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Hi JMathews,
I'm trying to figure out a way to wrap labels in a similar way on a cylinder. I have the same issue when applying it as a decal the image stops wrapping around the cylinder. I tried adding the image as a base material, but the controls I have with offset and repeat are very limited and I can't manually adjust the label to fit the cylinder and the image is distorted to be too tall. Are there plans to make the decal function continue to wrap around a surface and any ideas how I can accomplish this?
I got your file and have repared the model... however imo you are going about it wrong so I also want to include the way I would do it so you can see the difference;
imo this still is not going to look correct because your background bottle is an image and there fore 2D... the bottom edge of your model is 3D so will
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I see, thanks for the info.
Below is a link to the DN file. Ideally, I'd like to be able to place the label just like on a real bottle and rotate the label so I can export all three sides.
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I got your file and have repared the model... however imo you are going about it wrong so I also want to include the way I would do it so you can see the difference;
imo this still is not going to look correct because your background bottle is an image and there fore 2D... the bottom edge of your model is 3D so will lift up a bit
magic wand removes part of the model
now the way I would build this;
Dimension assembles it
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Thanks for your time and help, very useful with the screenshots.
Originally I started this project in PS and everything was going great, it was super easy to turn the label and export the scene I needed. Then somehow the perfect lighting on the label would turn dark and I couldn't get the lighting right again, that's when I switched over to quickly learning Dimension. In fact, you were part of that discussion too 🙂
I see you turned the label in your example, did you redo the lighting scenario again and are there any shortcuts to keeping the lighting the exact same?
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@Ussnorway, I understand the process now but not sure how you export the label from PS and how you import (assemble) the label into DN. Is there a tutorial for this procedure anywhere online?
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so make the label in Photoshop = start with the wine bottle template and just remove everything we don't need
fit the label in Dimension = import them and scale your bottle first. then put the label in the same spot as the bottle and scale it with the number pad {the UI really sucks because its made for | by old people that use Maya a lot}, you need it to be bigger than the bottle to stop clipping and even I sometimes forget that you need the X + Z to match 🙂
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I get it now - thanks!!