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Out of nowhere Dimenions is giving me an 'Unable to import model' error for any OBJ I attempt to import. Inititally I was thinking it was an issue with a new model I downloaded, but I'm receiving the same error with all OBJ files I've previously imported into Dimensions. I've tried a fresh install, as well as previous versions. Not sure what to do next.
Windows 10 Pro Ver 21H2
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
1 Correct answer
Thank you for letting us know about this issue! The .obj file and Adobe Stock 3D assets import error has been fixed in the latest version of Dimension v3.4.9.
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Assets from here: I followed the instructions with no change. I ended up going back to 3.4.6 and I can import .obj files again. Please correct whatever has changed in the .obj import process for 3.4.11 I'm sure there are useful tools that have been included since 3.4.6 but if I can't import objects the application is useless to me for my needs.
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I see that, I will try to import from there. But this needs Adobe tech support to look into it. If they are not combing this post, then I would call them +1 (800) 833-6687, they usually step in after you have exhausted all avenues of inquiries. Let them know you have been posting on Adobe cummunity.
im sorry, this is baffling, I wish I could help you more.
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Same here, can't import any FBX or OBJ files. Are there any file types that Dimension can still import?
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Which version of Dimensiin.. Mac or PC?
thst issue has been resolved a year ago.
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Version 3.4.11.
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Windows 11 PC.
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I just tried to import an obj file Cmd+I on Mac, and I saw my imported file.
do a test, by exporting an obj from Adobe illustrator and see if this works.
another one if this didn't work, try to export a coffee bag or an object from Dn, save as obj file; it gives you the option to save, next open that same file from Dn and see if it imports.
at least you can narrow it down to is it the file or the software.
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Still having this problem on version 3.4.11.
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Same problem here. One workaround was to import OBJ into Blender and export as OBJ. That one opened fine in Dimensions.
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What OS are you running and is it a Mac or PC. And version of Dimension?
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Tell me the process of what you are importing,
are you importing a model you created in another app, or from online.
you could do a test, since you are an Adobe user, export an object from Adobe illustrator, and open or import it in Dimension.
your operating system is good👌
I was running Monterey last week and just upgraded to Sononma. So it must be the obj file, and by doing that test at least can narrow down the cause. Are you on an intel or M1 Mac .?
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This error has returned since the new update - 4.0.4 - coincidentally
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Would you like to share that model, and see if I can open it on my copy?,
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The model is under NDA, so I can't. However, it appears OBJs imported into existing DN files from an older version of Dimension cause the error, even with Dimension up to date. If I set up a new file, I can import the OBJ. So if I create a new file and save it, then later update Dimension and try to import a new OBJ into the same file, it shows the error. For some reason, opening older DN files in the latest Dimension doesn't let me import new OBJ files.
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It happened to me in the past, I have a copy of Photoshop 2021, version 22.2, it is the last fully functional 3D tools.
UpUse it to open your obj in it then export again as .obj.
but if it's the whole Dn file that is not opening, this will be an issue.
Let me know.
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same problem when import an obj file
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here the model
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i can not upload. i don't know why, whit other programs it's run! rhinoceros, blender, 3d viewer
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Can you share the file, I'll try it on my end.
where did the obj come from?
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it come from rinoceros
i can't send whit broswer, it say this message error:
i send obj whit we transfer
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I think I have solved your problem forever.
I opened the file you send in We tranfer and was not able to open in DN, I got the same message you did.
So I opened my secnd copy of Photoshop 2021 version 22.20, it is Adobe's last fully functional 3d tools. then select the 3D from menu, navigate to your .obj file, onpen then save back to .obj and voila you can now work in Dn. You have to downlaod the Photoshop 22.21 v22.20.
Good luck, if you cant, then I can email you the converted file, but send me your email.
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ho scaricato photoshop aggiornato, l'ultima versione, mi da questo messaggio; non riesco a trovare photoshop beta su creative cloud
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ho fatto la stessa cosa che mi hai consigliato di fare con photoshop su blender: ho aperto il file, ho salvato e l'ho importato su dimension. adesso funziona. grazie per la tua disponibilità !!
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Great👌. This is a translation of your response, in case someone else has the same issue.
"I did the same thing you recommended to do with Photoshop on Blender: I opened the file, saved it and imported it to Dimension. Now it works. Thanks for your availability!!"