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Good afternoon, I have an old version of Macromedia MX 2004, my key doesn't work anymore and activation by phone doesn't work either, I want to use it, in the past Adobe gave me some keys to fix it, but currently those keys don't work either, neither does the url of activation of legacy products. that I have to do? thank you!
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Nothing you can do. Macromedia went out of businesses in 2006. The activation servers for those legacy MM products don't exist anymore. Besides, it's highly unlikely that they would install much less run on new equipment.
You had a great run while it lasted. Now it's time to get new software.
Photoshop Elements or Premier Elements (approx $100, no subscription needed).
Creative Cloud Photography Plan (approx $10/month for 12 months). Includes the following:
Premium Creative Cloud Express ($10/month).
Creative Cloud All Apps (51 + apps & services) and Single Apps Plans
Hope that helps.
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Thank you very much Nancy for your prompt response, but in the past when someone bought a license, the purchase was for life, because what was purchased was a (physical) CD with the software and its key.
When a company like Adobe buys from another company like Macromedia, the purchase transfer stipulates the continuity of the service for all its customers, otherwise it would be a fraud, don't you think? Nancy, I hope you understand that I don't want to buy any of the products that you offer me, because I already have a suite for life and that Adobe doesn't allow me to use since they deregistered me from Macromedia a few years ago, please. I am still waiting for a positive answer for my case. Thank you very much!
Muchas gracias Nancy por tu pronta respuesta, pero en el pasado cuando alguien compraba una licencia, la compra era de por vida, porque lo que se compraba era un CD (físico) con el software y su clave.
Cuando una empresa como Adobe compra otra empresa como Macromedia, la transferencia de compra estipula la continuidad del servicio para todos sus clientes, de lo contrario sería un fraude no crees?. Nancy, espero que entiendas que no quiero comprar ninguno de los productos que me ofreces, porque ya tengo una suite para toda la vida y que Adobe no me permite usar desde que borró mi registro de Macromedia hace unos años, por favor sigo esperando una respuesta positiva para mi caso. ¡Muchos gracias!
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I don't work for Adobe. And there is no such thing as a forever license. There never was.
You had a limited license to use the products for as long the software would work on your original machine. Beyond that, there are no guarantees. When it stops, it stops. That's it.
Adobe won't help you. They don't support 18 year old software. Besides, MX2004 is so woefully outdated now, it's of no value to anyone anymore. Accept it and move on.
If you tell me which software titles you use, I can make recommendations for replacements. But I can't help you activate dead software. Sorry.
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Adobe are closing down their own activation servers, they have closed down as far as CS4 (2008). So it is not specific to Macromedia. They appear to believe they have the right to do this, and I do not see any news of challenges to this; I'm sure they are not alone. I don't say it's a good thing, but I saw it coming when activation was introduced - it was pretty much inevitable.