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seit ein paar Tagen wird bei CS5 Web and Desing Premium bei jeder Aktion, z.B. Öffnen einer PDF nun die Seriennummer abgefragt, bzw. ich muss das Produkt andauernd mehrfach pro Stunde registrieren lassen.
Wie kann das sein?
Vorher hat einmal gereicht für mehrere Monate.
Kann das damit zusammenhängebn, dass seit wenigen Tagen oder Wochen scheinbar CS6 Web and Design Premium nicht mehr vom Adobe Support unterstützt wird und man nun künstlich Probleme schaffen möchte?
Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe!
VG, Michael
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cs6 hasn't been supported for many years.
fixing that problem is going to take some risk of not being able to install and use unless you have a non-current os.
if you have an old os, there's a small chance your default browser doesn't support tls 1.2,
you can test your default browser's tls using ,
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Many thanks for your help.
Unfortunately, I use CS6 on Windows.
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nothing i posted is limited to windows. otoh, if you're happy with acrobat reader or a current subscription. there's no reason to install cs6.
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something on your computer (eg, av, antimalware, cleaner, defragger etc) corrupted your locally stored license.
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and note: if you're being prompted for your serial number and failing to enter it, you're probably in the midst of a 30 day trail after which you probably won't be able to open your cs6 apps.
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do you have your cs6 serial number?
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Yes I have the serial number
Vielen Dank und beste Grüße,
Michael Paul Becker
Dipl. - Ing. Architekt
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ok, so what happens after you enter the serial number?
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Acrobat 8 & 9 are End of Life. Support for Adobe Reader 9.x and Adobe Acrobat 9.x ended on June 26 2013.
For security reasons you should use modern versions of Acrobat.
FREE Acrobat Reader -- view, comment & sign PDF.
Paid Acrobat Pro -- the complete solution for creating and saving PDF forms and files.
Hope that helps.
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Many thanks, your links are really helpful.