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This may just be a restriction I am unaware of but have yet to find anything in the discussions about this. I have encountered a bug where Dimension "requires a restart" when the camera position is set to 0-0-0. This is an unsual restriction I have never seen in any other 3D model rendering program.
Here is the log. The error occurs right as the last dimension is entered.
gbl Info 789ms> Pepper PID: 13096
gbl Info 790ms> Build Info: git_commit_hash: 0f693b0ede4f4f878c948589cb1cd200001139cd
gbl Info 790ms> Build Info: compilation_timestamp: 2022-12-01 17:35:52.882000
gbl Info 790ms> Build Info: build_version: 3.4.7-20221201.r.4054-0f693b0
gbl Info 790ms> System Info: CPU Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz
gbl Info 790ms> System Info: CPU Speed: 2195 MHz
gbl Info 790ms> System Info: CPU Physical Core Count: 2
gbl Info 790ms> System Info: CPU Logical Core Count: 4
gbl Info 790ms> System Info: CPU SSE4.2/AVX/AVX2 Capability: 1/1/1
gbl Info 790ms> System Info: RAM: 7 GB, (8,106 MB, 8,499,900,416 bytes)
gbl Info 790ms> System Info: OS: Windows 0.0.0
pie_api Info 1345ms> Setting PIE Plugins Path to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\Plug-ins
pie_api Info 1346ms> Setting PIE "typesupport" Path to C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Dimension/typesupport
pie_api Info 1346ms> Setting PIE CSF File to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\Resources\common\color_profiles\dimension_default_color_profiles.csf
pie_api Info 1346ms> Initializing PIE, Searching for Plugins at C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\Plug-ins
gbl Info 1652ms> PIE Initialized with serial_executor thread of ID:3596
gbl Info 1652ms> PIE Serial Executor is running in a SEPARATE thread
pie_api Info 1652ms> Initializing the Default Color Spaces from a CSF File...
pie_api Info 1671ms> Initialized Default Color Spaces from file `C:/Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\Resources\common\color_profiles\dimension_default_color_profiles.csf`
pie_api Info 1671ms> PIE Initialized
pie_api Info 1671ms> Initializing PDFL...
pie_api Info 1683ms> PDFL Initialized
pie_api Info 1683ms> STUB: Setting PIE Temp Path to C:\Users\danie\AppData\Local\Temp (doesn't actually set anything right now)
gbl Info 1683ms> Font Scan: Initializing...
gbl Info 1990ms> Font Scan: Initializing...266 font families detected
gbl Warn 2424ms> Font Scan: Font `Bahnschrift` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 2425ms> Font Scan: Family Bahnschrift did not have any valid fonts, will not be added.
gbl Warn 2623ms> Font Scan: Font `Courier` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 2623ms> Font Scan: Family Courier did not have any valid fonts, will not be added.
gbl Warn 2643ms> Font Scan: Font `Fixedsys` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 2644ms> Font Scan: Family Fixedsys did not have any valid fonts, will not be added.
gbl Warn 2789ms> Font Scan: Font `Montserrat-Thin` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 2790ms> Font Scan: Font `Montserrat-Medium` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 2791ms> Font Scan: Font `Montserrat-SemiBold` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 2792ms> Font Scan: Font `Montserrat-ExtraBold` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 2792ms> Font Scan: Family Montserrat did not have any valid fonts, will not be added.
gbl Warn 2801ms> Font Scan: Font `MS Sans Serif` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 2801ms> Font Scan: Family MS Sans Serif did not have any valid fonts, will not be added.
gbl Warn 2802ms> Font Scan: Font `MS Serif` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 2802ms> Font Scan: Family MS Serif did not have any valid fonts, will not be added.
gbl Warn 3034ms> Font Scan: Font `Small Fonts` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 3034ms> Font Scan: Family Small Fonts did not have any valid fonts, will not be added.
gbl Warn 3057ms> Font Scan: Font `System` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 3057ms> Font Scan: Family System did not have any valid fonts, will not be added.
gbl Warn 3070ms> Font Scan: Font `Terminal` detected by CoolType, but PIE says it's not available, skipping...
gbl Warn 3070ms> Font Scan: Family Terminal did not have any valid fonts, will not be added.
gbl Info 3335ms> Font Scan: Complete (257 families, 563 fonts)
gbl Info 3351ms> EUTaskManager:Hooking up element's TaskManager
gbl Info 3396ms> Locale from frontend reported: 'en-US'
gbl Info 3397ms> [embree] creating scene: old_hash=AAAAAAAAAAA=
gbl Info 3400ms> load_3d_model_obj(""C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\resources\common\obj\BooleanConeOuter.obj"")
gbl Perf 3402ms> tinyobj::load_obj: 0.0020523 seconds.
gbl Perf 3402ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion: 0.0003354 seconds.
gbl Info 3402ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion printout:
gbl Perf 3402ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.846900 msec
gbl Perf 3402ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.865000 msec
gbl Info 3403ms> load_3d_model_obj(""C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\resources\common\obj\BooleanConeInner.obj"")
gbl Perf 3405ms> tinyobj::load_obj: 0.0018803 seconds.
gbl Perf 3405ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion: 0.0002805 seconds.
gbl Info 3405ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion printout:
gbl Perf 3405ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.551300 msec
gbl Perf 3405ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.566400 msec
gbl Info 3406ms> load_3d_model_obj(""C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\resources\common\obj\BooleanConeCollider.obj"")
gbl Perf 3409ms> tinyobj::load_obj: 0.0022303 seconds.
gbl Perf 3409ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion: 0.0002839 seconds.
gbl Info 3409ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion printout:
gbl Perf 3409ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.905300 msec
gbl Perf 3409ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.921100 msec
gbl Info 3411ms> load_3d_model_obj(""C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\resources\common\obj\BooleanConeOuter.obj"")
gbl Perf 3413ms> tinyobj::load_obj: 0.0018133 seconds.
gbl Perf 3414ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion: 0.0003316 seconds.
gbl Info 3414ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion printout:
gbl Perf 3414ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.753100 msec
gbl Perf 3414ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.768000 msec
gbl Info 3414ms> load_3d_model_obj(""C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\resources\common\obj\BooleanConeInner.obj"")
gbl Perf 3416ms> tinyobj::load_obj: 0.0018125 seconds.
gbl Perf 3416ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion: 0.0002753 seconds.
gbl Info 3416ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion printout:
gbl Perf 3417ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.527500 msec
gbl Perf 3417ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.561400 msec
gbl Info 3419ms> load_3d_model_obj(""C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\resources\common\obj\BooleanConeCollider.obj"")
gbl Perf 3422ms> tinyobj::load_obj: 0.0030725 seconds.
gbl Perf 3422ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion: 0.0002927 seconds.
gbl Info 3422ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion printout:
gbl Perf 3422ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 3.899900 msec
gbl Perf 3422ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 3.915200 msec
gbl Info 3424ms> load_3d_model_obj(""C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\resources\common\obj\BooleanConeOuter.obj"")
gbl Perf 3426ms> tinyobj::load_obj: 0.0020281 seconds.
gbl Perf 3427ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion: 0.0003307 seconds.
gbl Info 3427ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion printout:
gbl Perf 3427ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.924000 msec
gbl Perf 3427ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 3.053100 msec
gbl Info 3428ms> load_3d_model_obj(""C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\resources\common\obj\BooleanConeInner.obj"")
gbl Perf 3430ms> tinyobj::load_obj: 0.0022549 seconds.
gbl Perf 3430ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion: 0.000285 seconds.
gbl Info 3430ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion printout:
gbl Perf 3430ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 3.136300 msec
gbl Perf 3430ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 3.161400 msec
gbl Info 3432ms> load_3d_model_obj(""C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dimension\resources\common\obj\BooleanConeCollider.obj"")
gbl Perf 3434ms> tinyobj::load_obj: 0.0022346 seconds.
gbl Perf 3435ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion: 0.0002778 seconds.
gbl Info 3435ms> conversion::load_3d_model_obj conversion printout:
gbl Perf 3435ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.965400 msec
gbl Perf 3435ms> method "Mesh Decoding" took 2.981500 msec
pie_api Info 3512ms> Known ICC Profiles JSON file: C:\Users\danie\AppData\Roaming\Dimension CC\known_icc_profiles.json
licensing Info 3878ms> workflow:
gbl Info 3928ms> ****** POEKHALI: Creating a Surface GL Context!
gpu-brdg Info 3928ms> GlSurfaceWin::InitWindow
gpu-brdg Info 3930ms> GetDC(baseOpenGlContextWindow_)
gpu-brdg Info 3930ms> SetupPixelFormat(baseDeviceContext_)
gpu-brdg Info 3939ms> wglCreateContext(baseDeviceContext_)
gpu-brdg Info 3946ms> wglMakeCurrent(baseDeviceContext_, baseRenderingContext_);
gpu-brdg Info 3949ms> GLAD Loading GL Extensions
gpu-brdg Info 3949ms> GLAD Loading WGL Extensions
gpu-brdg Info 3950ms> Printing GL Version
gpu-brdg Info 3950ms> GL_VERSION 4.4.0 - Build
gpu-brdg Info 3950ms> GL_RENDERER Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
gpu-brdg Info 3950ms> openGlContextWindow_ = GlSurfaceWin::InitWindow()
gpu-brdg Info 3951ms> GetDC(openGlContextWindow_)
gpu-brdg Info 3951ms> SetupPixelFormat(deviceContext_)
gpu-brdg Info 3953ms> Calling wglCreateContextAttribsARB
gpu-brdg Info 3958ms> GlContextWin::GlContextWin Done!
gbl Info 3959ms> ****** Creating a Surface GL Context done.
gbl Info 3959ms> INIT_AERO::init_context
gbl Info 3967ms> GPUResourceManager::initialize(): Valid GPU context detected, initializing GPU resource caches...
gbl Info 3968ms> GPUResourceManager::initialize(): Valid GPU context detected, GPU resource caches initialized.
gpu-brdg Info 3968ms> GlSurfaceWin::Init()
gpu-brdg Info 3969ms> InitWindow()
gpu-brdg Info 3970ms> D3D11CreateDevice()
gpu-brdg Info 3970ms> D3D11CreateDevice Manually Forced to Not Happen()
gpu-brdg Info 3970ms> wglDXOpenDeviceNV call failed with DX11. Fallback to DX9 instead.
gpu-brdg Info 3970ms> Direct3DCreate9Ex()
gpu-brdg Info 3974ms> DX9_->CreateDeviceEx()
gpu-brdg Info 3982ms> wglDXOpenDeviceNV(deviceDX9_)
gpu-brdg Info 3983ms> Checking Surface Components...
gpu-brdg Info 3983ms> windowDirectX_ is initialized
gpu-brdg Info 3983ms> deviceDX9_ is initialized
gpu-brdg Info 3983ms> deviceDX11_ is NOT initialized
gpu-brdg Info 3983ms> interopHandle_ is initialized
gpu-brdg Info 3983ms> GlSurfaceWin_IsInitialized is initialized
gbl Info 3983ms> EUSurface::init_context: OK
gbl Info 3983ms> EUSurface initialized with result 1
gpu-brdg Info 3984ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(2147489794)
gpu-brdg Info 3984ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 3984ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 3984ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 3984ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 3984ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 3984ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 3985ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 3985ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 3985ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 3985ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 3985ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 3986ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 3986ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 3986ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(1073754946)
gpu-brdg Info 3986ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 3986ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 3986ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 3986ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 3987ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 3987ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 3987ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 3987ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 3987ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 3987ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 3987ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 3988ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 3988ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 3988ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(3221228610)
gpu-brdg Info 3988ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 3988ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 3988ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 3988ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 3988ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 3988ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 3989ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 3989ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 3989ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 3989ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 3989ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 3989ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 3989ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 4012ms> GlSurfaceWin::Init()
gpu-brdg Info 4013ms> InitWindow()
gpu-brdg Info 4014ms> D3D11CreateDevice()
gpu-brdg Info 4014ms> D3D11CreateDevice Manually Forced to Not Happen()
gpu-brdg Info 4014ms> wglDXOpenDeviceNV call failed with DX11. Fallback to DX9 instead.
gpu-brdg Info 4014ms> Direct3DCreate9Ex()
gpu-brdg Info 4016ms> DX9_->CreateDeviceEx()
gpu-brdg Info 4022ms> wglDXOpenDeviceNV(deviceDX9_)
gpu-brdg Info 4022ms> Checking Surface Components...
gpu-brdg Info 4023ms> windowDirectX_ is initialized
gpu-brdg Info 4023ms> deviceDX9_ is initialized
gpu-brdg Info 4023ms> deviceDX11_ is NOT initialized
gpu-brdg Info 4023ms> interopHandle_ is initialized
gpu-brdg Info 4023ms> GlSurfaceWin_IsInitialized is initialized
gbl Info 4023ms> EUSurface::init_context: OK
gbl Info 4023ms> EUSurface initialized with result 1
gpu-brdg Info 4024ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(2147498178)
gpu-brdg Info 4024ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 4024ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 4024ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 4024ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 4024ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 4024ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 4025ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 4025ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4025ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 4025ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4025ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4025ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4025ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 4025ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(3221227522)
gpu-brdg Info 4025ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 4026ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 4026ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 4026ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 4026ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 4026ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 4026ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 4026ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4026ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 4027ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4027ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4027ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4027ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 4027ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(3221227394)
gpu-brdg Info 4027ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 4027ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 4027ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 4027ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 4028ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 4028ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 4028ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 4028ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4028ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 4028ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4028ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4028ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4029ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 4041ms> GlSurfaceWin::Init()
gpu-brdg Info 4041ms> InitWindow()
gpu-brdg Info 4042ms> D3D11CreateDevice()
gpu-brdg Info 4042ms> D3D11CreateDevice Manually Forced to Not Happen()
gpu-brdg Info 4042ms> wglDXOpenDeviceNV call failed with DX11. Fallback to DX9 instead.
gpu-brdg Info 4042ms> Direct3DCreate9Ex()
gpu-brdg Info 4044ms> DX9_->CreateDeviceEx()
gpu-brdg Info 4052ms> wglDXOpenDeviceNV(deviceDX9_)
gpu-brdg Info 4052ms> Checking Surface Components...
gpu-brdg Info 4052ms> windowDirectX_ is initialized
gpu-brdg Info 4052ms> deviceDX9_ is initialized
gpu-brdg Info 4052ms> deviceDX11_ is NOT initialized
gpu-brdg Info 4052ms> interopHandle_ is initialized
gpu-brdg Info 4053ms> GlSurfaceWin_IsInitialized is initialized
gbl Info 4053ms> EUSurface::init_context: OK
gbl Info 4053ms> EUSurface initialized with result 1
gpu-brdg Info 4053ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(1073752834)
gpu-brdg Info 4053ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 4053ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 4053ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 4054ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 4054ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 4054ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 4054ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 4054ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4054ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 4054ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4055ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4055ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4055ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 4055ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(1073757058)
gpu-brdg Info 4055ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 4055ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 4055ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 4055ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 4056ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 4056ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 4056ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 4056ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4056ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 4056ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4056ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4056ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4057ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 4057ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(3221226178)
gpu-brdg Info 4057ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 4057ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 4057ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 4057ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 4057ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 4057ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 4058ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 4058ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4058ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 4058ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 4058ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4058ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 4058ms> >>
gbl Info 4059ms> EUApplication::create_document Untitled81
gbl Info 4060ms> EUDocument::createDocument
gbl Info 4201ms> EUApplication::createDocument ok
gbl Info 4214ms> SceneLight is tracking the the full rotation of the camera 0
gbl Info 4282ms> AgRendercoreEngine::AgRendercoreEngine
gbl Info 4284ms> SceneLight is tracking the the full rotation of the camera 0
gbl Info 4286ms> SceneLight is tracking the the full rotation of the camera 0
gbl Info 4733ms> set viewable node
gbl Info 4733ms> nid: PQ2BhJ4+6Qk=
gbl Info 4733ms> set viewable node
gbl Info 4733ms> nid: tzWwu4OZHQM=
gbl Info 4733ms> set viewable node
gbl Info 4733ms> nid: eYRtdmlqje8=
pie_api Info 4822ms> Saving to tmp_image_pie_1295_e708_59ef.png: 460 x 230, 8 bpc, RGBA, Color Profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
gbl Info 4861ms> Encoding CommonImageValue as processed type image/png
gbl Perf 4861ms> method "CommonImageValue::encode" took 66.239500 msec
CamHist Info 4943ms> push "Camera position set at document creation"
CamHist Info 4943ms> pushing history of "pvWcLzCUcSk=local_transform" path=/scenes/scene/render_camera_n3d/local_transform"
CamHist Info 4943ms> pushing history of "P3VlgabsyLE=focal_length" path=/cameras/render_camera/focal_length"
CamHist Info 4943ms> pushing history of "P3VlgabsyLE=horizontal_field_of_view" path=/cameras/render_camera/horizontal_field_of_view"
CamHist Info 4943ms> pushing history of "P3VlgabsyLE=focus_point_cm" path=/cameras/render_camera/focus_point_cm"
CamHist Info 4943ms> pushing history of "P3VlgabsyLE=depth_of_field_enabled" path=/cameras/render_camera/depth_of_field_enabled"
CamHist Info 4943ms> pushing history of "P3VlgabsyLE=aperture" path=/cameras/render_camera/aperture"
CamHist Info 4943ms> History now points to 0 "Camera position set at document creation"
History Info 4944ms> push "history.newDocument"
History Info 4944ms> pushing history of "dyGjVPEKdp8=" path=/"
gbl Perf 4946ms> method "HistoryPush" took 2.165200 msec
History Info 4946ms> History now points to 0 "history.newDocument"
gbl Info 4947ms> SceneLight is tracking the the full rotation of the camera 0
gbl Info 4987ms> Document "" hasn't changed!
pie_api Info 5058ms> Saving to tmp_image_pie_b2b2_87ac_e294.png: 460 x 230, 8 bpc, RGBA, Color Profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
gbl Info 5098ms> Encoding CommonImageValue as processed type image/png
gbl Perf 5098ms> method "CommonImageValue::encode" took 59.046200 msec
gbl Info 5120ms> Locale from frontend reported: 'en-US'
pie_api Info 5124ms> Known ICC Profiles JSON file: C:\Users\danie\AppData\Roaming\Dimension CC\known_icc_profiles.json
gbl Info 5145ms> Font Info Request: Starting...
gbl Info 5145ms> Font Info Request Task: Progress 0 %
gbl Info 5198ms> Font Info Request: Valid cached font data in C:\Users\danie\AppData\Roaming\Dimension CC\dn_font_cache_list_842d6b54d5c18271.json
gbl Info 5198ms> Font Info Request Task: Progress 100 %
gbl Info 5199ms> Font Info Request: Finished (Valid cached data was found)
gbl Info 5199ms> Font Info Request Task: Marking Task As Success
pie_api Info 5220ms> Saving to tmp_image_pie_36ee_ccfe_6a9b.png: 460 x 230, 8 bpc, RGBA, Color Profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
gbl Info 5262ms> Encoding CommonImageValue as processed type image/png
gbl Perf 5262ms> method "CommonImageValue::encode" took 67.249400 msec
gbl Info 5550ms> Deferred Font Info Request: Called with task_id = 3
gbl Info 5550ms> Deferred Font Info Request: Blocking, waiting on the font_info future (it should be done at this point)...
gbl Info 5550ms> Deferred Font Info Request: Done
licensing Info 6605ms> cp received notification for profile ready: 2
licensing Info 7167ms> handling profile result w/ code:
licensing Info 7168ms> NglStatusCode::SUCCESS
licensing Info 7168ms> profile is licensed
gbl Info 54081ms> Loading OpenGL Extensions...
gbl Info 54083ms> DONE Loading OpenGL Extensions
erc Info 54083ms> ERC Logging Initialized.
erc Info 54083ms> Max GPU Texture Size detected in Rendercore: 16384
erc Info 54084ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 54084ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 14 x 11 x RGBA8
erc Info 54084ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 54085ms> Creating New Render Target Depth Renderbuffer 14 x 11
erc Info 54085ms> ALL GOOD: Render Target Update Complete
gbl Info 54089ms> Loading IBL Image: 1024x512: BGRA channels, 32bpp
gbl Info 54090ms> IBL Image Loaded
gbl Info 54090ms> SceneLight is tracking the the full rotation of the camera 0
gbl Info 54090ms> SceneLight is tracking the the full rotation of the camera 0
euclid::console::generalWarn 54096ms, aeroengine.cpp:151> Warning: Could not load the engine configuration ! Non fatal, though the application may not behave as expected.
erc Info 54620ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 54620ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 14 x 11 x RGBA8
erc Info 54620ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 54620ms> Creating New Render Target Depth Texture 14 x 11
erc Info 54620ms> ALL GOOD: Render Target Update Complete
erc Info 54620ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 54620ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 14 x 11 x RGBA8
erc Info 54621ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 54621ms> Creating New Render Target Depth Texture 14 x 11
erc Info 54621ms> ALL GOOD: Render Target Update Complete
gbl Error 54621ms> RENDERCORE ERROR?: GL Render Target does not have an FBO attached to it. Intended?
gbl Info 55786ms> ******** BRDF Integrator BEGIN
gbl Info 55787ms> TextureManager: Creating Texture. Total Texture Count: 0
gbl Info 55787ms> BRDF: Setting up Render Target
erc Info 55788ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 55788ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 512 x 512 x RED_GREEN32F
erc Info 55788ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 55788ms> ALL GOOD: Render Target Update Complete
gbl Info 55788ms> BRDF: Running the GPU Compute
gbl Info 55789ms> BRDF: Setting up the shader
gbl Info 55799ms> ******** BRDF Integrator END
gbl Info 55799ms> TextureManager: Creating Texture. Total Texture Count: 1
gbl Info 55838ms> TextureManager: Creating Texture. Total Texture Count: 2
gbl Info 56384ms> VRAM consumed: 10,496,086 bytes
gbl Perf 56391ms> method "Viewable::draw" took 2309.835700 msec
erc Info 56391ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 56391ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 16 x 16 x RGBA8
erc Info 56391ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 56391ms> Creating New Render Target Depth+Stencil Renderbuffer 16 x 16
erc Info 56392ms> ALL GOOD: Render Target Update Complete
erc Info 56401ms> RendercoreEngine: Geometry Cache created
Lagrange Perf 56419ms> Packing uv time: 0.0009656 (s)
gbl Perf 56421ms> method "Mesh:render_process" took 9.120100 msec
Lagrange Perf 56428ms> Packing uv time: 0.0009803 (s)
gbl Perf 56430ms> method "Mesh:render_process" took 7.023100 msec
Lagrange Perf 56435ms> Packing uv time: 0.0005424 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56448ms> Packing uv time: 0.000161 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56451ms> Packing uv time: 0.0001838 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56455ms> Packing uv time: 0.0001621 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56470ms> Packing uv time: 0.0001585 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56475ms> Packing uv time: 0.0002371 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56479ms> Packing uv time: 0.0001693 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56496ms> Packing uv time: 0.0002042 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56501ms> Packing uv time: 0.000157 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56504ms> Packing uv time: 0.000189 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56516ms> Packing uv time: 0.0007466 (s)
gbl Perf 56518ms> method "Mesh:render_process" took 7.142200 msec
Lagrange Perf 56529ms> Packing uv time: 0.0006956 (s)
gbl Perf 56531ms> method "Mesh:render_process" took 7.596200 msec
Lagrange Perf 56545ms> Packing uv time: 0.0009703 (s)
gbl Perf 56547ms> method "Mesh:render_process" took 8.430300 msec
Lagrange Perf 56550ms> Packing uv time: 0.0001699 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56554ms> Packing uv time: 0.0001671 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56558ms> Packing uv time: 0.0001742 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56564ms> Packing uv time: 0.0002033 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56567ms> Packing uv time: 0.0001704 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56570ms> Packing uv time: 0.0002228 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56574ms> Packing uv time: 0.0002067 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56577ms> Packing uv time: 0.0001985 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56581ms> Packing uv time: 0.00017 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56584ms> Packing uv time: 0.0002085 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56587ms> Packing uv time: 0.0001762 (s)
Lagrange Perf 56591ms> Packing uv time: 0.0002346 (s)
erc Info 56630ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 56630ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 16 x 16 x RGBA8
erc Info 56630ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 56631ms> Creating New Render Target Depth+Stencil Renderbuffer 16 x 16
erc Info 56631ms> ALL GOOD: Render Target Update Complete
gbl Info 56888ms> VRAM consumed: 11,316,494 bytes
gbl Perf 56888ms> method "Viewable::draw" took 239.995000 msec
gpu-brdg Info 56930ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(2147499074)
gpu-brdg Info 56930ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 56930ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 56930ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 56931ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 56931ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 56932ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 56932ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 56933ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 56933ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 56934ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 56935ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 56935ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 56936ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 56937ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(1073755650)
gpu-brdg Info 56937ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 56938ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 56938ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 56938ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 56938ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 56939ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 56939ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 56939ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 56939ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 56939ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 56939ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 56940ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 56940ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 56940ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(2147494914)
gpu-brdg Info 56940ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 56940ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 56940ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 56941ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 56941ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 56941ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 56942ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 56942ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 56942ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 56942ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 56942ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 56942ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 56943ms> >>
erc Info 56949ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 56950ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 712 x 591 x RGBA8
erc Info 56950ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 56950ms> Creating New Render Target Depth+Stencil Renderbuffer 712 x 591
erc Info 56951ms> ALL GOOD: Render Target Update Complete
erc Info 56959ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 56959ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 712 x 591 x RGBA8
erc Info 56960ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 56960ms> Creating New Render Target Depth+Stencil Renderbuffer 712 x 591
erc Info 56961ms> ALL GOOD: Render Target Update Complete
gbl Info 56984ms> VRAM consumed: 18,045,070 bytes
gbl Info 57005ms> set viewable node
gbl Info 57005ms> nid: eYRtdmlqje8=
gpu-brdg Info 57016ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(1073752258)
gpu-brdg Info 57016ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 57017ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 57017ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 57017ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 57017ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 57017ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 57017ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 57018ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 57018ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 57018ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 57019ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 57019ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 57019ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 57019ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(3221236994)
gpu-brdg Info 57019ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 57019ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 57019ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 57019ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 57020ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 57020ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 57020ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 57020ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 57020ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 57020ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 57020ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 57020ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 57020ms> >>
gpu-brdg Info 57021ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking(2147491650)
gpu-brdg Info 57021ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture()
gpu-brdg Info 57021ms> BindRenderBuffer()
gpu-brdg Info 57021ms> DX9: CreateTexture
gpu-brdg Info 57021ms> DX9: GetSurfaceLevel
gpu-brdg Info 57021ms> DX9: wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV
gpu-brdg Info 57021ms> DX9: wglDXRegisterObjectNV
gpu-brdg Info 57021ms> DX9: CreateDepthBuffer
gpu-brdg Info 57021ms> LockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 57022ms> Creating FrameBuffer()...
gpu-brdg Info 57022ms> UnlockDxTexture()...
gpu-brdg Info 57022ms> DxGlBacking::InitDxTexture() Done OK!
gpu-brdg Info 57022ms> >>>>>>>>> GlSurfaceWin::CreateBacking() OK!
gpu-brdg Info 57022ms> >>
lant_api Info 57022ms> LanternEngine::begin_update
lant_api Info 57023ms> Canceling old rendering if needed ...
lant_api Info 57023ms> initialize_lantern_context ...
gbl Info 57023ms> detect: Initial GPU Raytracing Detection...
lantern Info 57023ms> [init] context #1
lantern Error 57026ms> [init] rtGlobalSetAttribute failed with result code 1546
lantern Warn 57026ms> === Optix Resource Leak Report ===
lant_api Info 57028ms> lantern_choice: Scene Allows GPU Raytracing: 1
lant_api Info 57029ms> lantern_choice: Config Enables GPU Raytracing: 0
lant_api Info 57029ms> lantern_choice: GPU Raytracing undefeated: 0
lant_api Info 57029ms> lantern_choice: Using CPU Context.
lant_api Info 57030ms> Attempting to create Raytracing CPU context...
lantern Warn 57030ms> Lantern CPU Check: Warning: No AVX available, Fallbacks will be used.
lantern Warn 57030ms> Lantern CPU Check: Warning: No FP16 (HALF-PRECISION FLOAT) available, Fallbacks will be used.
lant_api Info 57030ms> Raytracing CPU context created.
lant_api Warn 57031ms> Render ModeNONE does not support denoising, denoising will be OFF
lant_api Info 57031ms> Generating Lantern Viewport Rectangles...
lant_api Info 57031ms> Render Width/Height: 1024 768
lant_api Info 57031ms> Tile Rect Min(): 0 0
lant_api Info 57031ms> Tile Rect Max(): 1024 768
lant_api Info 57031ms> All Tile Rect Min(): 0 0
lant_api Info 57031ms> All Tile Rect Max(): 1024 768
lant_api Info 57032ms> Result Tile Rect Min(): 0 0
lant_api Info 57032ms> Result Tile Rect Max(): 1024 768
lant_api Info 57032ms> Result Total Frame Size: 1024 768
lant_api Info 57043ms> LanternCore::begin_update
lant_api Info 57043ms> update_summary: Updating IBL...
lant_api Info 57043ms> TEXOPT: 32-bit texture load! (1024 x 512) Channel Map: RGB/32/linear fp32 (single-float precision)
lant_api Info 57043ms> TEXOPT: 32-bit texture loading done
lant_api Info 57043ms> TEXOPT: Lantern Texture Created
lant_api Info 57044ms> update_summary: Sending IBL Texture to Lantern...
lant_api Info 57055ms> update_summary: Updating shape lights emitter...
lant_api Info 57056ms> TEXOPT: 32-bit texture load! (2048 x 1024) Channel Map: RGB/32/linear fp32 (single-float precision)
lant_api Info 57056ms> TEXOPT: 32-bit texture loading done
lant_api Info 57056ms> TEXOPT: Lantern Texture Created
lant_api Info 57056ms> update_summary: Sending ShapeLights Texture to Lantern...
lant_api Info 57057ms> LanternCore::mt_update(): Single-Threaded Updating For Now.
lant_api Info 57058ms> LanternCore::handle_geometry() is skipping ground plane, that's defined elsewhere.
lant_api Info 57058ms> LanternEngine::end_update
lant_api Info 57058ms> LanternCore::end_update
gbl Info 57059ms> LanternSceneAssembly: Deleting Expired Assets....
gbl Info 57059ms> LanternSceneAssembly: Assembling Scene....
lant_api Info 57059ms> update_summary: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ASSET TALLY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
lant_api Info 57059ms> update_summary: struct lantern::emitter: Created/Updated/Deleted -> 2/2/0
lant_api Info 57059ms> update_summary: struct lantern::material: Created/Updated/Deleted -> 1/0/0
lant_api Info 57059ms> update_summary: struct lantern::camera: Created/Updated/Deleted -> 1/1/0
lant_api Info 57060ms> update_summary: struct lantern::primitive: Created/Updated/Deleted -> 0/0/0
lant_api Info 57060ms> update_summary: struct lantern::model: Created/Updated/Deleted -> 1/1/0
lant_api Info 57060ms> update_summary: struct lantern::texture: Created/Updated/Deleted -> 0/0/0
lant_api Info 57060ms> update_summary: struct euclid::geometry::per_model_material_tracker: Created/Updated/Deleted -> 0/0/0
lant_api Info 57060ms> update_summary: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
lant_api Info 57060ms> update_summary: Structural update, reconstructing a scene...
lant_api Info 57060ms> No Geometry in the scene, nothing will be rendering
gbl Info 57060ms> LanternSceneAssembly: Determining if Scene Has Volumetric Materials in it....
gbl Info 57060ms> LanternSceneAssembly: end_update() is finished..
lant_api Warn 57060ms> LanternCore:: NO_ACTION at the end of an update. If this is supposed to launch a render, this is not right.
gbl Info 57079ms> set viewable node
gbl Info 57079ms> nid: PQ2BhJ4+6Qk=
gbl Info 57163ms> Locale from frontend reported: 'en-US'
pie_api Info 57167ms> Known ICC Profiles JSON file: C:\Users\danie\AppData\Roaming\Dimension CC\known_icc_profiles.json
gbl Info 57169ms> Update Forced!
erc Info 57172ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 57172ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 664 x 498 x RGBA8
erc Info 57172ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 57172ms> Creating New Render Target Depth Renderbuffer 664 x 498
erc Info 57172ms> ALL GOOD: Render Target Update Complete
erc Info 57174ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 57174ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 664 x 498 x RGBA8
erc Info 57175ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 57176ms> Creating New Render Target Depth Texture 664 x 498
erc Info 57177ms> ALL GOOD: Render Target Update Complete
erc Info 57177ms> Creating New Render Target...
erc Info 57177ms> Creating New Render Target Color Texture 664 x 498 x RGBA8
erc Info 57177ms> Attaching New Render Target Color Texture...
erc Info 57177ms> Creating New Render Target Depth Texture 664 x 498
erc Info 57178
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This may just be a restriction I am unaware of
By @Morgana24329664ms5u
yes it is and from time to time people mistake it for a bug
you can't set camera by Shell