 counting After Effects) don't talk to each other before making changes so the work flow gets errors. the point of exporting as Glb is because its an old standard (that Adobe can't change) ... as a Mac user your 3D options are very limited (mostly older) software and you need to test which 3rd party options give the results you want. actually understanding why one work flow breaks and another works will take time mate and also keep changing 😉
p.s, here is another example of using Dimension Glb files to fix an older model