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Hi all,
I'm currently busy with a packaging design project. Is there a way to import my own packagings in Adobe Dn.
I designed a serie of shampoo bottle's and matching cartons in Solidworks. But the main problem is that i can't make a .obj file directly.
If I export to a stl and then by using meshlab to a .obj, i get one object instead of a bottle and a bottlelid. Which have a different color ofcourse.
Need your help!
Hi Marteen! If you can send a sample .obj then we can see why the different groups aren't being respected on import and fix that. You can send it to (confidential, will not share, for debugging only).
If you can't get them as separate objects on import you can use the Magic Wand tool to select the pieces. Just set the tolerance to "Large" and then make a selection and it will break down the pieces for you to apply materials.
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Hi Marteen! If you can send a sample .obj then we can see why the different groups aren't being respected on import and fix that. You can send it to (confidential, will not share, for debugging only).
If you can't get them as separate objects on import you can use the Magic Wand tool to select the pieces. Just set the tolerance to "Large" and then make a selection and it will break down the pieces for you to apply materials.