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Need to alter the dimensions of a UV map. How can I do this?

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Aug 21, 2022 Aug 21, 2022

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Hi everyone,

I'm working on a packaging rendering that is a take away box with a wrap around label. I have the lable artwork designed with specific dimentions, but the artwork is for a slighly wider label than in the 3D model I downloaded from Adobe Stock. I have changed the width of the label in Dimension, but when I generate the UV for the label, it doesn't reflect the changes I made (sorry, i'm new to UVs so not fully sure what's possible and what's not). I seems that changing the width only stretches the artwork (which is cropped as it is too wide to fit on the UV) rather than expands the actual label width. How can I adjust the wrap around label size to the dimesions I need and then have the UV reflect that so I can place the correct artwork? 


Thanks in advance 🙂 

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Aug 21, 2022 Aug 21, 2022

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you have very limited Uv options in Dimension;

1, Decal Vs fill... when adding a decal Dimension Ai will always try to take control away from the users and when using a fill it will assume width is more important then hight [also 'fill' is the only option for 360* wrap around the model]


2, in Dimension you can use the magic wand to select part of a model [give it a new material] which has the side effect of giving this selection a new auto-generated Uv map... you can also 'export Uv' which will give you a Photoshop file that you can then adjust your image onto in order to fine tune "a fill only" placement without the Ai trying to take over


3, at the end of the day using a true 3D software like Blender is the only way to have fill control of a Uv map but the options already in Dimension should fix 90% of issues... also the idea of "specific dimentions" is bull that only applies to 2D artwork not 3D or 4D





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