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I am done with adobe products. I specifically told it not to install creative cloud when it installed, yet adobe did it anyways. Disabled it at boot and run illustrator once and Adobe resets those settings to make it boot everytime. It then runs 5-7 other applications eating up 18GB of my 64GB of memory.
I am writing this post to say I am done with adobe products and their BS around how they install stuff you don't agree too, then reset your settings on the OS level to make thier stupid apps boot up after you have explicitly disabled them.
Its my computer, if I don't want your extra software then I don't want it, if I don't want adobe crap to boot up when my machine boots up THEN I WANT IT THAT WAY! I will no longer use adobe products because of this. It is just as bad as Piracy! I program and this takes away from vital resources I need to dev and here is adobe going we are going to ignore what you want and do what we want.
Time to move back to opensource options, they are catching up with adobe and soon adobe will become irrelevant anyways.
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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post if it helps you get responses.
<moved from using the community>
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Thanks for the advice but I will never use Adobe again. I just posted where it told me to post.
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you (or anyone interested) can do somewhat better:
1. uninstall every cc app including preferences per
2. then uninstall the cc desktop app, using the correct uninstaller per
3. clean your computer of cc files per
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Yea I know all this and I shouldn't have to take all these steps to clean software off my computer. It shouldn't be left up to us to clean up their mess that they put on our computers. But eh its adobe they don't care.
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adobe might care, but they're not going to change.
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Then after uninstall and reboot these remain unremoved and running after every reboot. This is beyond stupid.
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I specifically told it not to install creative cloud when it installed, yet adobe did it anyways.
By @mark28265588n2xf
That's a non-sequitur. Creative Cloud desktop is necessary to manage apps, log-in to online services and verify your subscription status. To say "I want Creative Cloud without Creative Cloud app" makes no sense. Just saying...