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Excel to PDF conversion seems to add margins around page

New Here ,
May 24, 2021 May 24, 2021

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 This is a slick set of APIs, overall. I know that things are a bit newer, too, so maybe what I want to do is not yet possible. 


However, I'll asking anyways.


We are taking an excel file and running it through the PDF conversion API in document cloud. Very much like: https://opensource.adobe.com/pdftools-sdk-docs/release/latest/howtos.html#create-pdf-with-documentla....


Our issue is that it seems to be auto-adding margin somehow around the page. As best I can tell, there is no optiont to change pageLayout for Excel files, only HtmlToPDF conversions. (Reference: https://opensource.adobe.com/pdftools-java-sdk-samples/apidocs/latest/com/adobe/platform/operation/p...). 


Has anyone run into this problem and figured out a solution to set layout to not come back w/ extra margin? The Excel file before sending to the API might be wrong on my end, but when we print from Excel to PDF inside of Microsoft Excel, it prints fine w/o extra margin.


Thanks in advance if anyone has run into this + had success setting something here. I wanted to throw this out into the void after lots of fruitless searching of the docs here.






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