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PDF to word missing annotation and also, the image is ocred automatically...

New Here ,
Mar 22, 2021 Mar 22, 2021

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HI, I wonder if anyone is using PDF to Word function from the tools API, I got some issues when I convert PDF to word, 


one issue is the annotation at PDF is fully missed out, another issue is the api automatically ocr my logo image to some editable words which messed up the format. 


see my attached file. 


left is the word document after conversion

right is the original PDF


1. the red annotation is missed after PDF to word

2. the LOGO was a logo image, now becomes editable text

3. the grid at bottom shifted ( i bet beacuse ocr logo wording messsed up the displaying poistion. 


Any help?


How can i reserve the annotation and turn off ocr?






PDF Services API






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Community Expert ,
Mar 24, 2021 Mar 24, 2021

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  1. Annotations are not converted to Word during the conversion process; only page content is converted. If you need to include annotations, you can flatten the PDF prior to converting. Flattening will "burn" the annotattions down onto the page.
  2. The text may have been there already and was just under the image of the logo. To the best of my knowledge, no OCR is performd during conversion.
  3. Grids are very hard to convert. My guess is that the grid is not vector based but an image and that the converter is favoring the text over the lines. If you can share the original PDF, I can probably elaborate.


Note: The purpose of the converter is to create an editable Word document from the PDF. It will not be able to preicely recreate the layout of the PDF because the two document models are completely different. Unfortunmately, this means that the conversion service won't be appropriate for all document types.






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