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cannot install premiere elements 10 on my new macbook pro

New Here ,
Nov 30, 2011 Nov 30, 2011

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cannot install premiere elements 10 on my new macbook pro.  keep getting exit code 7 half way through installation and disc ejects. running OS X 10.7.2 (lion).  have installed acrobat reader, flash player, tried safe start mode...nothing works...HELP!




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Dec 02, 2011 Dec 02, 2011

On behalf of Adobe, I'm really sorry about this. For anyone else encountering this issue, here is a summary of solutions, direct from the product development team:

Cannot install Premiere Elements 10 on Mac OS

If this does not solve the problem, please do post and let us know.


Adobe Employee ,
Nov 30, 2011 Nov 30, 2011

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Use this doc and let us know if it solved your problem.http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/843/cpsid_84332.html (Install error "Exit Code: 6" or "Exit Code: 7" | Creative Suite 5, CS5.5)




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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exactly the same problem here  install fails at 51% while trying to install smartsound ...then quits..

Mac osx 10.7.2 LION

i have tried every step in that document..no joy

here is the log...can someone help as i now have purchased a program i cant get to install...I am a pretty experienced Mac/Pc user , so believe me its nothing obvious!

Exit Code: 7

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed


Bill P





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Participant ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Are you using a disk or download?




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Download , and tried downloading it all again...same problem..Im pretty dissapointed as ive just ditched apple final cut to try this instead and cant even get it to install!!!

any help appreciated... I VERY much doubt its my machine as its running Protools , Logic Pro , Ableton, Reason etc all with NO problem at all


Bill P




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Participant ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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On the log the only information all I can see is the error being caused by a conflicting process. Can you try to open activity monitor and terminate processes that are not needed and then install.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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I have just tried closing down processes that I dont need....some of course return immediately

Surely booting in safe mode does this anyway? which I tried and it doesnt help

It STILL fails ALWAYS while trying to install

Sonicfire pro 5 for premiere elements

I tried to MANUALLY install the 3 payloads that come with the installer that relate to this..smartsound 1, 2 and 3..they install but dont help..

this is getting ludicrous.. surely an installer from someone like Adobe should be smart enough to give a few more clues ?  I DO have the actual LOG which i will post here to see if it helps..

thanks for your help.. about to tear hair out here LOL !


Bill P

log below


Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 3759 milliseconds (3.759 seconds) DTR = 468.21 KBPS (0.457236 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 102 milliseconds (0.102 seconds) DTR = 5803.92 KBPS (5.66789 MBPS)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: false

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications




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Participant ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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I this the only logs? I can't seem to find any error..




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Yes ..thats the log in Library/Logs/adobe/installers/

The log is called

Adobe Premiere Elements 10 10.0 12-01-2011.log.gz

it has more entries in that one log but they relate to earlier fails and are identical each time....

there is a photoshop log in there as well (I bought the bundle) but that installed succesfully.

It clearly falls over trying to install Sonicfire pro 5 for premiere elements but WHY is the question

I really dont know what else to suggest...curious that the original poster on this thread had the same error on install as me it seems on a macbook pro

I really would like this to be sorted obviously if possible as soon as possible  given I paid for t and cant use it

any other thoughts?

thanks again

Bill P

I have opened it now in console and get some more info if it helps!

EDIT..log now atached correctly


Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 3759 milliseconds (3.759 seconds) DTR = 468.21 KBPS (0.457236 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 102 milliseconds (0.102 seconds) DTR = 5803.92 KBPS (5.66789 MBPS)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: false

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 1 milliseconds (0.001 seconds)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation install

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation install

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation install

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation install

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 08:55:42 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 08:55:43 2011  INFO

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:44 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 9008 milliseconds (9.008 seconds) DTR = 33639 KBPS (32.8506 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:55:44 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:55:48 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirR8n3zSHz/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:55:56 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirR8n3zSHz/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:55:57 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:57 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 13039 milliseconds (13.039 seconds) DTR = 419.051 KBPS (0.409229 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:55:57 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:55:59 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvAYuQxFR/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:03 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvAYuQxFR/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:03 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 66058 milliseconds (66.058 seconds) DTR = 5581.03 KBPS (5.45023 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:03 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:05 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdird2bonzBY/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:10 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdird2bonzBY/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:10 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 7009 milliseconds (7.009 seconds) DTR = 9926.1 KBPS (9.69345 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:11 2011  INFO

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:11 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:12 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirOxR0ypEv/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:13 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirOxR0ypEv/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:14 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 3005 milliseconds (3.005 seconds) DTR = 4754.74 KBPS (4.6433 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:14 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

Third party application output:

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:15 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 1003 milliseconds (1.003 seconds) DTR = 6033.9 KBPS (5.89248 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:15 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:17 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirEQQpK2C1/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirEQQpK2C1/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:17 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2004 milliseconds (2.004 seconds) DTR = 600.798 KBPS (0.586717 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:19 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:24 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 7038 milliseconds (7.038 seconds) DTR = 379.085 KBPS (0.3702 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       4] Thu Dec  1 08:57:24 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       4] Thu Dec  1 08:57:26 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirpyLJxY0T/Install.db

[       4] Thu Dec  1 08:58:36 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       4] Thu Dec  1 08:58:40 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirpyLJxY0T/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       4] Thu Dec  1 08:58:58 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:58:59 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 94090 milliseconds (94.09 seconds) DTR = 425.507 KBPS (0.415535 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 41 milliseconds (0.041 seconds) DTR = 97.561 KBPS (0.0952744 MBPS)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:58:59 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:59:00 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirdajeVrxW/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirdajeVrxW/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:01 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 2009 milliseconds (2.009 seconds) DTR = 549.527 KBPS (0.536648 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:59:01 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:59:02 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMCaWhpjq/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:59:03 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMCaWhpjq/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:04 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 3002 milliseconds (3.002 seconds) DTR = 1794.8 KBPS (1.75274 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:04 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:11 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed due to bad configuration

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:12 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 8009 milliseconds (8.009 seconds) DTR = 522.912 KBPS (0.510656 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:12 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:21 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Installing at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:22 2011  INFO


installer: The install failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:25 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:25 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 14015 milliseconds (14.015 seconds) DTR = 451.516 KBPS (0.440934 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:28 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 2 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 8 components:

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:28 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:28 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 237956 milliseconds (237.956 seconds) DTR = 952.68 KBPS (0.930352 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 5452 milliseconds (5.452 seconds) DTR = 1641.97 KBPS (1.60348 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 330 milliseconds (0.33 seconds) DTR = 1224.24 KBPS (1.19555 MBPS)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 2 milliseconds (0.002 seconds) DTR = 2000 KBPS (1.95312 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:26:01 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:26:02 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 12012 milliseconds (12.012 seconds) DTR = 23796.5 KBPS (23.2388 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:26:03 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:03 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:05 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirRVMWwSJd/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:24 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirRVMWwSJd/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:25 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:26:25 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 22050 milliseconds (22.05 seconds) DTR = 2043.9 KBPS (1.996 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:25 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:27 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirwY813Bq0/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:39 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirwY813Bq0/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:40 2011  INFO

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:27:40 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 75064 milliseconds (75.064 seconds) DTR = 6060.11 KBPS (5.91807 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:40 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:42 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirYcDocwEk/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:47 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirYcDocwEk/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:27:48 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 8009 milliseconds (8.009 seconds) DTR = 2123.61 KBPS (2.07384 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:48 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:50 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirv2bNyAWz/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirv2bNyAWz/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:27:51 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 3006 milliseconds (3.006 seconds) DTR = 2074.52 KBPS (2.0259 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:51 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:59 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed (consult log)

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:27:59 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 8008 milliseconds (8.008 seconds) DTR = 2078.42 KBPS (2.02971 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:59 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:28:01 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirPbnMqW4v/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirPbnMqW4v/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:28:01 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2003 milliseconds (2.003 seconds) DTR = 2076.88 KBPS (2.02821 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:28:03 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:28:07 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 6074 milliseconds (6.074 seconds) DTR = 1532.43 KBPS (1.49652 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:28:08 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:28:08 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:28:10 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirixdpSt4o/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:29:48 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:29:59 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirixdpSt4o/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:30:00 2011  INFO

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:30:24 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:24 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 136261 milliseconds (136.261 seconds) DTR = 1962.88 KBPS (1.91688 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:26 2011  INFO

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 7 milliseconds (0.007 seconds) DTR = 2285.71 KBPS (2.23214 MBPS)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:26 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:27 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirG4asUFBu/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:28 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirG4asUFBu/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:28 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 2007 milliseconds (2.007 seconds) DTR = 2076.73 KBPS (2.02806 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:28 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:29 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdiryyopM0JE/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:30 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdiryyopM0JE/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:30 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 2006 milliseconds (2.006 seconds) DTR = 2079.76 KBPS (2.03102 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:30 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:37 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed (consult log)

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:38 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 8008 milliseconds (8.008 seconds) DTR = 2075.42 KBPS (2.02678 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:38 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:51 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Installing at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

installer: The install failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:55 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:55 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 18016 milliseconds (18.016 seconds) DTR = 2066.61 KBPS (2.01817 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:58 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:58 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:59 2011 ERROR

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:59 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 315591 milliseconds (315.591 seconds) DTR = 1956.48 KBPS (1.91063 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 4056 milliseconds (4.056 seconds) DTR = 1598.62 KBPS (1.56115 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 133 milliseconds (0.133 seconds) DTR = 2105.26 KBPS (2.05592 MBPS)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 2 milliseconds (0.002 seconds) DTR = 2000 KBPS (1.95312 MBPS)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:13 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:13 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:14 2011  INFO

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:14 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:14 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:35:14 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:35:22 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:23 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 9007 milliseconds (9.007 seconds) DTR = 32002.2 KBPS (31.2522 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:35:23 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:35:25 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvWKGGjVg/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:35:34 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvWKGGjVg/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:34 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 11013 milliseconds (11.013 seconds) DTR = 1721.96 KBPS (1.68161 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:35:34 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:35:37 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir1U0AHv9i/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:36:56 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir1U0AHv9i/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:36:57 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 83071 milliseconds (83.071 seconds) DTR = 5520.15 KBPS (5.39077 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:36:57 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:36:59 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir7pINBXP3/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:04 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir7pINBXP3/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:04 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 7010 milliseconds (7.01 seconds) DTR = 2094.15 KBPS (2.04507 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:04 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:06 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMyRXxFM7/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMyRXxFM7/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:07 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 3005 milliseconds (3.005 seconds) DTR = 2545.09 KBPS (2.48544 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:08 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:08 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:17 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed (consult log)

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:18 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 10010 milliseconds (10.01 seconds) DTR = 12971.8 KBPS (12.6678 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:18 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:19 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirra46QHvo/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirra46QHvo/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:20 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2004 milliseconds (2.004 seconds) DTR = 12942.1 KBPS (12.6388 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:21 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:26 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 5886 milliseconds (5.886 seconds) DTR = 2074.75 KBPS (2.02613 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:26 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:28 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirRkmDSoUU/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:38:56 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:04 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirRkmDSoUU/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:27 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:28 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 122107 milliseconds (122.107 seconds) DTR = 1908.13 KBPS (1.86341 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 7 milliseconds (0.007 seconds) DTR = 2285.71 KBPS (2.23214 MBPS)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:28 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:30 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMjoy6ABs/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMjoy6ABs/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:30 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 2010 milliseconds (2.01 seconds) DTR = 2097.51 KBPS (2.04835 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:30 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:31 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir8CDiSzax/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:32 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir8CDiSzax/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:32 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 2006 milliseconds (2.006 seconds) DTR = 2071.78 KBPS (2.02323 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:32 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:38 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed (consult log)

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:38 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 6007 milliseconds (6.007 seconds) DTR = 2039.62 KBPS (1.99182 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:38 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:40 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Installing at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

installer: The install failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 6006 milliseconds (6.006 seconds) DTR = 2076.59 KBPS (2.02792 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:45 2011  INFO

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:47 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:47 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:47 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 278298 milliseconds (278.298 seconds) DTR = 1262.85 KBPS (1.23325 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 3759 milliseconds (3.759 seconds) DTR = 468.21 KBPS (0.457236 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 102 milliseconds (0.102 seconds) DTR = 5803.92 KBPS (5.66789 MBPS)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: false

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 1 milliseconds (0.001 seconds)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation install

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation install

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation install

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation install

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 08:55:35 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 08:55:42 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 08:55:43 2011  INFO

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:44 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 9008 milliseconds (9.008 seconds) DTR = 33639 KBPS (32.8506 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:55:44 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:55:48 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirR8n3zSHz/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:55:56 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirR8n3zSHz/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:55:57 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:55:57 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 13039 milliseconds (13.039 seconds) DTR = 419.051 KBPS (0.409229 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:55:57 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:55:59 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvAYuQxFR/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:03 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvAYuQxFR/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:03 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 66058 milliseconds (66.058 seconds) DTR = 5581.03 KBPS (5.45023 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:03 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:05 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdird2bonzBY/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:10 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdird2bonzBY/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:10 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 7009 milliseconds (7.009 seconds) DTR = 9926.1 KBPS (9.69345 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:11 2011  INFO

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:11 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:12 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirOxR0ypEv/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:13 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirOxR0ypEv/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:14 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 3005 milliseconds (3.005 seconds) DTR = 4754.74 KBPS (4.6433 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:14 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

Third party application output:

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:15 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 1003 milliseconds (1.003 seconds) DTR = 6033.9 KBPS (5.89248 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:15 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:57:17 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirEQQpK2C1/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirEQQpK2C1/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:17 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2004 milliseconds (2.004 seconds) DTR = 600.798 KBPS (0.586717 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:19 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:57:24 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 7038 milliseconds (7.038 seconds) DTR = 379.085 KBPS (0.3702 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       4] Thu Dec  1 08:57:24 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       4] Thu Dec  1 08:57:26 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirpyLJxY0T/Install.db

[       4] Thu Dec  1 08:58:36 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       4] Thu Dec  1 08:58:40 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirpyLJxY0T/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       4] Thu Dec  1 08:58:58 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:58:59 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 94090 milliseconds (94.09 seconds) DTR = 425.507 KBPS (0.415535 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 41 milliseconds (0.041 seconds) DTR = 97.561 KBPS (0.0952744 MBPS)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:58:59 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:59:00 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirdajeVrxW/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirdajeVrxW/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:01 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 2009 milliseconds (2.009 seconds) DTR = 549.527 KBPS (0.536648 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:59:01 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:59:02 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMCaWhpjq/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 08:59:03 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMCaWhpjq/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:04 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 3002 milliseconds (3.002 seconds) DTR = 1794.8 KBPS (1.75274 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:04 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:11 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed due to bad configuration

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:12 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 8009 milliseconds (8.009 seconds) DTR = 522.912 KBPS (0.510656 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:12 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:21 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Installing at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:22 2011  INFO


installer: The install failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:25 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       3] Thu Dec  1 08:59:25 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 14015 milliseconds (14.015 seconds) DTR = 451.516 KBPS (0.440934 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:26 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:28 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 2 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 8 components:

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:28 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 08:59:28 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 237956 milliseconds (237.956 seconds) DTR = 952.68 KBPS (0.930352 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 5452 milliseconds (5.452 seconds) DTR = 1641.97 KBPS (1.60348 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 330 milliseconds (0.33 seconds) DTR = 1224.24 KBPS (1.19555 MBPS)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 2 milliseconds (0.002 seconds) DTR = 2000 KBPS (1.95312 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:25:50 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:26:01 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:26:02 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 12012 milliseconds (12.012 seconds) DTR = 23796.5 KBPS (23.2388 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:26:03 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:03 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:05 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirRVMWwSJd/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:24 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirRVMWwSJd/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:25 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:26:25 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 22050 milliseconds (22.05 seconds) DTR = 2043.9 KBPS (1.996 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:25 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:26:27 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirwY813Bq0/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:39 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirwY813Bq0/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:40 2011  INFO

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:27:40 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 75064 milliseconds (75.064 seconds) DTR = 6060.11 KBPS (5.91807 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:40 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:42 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirYcDocwEk/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:47 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirYcDocwEk/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:27:48 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 8009 milliseconds (8.009 seconds) DTR = 2123.61 KBPS (2.07384 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:48 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:50 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirv2bNyAWz/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirv2bNyAWz/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:27:51 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 3006 milliseconds (3.006 seconds) DTR = 2074.52 KBPS (2.0259 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:51 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:59 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed (consult log)

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:27:59 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 8008 milliseconds (8.008 seconds) DTR = 2078.42 KBPS (2.02971 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:27:59 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:28:01 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirPbnMqW4v/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirPbnMqW4v/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:28:01 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2003 milliseconds (2.003 seconds) DTR = 2076.88 KBPS (2.02821 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:28:03 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:28:07 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 6074 milliseconds (6.074 seconds) DTR = 1532.43 KBPS (1.49652 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:28:08 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:28:08 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:28:10 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirixdpSt4o/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:29:48 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:29:59 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirixdpSt4o/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:30:00 2011  INFO

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:30:24 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:24 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 136261 milliseconds (136.261 seconds) DTR = 1962.88 KBPS (1.91688 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:26 2011  INFO

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 7 milliseconds (0.007 seconds) DTR = 2285.71 KBPS (2.23214 MBPS)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:26 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:27 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirG4asUFBu/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:28 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirG4asUFBu/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:28 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 2007 milliseconds (2.007 seconds) DTR = 2076.73 KBPS (2.02806 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:28 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:29 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdiryyopM0JE/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:30 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdiryyopM0JE/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:30 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 2006 milliseconds (2.006 seconds) DTR = 2079.76 KBPS (2.03102 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:30 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:37 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed (consult log)

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:38 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 8008 milliseconds (8.008 seconds) DTR = 2075.42 KBPS (2.02678 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:38 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:51 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Installing at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

installer: The install failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:55 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:30:55 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 18016 milliseconds (18.016 seconds) DTR = 2066.61 KBPS (2.01817 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:56 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:58 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:58 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:59 2011 ERROR

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:30:59 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 315591 milliseconds (315.591 seconds) DTR = 1956.48 KBPS (1.91063 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 4056 milliseconds (4.056 seconds) DTR = 1598.62 KBPS (1.56115 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 133 milliseconds (0.133 seconds) DTR = 2105.26 KBPS (2.05592 MBPS)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 2 milliseconds (0.002 seconds) DTR = 2000 KBPS (1.95312 MBPS)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:13 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:13 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:14 2011  INFO

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:14 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:14 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:35:14 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:35:22 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:23 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 9007 milliseconds (9.007 seconds) DTR = 32002.2 KBPS (31.2522 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:35:23 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:35:25 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvWKGGjVg/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:35:34 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvWKGGjVg/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:35:34 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 11013 milliseconds (11.013 seconds) DTR = 1721.96 KBPS (1.68161 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:35:34 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:35:37 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir1U0AHv9i/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:36:56 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir1U0AHv9i/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:36:57 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 83071 milliseconds (83.071 seconds) DTR = 5520.15 KBPS (5.39077 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:36:57 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:36:59 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir7pINBXP3/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:04 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir7pINBXP3/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:04 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 7010 milliseconds (7.01 seconds) DTR = 2094.15 KBPS (2.04507 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:04 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:06 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMyRXxFM7/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMyRXxFM7/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:07 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 3005 milliseconds (3.005 seconds) DTR = 2545.09 KBPS (2.48544 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:08 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:08 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:17 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed (consult log)

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:18 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 10010 milliseconds (10.01 seconds) DTR = 12971.8 KBPS (12.6678 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:18 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:19 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirra46QHvo/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirra46QHvo/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:20 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2004 milliseconds (2.004 seconds) DTR = 12942.1 KBPS (12.6388 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:21 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:37:26 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 5886 milliseconds (5.886 seconds) DTR = 2074.75 KBPS (2.02613 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:26 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:37:28 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirRkmDSoUU/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:38:56 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:04 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirRkmDSoUU/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:27 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:28 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 122107 milliseconds (122.107 seconds) DTR = 1908.13 KBPS (1.86341 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 7 milliseconds (0.007 seconds) DTR = 2285.71 KBPS (2.23214 MBPS)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:28 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:30 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMjoy6ABs/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirMjoy6ABs/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:30 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 2010 milliseconds (2.01 seconds) DTR = 2097.51 KBPS (2.04835 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:30 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:31 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir8CDiSzax/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:32 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir8CDiSzax/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:32 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 2006 milliseconds (2.006 seconds) DTR = 2071.78 KBPS (2.02323 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:32 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:38 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed (consult log)

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:38 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 6007 milliseconds (6.007 seconds) DTR = 2039.62 KBPS (1.99182 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:38 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:40 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Installing at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

installer: The install failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 6006 milliseconds (6.006 seconds) DTR = 2076.59 KBPS (2.02792 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:44 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:45 2011  INFO

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:47 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:47 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:39:47 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 278298 milliseconds (278.298 seconds) DTR = 1262.85 KBPS (1.23325 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 3790 milliseconds (3.79 seconds) DTR = 769.393 KBPS (0.75136 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 128 milliseconds (0.128 seconds) DTR = 968.75 KBPS (0.946045 MBPS)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 1 milliseconds (0.001 seconds) DTR = 8000 KBPS (7.8125 MBPS)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:50:54 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:50:54 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:50:55 2011  INFO

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:50:55 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:50:55 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:50:55 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:51:02 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 09:51:03 2011  INFO

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:51:04 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 9009 milliseconds (9.009 seconds) DTR = 33141.1 KBPS (32.3643 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:51:04 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:51:05 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir102TLg1q/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 09:51:14 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir102TLg1q/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:51:15 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 11012 milliseconds (11.012 seconds) DTR = 1080.64 KBPS (1.05531 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:51:15 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:51:16 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirscdwVwQU/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:23 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirscdwVwQU/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:52:24 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 69063 milliseconds (69.063 seconds) DTR = 5647.13 KBPS (5.51478 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:24 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:25 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir1c2VJrHS/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:30 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir1c2VJrHS/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:52:30 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 6009 milliseconds (6.009 seconds) DTR = 968.547 KBPS (0.945847 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:30 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:31 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirWUenSrSO/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:32 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirWUenSrSO/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:52:32 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 2006 milliseconds (2.006 seconds) DTR = 673.978 KBPS (0.658182 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:32 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:39 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed (consult log)

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:52:40 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 8011 milliseconds (8.011 seconds) DTR = 510.298 KBPS (0.498338 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:40 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:41 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirk8NmPMto/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirk8NmPMto/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:42 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:52:42 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2005 milliseconds (2.005 seconds) DTR = 414.963 KBPS (0.405237 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:52:43 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:52:47 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 5184 milliseconds (5.184 seconds) DTR = 469.907 KBPS (0.458894 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:47 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:52:49 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirxi71Z5YX/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:02 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:10 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirxi71Z5YX/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:32 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:32 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 105095 milliseconds (105.095 seconds) DTR = 771.607 KBPS (0.753522 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:33 2011  INFO

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 6 milliseconds (0.006 seconds)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:33 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:34 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirh13PhSbc/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirh13PhSbc/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:35 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:35 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 2008 milliseconds (2.008 seconds) DTR = 731.076 KBPS (0.713941 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:35 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:36 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirN2U8iB8s/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirN2U8iB8s/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:37 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 2005 milliseconds (2.005 seconds) DTR = 726.185 KBPS (0.709165 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:37 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:43 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed (consult log)

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:44 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 7009 milliseconds (7.009 seconds) DTR = 818.947 KBPS (0.799753 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:44 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:46 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Installing at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

installer: The install failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:50 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       3] Thu Dec  1 09:54:50 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:50 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 6007 milliseconds (6.007 seconds) DTR = 994.839 KBPS (0.971523 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:50 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:50 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:51 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:51 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:51 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:51 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:51 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:51 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:51 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:51 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:53 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:53 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 09:54:53 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 242681 milliseconds (242.681 seconds) DTR = 906.243 KBPS (0.885003 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 3845 milliseconds (3.845 seconds) DTR = 686.606 KBPS (0.670514 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 134 milliseconds (0.134 seconds) DTR = 776.119 KBPS (0.757929 MBPS)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File does not exist at: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

New Install root : /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File does not exist at: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

New Install root : /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File does not exist at: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

New Install root : /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File does not exist at: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

New Install root : /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File does not exist at: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

New Install root : /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 2 milliseconds (0.002 seconds)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:00:34 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:00:34 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:00:34 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:00:34 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:00:34 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:00:43 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:00:43 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 9009 milliseconds (9.009 seconds) DTR = 32614.9 KBPS (31.8505 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:00:44 2011  INFO

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:00:44 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:00:46 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirr3RX6qPg/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:00:55 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirr3RX6qPg/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:00:56 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 12015 milliseconds (12.015 seconds) DTR = 941.157 KBPS (0.919099 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:00:56 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:00:58 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvAEvUj87/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:11 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvAEvUj87/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:02:12 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 76070 milliseconds (76.07 seconds) DTR = 4733.48 KBPS (4.62254 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:12 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:14 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir9NNkCnCC/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:20 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir9NNkCnCC/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:02:21 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 9012 milliseconds (9.012 seconds) DTR = 122.059 KBPS (0.119199 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:21 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:22 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirm74p0rT1/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:23 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirm74p0rT1/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:02:23 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 2005 milliseconds (2.005 seconds)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:23 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:31 2011  INFO

Third party application output: done

DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x308c80, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x308720

DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x30bfb0, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x30bc10

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:02:31 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 8010 milliseconds (8.01 seconds) DTR = 721.099 KBPS (0.704198 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:31 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:33 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirFcowewBy/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirFcowewBy/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:02:33 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2005 milliseconds (2.005 seconds)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File does not exist at: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

New Install root : /Applications

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

NON ZERO other than -1 RETURNED

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 6 milliseconds (0.006 seconds)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File does not exist at: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

New Install root : /Applications

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:33 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:02:35 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir8j5u3YXK/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:03:34 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:03:39 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir8j5u3YXK/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:03:47 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:03:47 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 74070 milliseconds (74.07 seconds) DTR = 11594.7 KBPS (11.323 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 5 milliseconds (0.005 seconds) DTR = 800 KBPS (0.78125 MBPS)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:03:47 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:03:49 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir2kQTk54A/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir2kQTk54A/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:03:50 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 3008 milliseconds (3.008 seconds) DTR = 3489.36 KBPS (3.40758 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:03:50 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:03:52 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirlOwF23ZR/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirlOwF23ZR/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:03:52 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 2005 milliseconds (2.005 seconds) DTR = 1.99501 KBPS (0.00194825 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:03:52 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:03:59 2011  INFO

Third party application output: done

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:03:59 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 7008 milliseconds (7.008 seconds) DTR = 304.224 KBPS (0.297094 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:03:59 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:04:01 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Installing at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

installer: The install failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 6007 milliseconds (6.007 seconds) DTR = 1.99767 KBPS (0.00195085 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:05 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:06 2011  INFO

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:08 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:08 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:04:08 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 218121 milliseconds (218.121 seconds) DTR = 4398.64 KBPS (4.29555 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 3855 milliseconds (3.855 seconds) DTR = 2.07523 KBPS (0.00202659 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 124 milliseconds (0.124 seconds)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 3 milliseconds (0.003 seconds)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:07:47 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:07:47 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:07:47 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:07:47 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:07:47 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:07:56 2011 ERROR

DF037: Unable to delete directory "/Applications/Adobe"(Seq 2161)

DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 2161)

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:07:56 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:07:57 2011  INFO

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:07:57 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 10012 milliseconds (10.012 seconds) DTR = 30650 KBPS (29.9317 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:07:58 2011  INFO

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:07:58 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:08:00 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirztZTzupj/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:08:10 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirztZTzupj/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:08:11 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:08:11 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 13015 milliseconds (13.015 seconds) DTR = 2511.56 KBPS (2.4527 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:08:11 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:08:13 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvgv5PsNG/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:21 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvgv5PsNG/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:09:21 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 70063 milliseconds (70.063 seconds) DTR = 4889.09 KBPS (4.7745 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:21 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:23 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirLrJ1JqOU/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:27 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirLrJ1JqOU/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:09:28 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 7010 milliseconds (7.01 seconds) DTR = 1.14123 KBPS (0.00111448 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:28 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:30 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirLfOxMtTe/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:31 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirLfOxMtTe/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:09:31 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 3005 milliseconds (3.005 seconds) DTR = 4311.48 KBPS (4.21043 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:31 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

Third party application output:

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:09:32 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 1003 milliseconds (1.003 seconds) DTR = 93160.5 KBPS (90.9771 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:09:33 2011  INFO

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:33 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:34 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirbRm19GcD/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:09:35 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirbRm19GcD/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:09:35 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2004 milliseconds (2.004 seconds) DTR = 113.772 KBPS (0.111106 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:09:36 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:09:42 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 6654 milliseconds (6.654 seconds) DTR = 717.163 KBPS (0.700354 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:09:42 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:09:43 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirbReaN4qY/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:01 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:09 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirbReaN4qY/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:31 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:32 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 110100 milliseconds (110.1 seconds) DTR = 1647.85 KBPS (1.60923 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 90 milliseconds (0.09 seconds)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:32 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:34 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirQLTBWqcm/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:35 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirQLTBWqcm/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:35 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 3033 milliseconds (3.033 seconds) DTR = 635.674 KBPS (0.620776 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:35 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:37 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirnh1nd0ft/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirnh1nd0ft/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:37 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 2005 milliseconds (2.005 seconds) DTR = 47501.2 KBPS (46.3879 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:38 2011  INFO

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:38 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:45 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed due to bad configuration

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:45 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 7009 milliseconds (7.009 seconds) DTR = 1507.78 KBPS (1.47244 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:45 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:47 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Upgrading at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

installer: The upgrade failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 6006 milliseconds (6.006 seconds) DTR = 1365.97 KBPS (1.33395 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:51 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:53 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:53 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:11:53 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 251216 milliseconds (251.216 seconds) DTR = 197.615 KBPS (0.192983 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 10 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All -----------

ERROR: DF037: Unable to delete directory "/Applications/Adobe"(Seq 2161)

ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteDirectoryCommand failed.(Seq 2161)

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 3798 milliseconds (3.798 seconds) DTR = 1.05319 KBPS (0.0010285 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 123 milliseconds (0.123 seconds)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 2 milliseconds (0.002 seconds)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:16:48 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:16:48 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:16:48 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:16:48 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:16:48 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:16:55 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:16:56 2011  INFO

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:16:56 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 8008 milliseconds (8.008 seconds) DTR = 38332.2 KBPS (37.4338 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:16:56 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:16:58 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirKopBFOvQ/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:17:08 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirKopBFOvQ/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:17:08 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 12012 milliseconds (12.012 seconds) DTR = 5302.03 KBPS (5.17776 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:17:09 2011  INFO

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:17:09 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:17:11 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir0pG9h5a0/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:21 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir0pG9h5a0/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:18:22 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 73072 milliseconds (73.072 seconds) DTR = 4436.5 KBPS (4.33252 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:22 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:23 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirJVpeCNcs/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:28 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirJVpeCNcs/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:18:29 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 7008 milliseconds (7.008 seconds) DTR = 3234.59 KBPS (3.15878 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:29 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:30 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirUHPnGUdi/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:31 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirUHPnGUdi/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:18:31 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 2004 milliseconds (2.004 seconds) DTR = 17083.8 KBPS (16.6834 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:31 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

Third party application output:

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:18:32 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 1002 milliseconds (1.002 seconds) DTR = 24131.7 KBPS (23.5661 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:32 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:34 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir9jcCkX33/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir9jcCkX33/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:18:34 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2006 milliseconds (2.006 seconds) DTR = 15780.7 KBPS (15.4108 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:18:36 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:18:40 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 5819 milliseconds (5.819 seconds)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:40 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:18:42 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirroJaPIk9/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:20:35 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:20:48 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirroJaPIk9/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:21 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:21 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 161141 milliseconds (161.141 seconds) DTR = 730.441 KBPS (0.713321 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:22 2011  INFO

User specified overrideFile:

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:23 2011  INFO

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 16 milliseconds (0.016 seconds) DTR = 250 KBPS (0.244141 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:24 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:24 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:25 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirtvZcioo3/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:27 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirtvZcioo3/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:28 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 4049 milliseconds (4.049 seconds) DTR = 23.7096 KBPS (0.0231539 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:28 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:29 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirw190Cmnj/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:31 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirw190Cmnj/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:31 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 3022 milliseconds (3.022 seconds) DTR = 50.2978 KBPS (0.049119 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:31 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:48 2011  INFO

Third party application output: done

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:49 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 18018 milliseconds (18.018 seconds) DTR = 3872.79 KBPS (3.78203 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:49 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:52 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Upgrading at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:53 2011  INFO

installer: The upgrade failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:56 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:21:56 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 8008 milliseconds (8.008 seconds) DTR = 0.4995 KBPS (0.000487793 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:57 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:59 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:59 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:21:59 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 315861 milliseconds (315.861 seconds) DTR = 194.997 KBPS (0.190427 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 4519 milliseconds (4.519 seconds) DTR = 2.65545 KBPS (0.00259322 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 219 milliseconds (0.219 seconds) DTR = 91.3242 KBPS (0.0891838 MBPS)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:29:14 2011  INFO

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 3 milliseconds (0.003 seconds) DTR = 1333.33 KBPS (1.30208 MBPS)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:29:14 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:29:14 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:29:14 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:29:14 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:29:14 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:29:26 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:29:30 2011  INFO

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:29:30 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 16014 milliseconds (16.014 seconds) DTR = 19170 KBPS (18.7207 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:29:30 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:29:32 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirX4tTCadJ/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:29:41 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirX4tTCadJ/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:29:42 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:29:42 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 12015 milliseconds (12.015 seconds) DTR = 2.99625 KBPS (0.00292603 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:29:42 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:29:44 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirqSKYfStp/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:30:52 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirqSKYfStp/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:30:52 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 70063 milliseconds (70.063 seconds) DTR = 4382.68 KBPS (4.27996 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:30:52 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:30:54 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirLBlTT1Hk/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:30:59 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirLBlTT1Hk/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:30:59 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 7010 milliseconds (7.01 seconds) DTR = 1576.6 KBPS (1.53965 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:31:00 2011  INFO

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:31:00 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:31:01 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir1YcUcKZ5/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:31:02 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir1YcUcKZ5/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:31:03 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 3007 milliseconds (3.007 seconds) DTR = 2071.17 KBPS (2.02262 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:31:03 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

Third party application output:

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:31:04 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 1003 milliseconds (1.003 seconds) DTR = 2121.64 KBPS (2.07191 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:31:04 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:31:05 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirqqEu2EzZ/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:31:06 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirqqEu2EzZ/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:31:06 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2006 milliseconds (2.006 seconds) DTR = 2075.77 KBPS (2.02712 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:31:07 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:31:12 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 5952 milliseconds (5.952 seconds) DTR = 1954.97 KBPS (1.90915 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:31:12 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:31:14 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirSXWfGkXk/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:32:47 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:32:57 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirSXWfGkXk/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:33:21 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:21 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 129114 milliseconds (129.114 seconds) DTR = 2393.57 KBPS (2.33748 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 7 milliseconds (0.007 seconds) DTR = 2285.71 KBPS (2.23214 MBPS)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:33:21 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:33:23 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirPc4VNJXU/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:33:24 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirPc4VNJXU/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:24 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 3058 milliseconds (3.058 seconds) DTR = 2066.71 KBPS (2.01827 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:33:24 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:33:26 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvYNrSDva/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirvYNrSDva/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:26 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 2005 milliseconds (2.005 seconds) DTR = 2110.72 KBPS (2.06125 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:33:26 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:33:32 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed due to bad configuration

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:32 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 6008 milliseconds (6.008 seconds) DTR = 2075.23 KBPS (2.02659 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:33:32 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:33:36 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Upgrading at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

installer: The upgrade failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 8009 milliseconds (8.009 seconds) DTR = 2075.66 KBPS (2.02702 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:40 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:41 2011  INFO

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:43 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:43 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:33:43 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 275171 milliseconds (275.171 seconds) DTR = 1417.93 KBPS (1.38469 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 6462 milliseconds (6.462 seconds) DTR = 0.619003 KBPS (0.000604496 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 670 milliseconds (0.67 seconds)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:41:03 2011  INFO

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 43 milliseconds (0.043 seconds) DTR = 24372.1 KBPS (23.8009 MBPS)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:41:03 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:41:03 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:41:03 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:41:03 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:41:03 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:41:14 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 10:41:15 2011  INFO

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:41:15 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 12018 milliseconds (12.018 seconds) DTR = 40965.2 KBPS (40.0051 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:41:15 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:41:18 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirJ9CXxOho/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:41:32 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirJ9CXxOho/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:41:33 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 18030 milliseconds (18.03 seconds) DTR = 2.88408 KBPS (0.00281649 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:41:34 2011  INFO

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:41:34 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:41:36 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirnkV9QopO/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:00 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirnkV9QopO/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:43:01 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 87101 milliseconds (87.101 seconds) DTR = 3525.75 KBPS (3.44311 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:01 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:04 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirxUsA5vjc/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:10 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirxUsA5vjc/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:11 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:43:11 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 10023 milliseconds (10.023 seconds) DTR = 0.399082 KBPS (0.000389729 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:11 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:13 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirPcV6ngez/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:14 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirPcV6ngez/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:15 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:43:15 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 4016 milliseconds (4.016 seconds)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:15 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:16 2011  INFO

Third party application output:

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:43:16 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 1011 milliseconds (1.011 seconds) DTR = 15.8259 KBPS (0.015455 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:16 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:18 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirT5iIgPCU/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:43:19 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirT5iIgPCU/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:43:19 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 3016 milliseconds (3.016 seconds) DTR = 1.32626 KBPS (0.00129518 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:43:20 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:43:22 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:43:29 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 9367 milliseconds (9.367 seconds)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:43:29 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:43:33 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir65IHJQMd/Install.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:45:18 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:45:28 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir65IHJQMd/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       3] Thu Dec  1 10:46:01 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:01 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 152179 milliseconds (152.179 seconds) DTR = 0.630836 KBPS (0.000616051 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 17 milliseconds (0.017 seconds)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:46:01 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:46:03 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirqKvsWgN1/Install.db

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:46:04 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirqKvsWgN1/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:05 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 4020 milliseconds (4.02 seconds)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:46:05 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:46:07 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirIOA7JlrA/Install.db

[       4] Thu Dec  1 10:46:08 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirIOA7JlrA/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:08 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 3016 milliseconds (3.016 seconds) DTR = 1.32626 KBPS (0.00129518 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:46:08 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:46:25 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed due to bad configuration

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:25 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 17031 milliseconds (17.031 seconds) DTR = 0.469732 KBPS (0.000458722 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:26 2011  INFO

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:46:26 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:46:36 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Upgrading at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:46:37 2011  INFO

installer: The upgrade failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:46:40 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       2] Thu Dec  1 10:46:40 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 15021 milliseconds (15.021 seconds) DTR = 42.8733 KBPS (0.0418685 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:41 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:43 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:43 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 10:46:43 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 348872 milliseconds (348.872 seconds) DTR = 532.046 KBPS (0.519576 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 3954 milliseconds (3.954 seconds) DTR = 1.01163 KBPS (0.000987924 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 179 milliseconds (0.179 seconds)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:07:39 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 36 milliseconds (0.036 seconds)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:07:39 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:07:39 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:07:39 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:07:39 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 11:07:39 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 11:07:47 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:07:48 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 9010 milliseconds (9.01 seconds) DTR = 34072.4 KBPS (33.2738 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:07:48 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:07:51 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirumXjQLO6/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:08:02 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirumXjQLO6/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:08:03 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 15017 milliseconds (15.017 seconds) DTR = 128888 KBPS (125.867 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:08:03 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:08:05 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirxVWohJS5/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:12 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirxVWohJS5/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:09:13 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 70067 milliseconds (70.067 seconds) DTR = 4381.12 KBPS (4.27844 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:13 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:14 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirCz5sFMKP/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:18 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirCz5sFMKP/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:09:19 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 6009 milliseconds (6.009 seconds) DTR = 7.98802 KBPS (0.0078008 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:19 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:20 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirLUzIqL1P/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:21 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirLUzIqL1P/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:09:21 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 2005 milliseconds (2.005 seconds) DTR = 35.9102 KBPS (0.0350686 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:21 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:27 2011  INFO

Third party application output: done

DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x7070a80, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x7076a70

DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x7080f80, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x706dea0

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:09:27 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 6008 milliseconds (6.008 seconds) DTR = 975.366 KBPS (0.952506 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:27 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:28 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirGEzginmn/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:29 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirGEzginmn/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:09:30 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 3005 milliseconds (3.005 seconds) DTR = 2.66223 KBPS (0.00259983 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:09:31 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:09:38 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 8100 milliseconds (8.1 seconds) DTR = 19.7531 KBPS (0.0192901 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:38 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:09:40 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirkN1R8SvO/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:10:46 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:10:51 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirkN1R8SvO/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:12 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:12 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 94090 milliseconds (94.09 seconds) DTR = 8.5025 KBPS (0.00830322 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 6 milliseconds (0.006 seconds) DTR = 666.667 KBPS (0.651042 MBPS)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:12 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:14 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirHQK62ueI/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:15 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirHQK62ueI/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:15 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 3008 milliseconds (3.008 seconds) DTR = 1.32979 KBPS (0.00129862 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:15 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:17 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirZI2itCxc/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirZI2itCxc/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:17 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 2006 milliseconds (2.006 seconds) DTR = 1.99402 KBPS (0.00194728 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:17 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:22 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed due to bad configuration

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:22 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 5007 milliseconds (5.007 seconds) DTR = 1.59776 KBPS (0.00156032 MBPS)

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:23 2011  INFO

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:23 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:31 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Upgrading at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:32 2011  INFO

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

installer: The upgrade failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:35 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       2] Thu Dec  1 11:11:35 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 13013 milliseconds (13.013 seconds)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:36 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:38 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:38 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 11:11:38 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 244237 milliseconds (244.237 seconds) DTR = 7896.69 KBPS (7.71161 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session



Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information



START - Installer Session


RIBS version:

OSX version: 10.7.2 

::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]

CHECK: Single instance running

CHECK : Credentials

Load Deployment File

Create Required Folders

Assuming install mode

::START TIMER:: [Bootstrap]

Perform Bootstrapping ...

:: END TIMER :: [Bootstrap] took 5614 milliseconds (5.614 seconds) DTR = 0.712504 KBPS (0.000695805 MBPS)

Looking up install source path

Sync Media DB ...

::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]

Pre check media db sync

End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 525 milliseconds (0.525 seconds)

Ready to initialize session to start with ...

::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]

-------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------

Updated source path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Updating media info for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Updating media info for: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackfr_FR/LangPackfr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

Updating media info for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

Updating media info for: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackja_JP/LangPackja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound3/Sonicfire Pro 5 Support for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/CameraRawForElements6.4All/CameraRawForElements6.4All.dmg

Updating media info for: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPackde_DE/LangPackde_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE/AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE.dmg

Updating media info for: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP/AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP.dmg

Updating media info for: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobePremiereElements10all/AdobePremiereElements10all.dmg

Updating media info for: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/LangPacken_US/LangPacken_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

Updating media info for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

Updating media info for: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Updating media info for: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR/AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR.dmg

Updating media info for: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound2/Sonicfire Pro 5 Plug-in for Premiere Elements.pkg

Updating media info for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

  Type: 1, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Premiere Elements 10

  Path: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-190511104450.dmg

--------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------

Supported RIBS version range: [,]

----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------

______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______

BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer 1 (0,1)

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All 2 (0,0)

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 3 (0,1)

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 3 (0,1)

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp 3 (0,1)

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 3 (0,1)

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer 3 (0,1)

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE 4 (0,0)

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP 4 (0,0)

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR 4 (0,0)

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US 4 (0,0)

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 5 (0,1)

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser 5 (0,1)

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 5 (0,1)

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 5 (0,1)

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 5 (0,1)

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 6 (1,1)

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 7 (11,0)

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE 8 (0,0)

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US 8 (0,0)

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP 8 (0,0)

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR 8 (0,0)

END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)

Setting property "INSTALLDIR" to: /Applications

Setting property "installLanguage" to: en_US

Attempting to find the selected language in the set of available payload languages

Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10

Overwrite property "userASUPath" to: /Users/billpadley/Applications/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp

Found payload actions:

Deciding what installer mode to use...

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19}' : '/Applications'

BEGIN Setting requested payload actions

Value returned on lookup of payload: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer is: true

Action string for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All is: true

Action string for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 is: true

Action string for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 is: true

Action string for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp is: true

Action string for {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 is: true

Action string for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer is: true

Action string for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is: false

Action string for {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  is none

Payload {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is: false

Action string for {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  is none

Payload {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is: false

Action string for {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  is none

Payload {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is: true

Action string for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  is none

Payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 is: true

Action string for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser is: true

Action string for {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 is: false

Action string for {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 is: false

Action string for {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 is: false

Action string for {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 is: true

Action string for {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  is none

Value returned on lookup of payload: {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 is: false

Action string for {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  is install

Value returned on lookup of payload: {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is: false

Action string for {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  is none

Payload {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is: false

Action string for {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  is none

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is: false

Action string for {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  is none

Payload {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

Value returned on lookup of payload: {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is: false

Action string for {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  is none

Payload {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR is extension payload. Aligning its action according to parent.

END Setting requested payload actions

Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR

INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path

INSTALLDIR is not the root path

INSTALLDIR is on a local volume

INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume

INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume

INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491}' : '/Applications'

::START TIMER:: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:47:38 2011  INFO

In ReinstallPreSystemCheckProc

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [System check :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 33 milliseconds (0.033 seconds)

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation repair

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:47:38 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:47:38 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Payloads passed preflight validation.

Call PreSession Custom Hook

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {0DC2163F-A772-470E-B378-62FAC3C669BF} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackfr_FR  with operation none

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {43E0AD2B-0734-4B89-9102-C1C8DCB289C3} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackja_JP  with operation none

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {5FB6B764-4E6B-4BA9-BC64-5BC7F969554F} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_DE  with operation none

  {66662067-28E4-4A8B-8209-5D6F2B7BCF48} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_de_DE  with operation none

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {721AF416-8457-4641-84EC-BABFC28EEDB8} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_ja_JP  with operation none

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {EC4A9B2F-52B0-4C5C-8B1F-B89043AF4C6A} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_fr_FR  with operation none

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:47:38 2011  WARN

DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:47:38 2011  INFO

BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

  {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All  with operation remove

  {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer  with operation repair

  {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1  with operation repair

  {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5  with operation repair

  {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp  with operation repair

  {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5  with operation repair

  {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer  with operation repair

  {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US  with operation repair

  {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10  with operation repair

  {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser  with operation repair

  {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1  with operation install

  {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2  with operation install

  {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3  with operation install

  {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10  with operation repair

  {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10  with operation install

  {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US  with operation install

END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       1] Thu Dec  1 13:47:38 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

Effective AdobeCode for: {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} is {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

[       1] Thu Dec  1 13:47:39 2011  INFO

Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       1] Thu Dec  1 13:47:47 2011  INFO

Completing un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

Physical payload uninstall result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:47:47 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 9014 milliseconds (9.014 seconds) DTR = 34051.9 KBPS (33.2538 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-remove for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Pushed the payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All into the operation queue

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:47:48 2011  INFO

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:47:48 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} is {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All/AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:47:50 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirLADUEAdL/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:47:59 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirLADUEAdL/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:48:00 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}] took 12016 milliseconds (12.016 seconds) DTR = 1.66445 KBPS (0.00162544 MBPS)

Updating driver data - Action: Add driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 0KB

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:48:00 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller


Request to install payload

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:48:01 2011  INFO

CustomizedPatch property not found in database

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirbh7Iw0oX/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:08 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirbh7Iw0oX/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}.db

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:49:09 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7}] took 69068 milliseconds (69.068 seconds) DTR = 4443.74 KBPS (4.33959 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-install for payload {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/APE/3.101'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:09 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} is {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeAPE3.101-mul/AdobeAPE3.101-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:11 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdircpPg90Dw/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:14 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdircpPg90Dw/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:49:15 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3}] took 6008 milliseconds (6.008 seconds) DTR = 0.665779 KBPS (0.000650175 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AA9D11A-227D-45AB-A5D5-6F5F6E81D5E3} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/CMaps'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:15 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} is {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeCMaps3-mul/AdobeCMaps3-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:16 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdireHLeMwNZ/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:17 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdireHLeMwNZ/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:49:18 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923}] took 3007 milliseconds (3.007 seconds) DTR = 1.33023 KBPS (0.00129905 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923} AdobeCMaps CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:18 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeHelp/InstallAdobeHelp

command line arguments in order are : appVersion=3.5.23

command line arguments in order are : appId=chc

command line arguments in order are : pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

command line arguments in order are : installerArg1=-silent

command line arguments in order are : installerArg2=-eulaAccepted

command line arguments in order are : installerArg3=AdobeHelp.air

Third party application output:

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:49:19 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C}] took 1004 milliseconds (1.004 seconds) DTR = 3.98406 KBPS (0.00389069 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {EB3A47AA-B4E2-4857-A69C-92A6E097F24C} AdobeHelp

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

File Exists: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5/AMT/component.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}' : '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSupport/CS5'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:19 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Effective AdobeCode for: {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} is {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul/AdobeTypeSupport10-mul.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:20 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirL0h7t2Op/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:21 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirL0h7t2Op/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:49:21 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C}] took 2007 milliseconds (2.007 seconds)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C} AdobeTypeSupport CS5

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PrePayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Opening PDB Session

CUSTOM ACTION: Uninstall ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent | Supressing error messages

CUSTOM ACTION: Getting List of Installed Payloads.

CUSTOM ACTION: Iterate through Installed Payload IDs

CUSTOM ACTION: Entry for Elements 10 Organizer Found, looking up installdir


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing syncengine

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsOrganizerSyncAgent" -uninstall -silent

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:49:23 2011  INFO


CUSTOM ACTION: Closing AutoAnalyzer

"/Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/ElementsAutoAnalyzer.app/Contents/MacOS/ElementsAutoAnalyzer" -uninstall

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:49:28 2011  INFO

CUSTOM ACTION: Closing PDB Session

Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 7437 milliseconds (7.437 seconds) DTR = 0.537851 KBPS (0.000525245 MBPS)

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:28 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Effective AdobeCode for: {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} is {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_core/AdobeElements10Organizer_core.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:49:31 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirsmRnIgGh/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:50:50 2011  INFO

Evaluating condition# 1(Seq 5834)

Condition failed(Seq 5834)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:50:58 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirsmRnIgGh/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:17 2011  INFO

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:18 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 109114 milliseconds (109.114 seconds) DTR = 0.219953 KBPS (0.000214798 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E} Elements 10 Organizer

::START TIMER:: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}]

In PostPayloadReinstallProc

CUSTOM ACTION: Begin Extracting Organizer AdobeCode

CUSTOM ACTION: Extracted Organizer AdobeCode


CUSTOM ACTION: Master PCD exists

CUSTOM ACTION: Updating Key in Master PCD

CUSTOM ACTION: Key updated successfully

CUSTOM ACTION: Now getting the LEID




CUSTOM ACTION: Adding Key to Cache

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Acceptance keys

CUSTOM ACTION: Added EULA Language keys


CUSTOM ACTION: Function start, to copy customevents.dat file from previous install

CUSTOM ACTION: customevents.dat file found

CUSTOM ACTION: Directory already exists


Custom action return code: 0

:: END TIMER :: [Post payload :{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}] took 39 milliseconds (0.039 seconds) DTR = 102.564 KBPS (0.10016 MBPS)

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}

File Exists: /Applications/Adobe Elements 10 Organizer.app/Contents/Resources/AMT/application.xml

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{28B74F2E-2E70-4B44-A581-0C19F62A5D6E}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:18 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Effective AdobeCode for: {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} is {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US/AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:19 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirctA8xGKA/Install.db

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:20 2011  INFO

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirctA8xGKA/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:21 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2}] took 3010 milliseconds (3.01 seconds)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {BC5880C9-E055-4E57-826A-749E79C498C2} Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:21 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller


Session {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} modify request for AdobeCode: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Effective AdobeCode for: {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} is {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}

Session includes local copy of payload for repair source

Repair payload source package: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/PRE_ROYALTY_STI/PRE_ROYALTY_STI.dmg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:22 2011  INFO

Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirr07KEfWO/Install.db

Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdirr07KEfWO/Install.db

UninstallDBPath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}.db

Physical payload repair result:0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:23 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 0 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D}] took 2006 milliseconds (2.006 seconds) DTR = 3.98804 KBPS (0.00389457 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

Successfully updated the csu inventory for {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10 return values 0:0

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0A525C1F-9A93-497A-B800-9A7E6E4ADF3D} Elements Common Frameworks 10

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

Calling the custom action code for pre-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}]

Initializing the INSTALLDIR with PDB data for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}

Re-computing INSTALLDIR for third party using bundle information:

Could not locate INSTALLDIR using bundle information.

Located the INSTALLDIR for payload '{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}' : '/Applications'

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:23 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: ModifyThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Modify Thirdparty payload

Repairing third party payload with source: /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

Repairing third party payload

Running the application : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/ElementsInspirationBrowser/Adobe AIR Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe AIR Installer

command line arguments in order are : -silent

command line arguments in order are : AdobePhotoshopDotcomInspirationBrowser.air

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:31 2011  INFO

Third party application output: failed due to bad configuration

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:31 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 7 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4}] took 8019 milliseconds (8.019 seconds) DTR = 0.997631 KBPS (0.000974249 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser, value of local var is -1

Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {0AF29C46-6E82-4402-9019-8A6BB0F981D4} Elements Inspiration Browser

Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}

::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}]

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:31 2011  INFO


Installer Operation: InstallThirdPartyPayloadOperation


Installing third party payload

Running Apple Package : /Volumes/Premiere Elements 10/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/payloads/Smartsound1/Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements.pkg

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:40 2011  INFO

installer: Package name is Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements

installer: Upgrading at base path /

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation…

installer:PHASE:Preparing the disk…

installer:PHASE:Preparing Sonicfire Pro 5 for Premiere Elements…

installer: The upgrade failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:44 2011 ERROR

DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

[       2] Thu Dec  1 13:51:44 2011  INFO

Third party payload completed.  Testing return code: 1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  INFO

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

:: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B}] took 14015 milliseconds (14.015 seconds) DTR = 597.075 KBPS (0.583081 MBPS)

User specified overrideFile:

The csu inventory was not updated for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1, value of local var is -1

Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {F035E271-4179-44F6-97A8-5F464C77CB99} Smartsound2 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {4F90C4BF-16B3-4A56-A57D-F717EB06DE99} Smartsound3 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {52411D2C-81DD-442F-81C7-D867F6D73491} Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10 as payload is not cached

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {8B4D3AE3-7105-4D4F-B5B9-206779005A19} Adobe Premiere Elements 10 as payload is not cached

Payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure.

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  WARN

DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:45 2011  INFO

Skipping payload {A8AD0E01-9141-4D36-A4BE-4EB47E1B431C} Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US as payload is not cached

No operation.  We're done:

Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry

Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was added. ARP estimated size 1653316KB

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:47 2011  INFO

Successfully installed 1 component:

- Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All

Successfully repaired 9 components:

- Elements Common Frameworks 10

- Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1

- Elements Inspiration Browser

- Elements 10 Organizer

- Camera Profiles Installer

- AdobeTypeSupport CS5

- Elements 10 Organizer_AdobeElements10Organizer_en_US

- AdobeCMaps CS5

- AdobeHelp

Total components removed: 0

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:47 2011 ERROR

DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

[       0] Thu Dec  1 13:51:47 2011  INFO

Call PostSession Custom Hook

:: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 256229 milliseconds (256.229 seconds) DTR = 33.0017 KBPS (0.0322283 MBPS)

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 8 error(s), 7 warning(s)

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FEA75AFB-4905-43BB-B1D5-5B44D681BFE7} Camera Profiles Installer_6.4_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.

----------- Payload: {68FE2517-2E45-4B03-8241-D0634F43878B} Smartsound1 -----------

ERROR: DW006: Apple Package failed to install successfully.

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound3: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw for Elements 10: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound1: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPacken_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050:  - Smartsound2: Install failed

Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.

These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.


Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.


END - Installer Session





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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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acrwil16 <forums@adobe.com> wrote:

acrwil16 created the discussion

"Re: cannot install premiere elements 10 on my new macbook pro"

To view the discussion, visit: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4056869#4056869




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Grandma4c we do have a support team which will be able to help you.  For the best assistance, I recommend our chat support at http://adobe.ly/tl8Vx7.  Our chat representatives can provide a personalized experience to resolve the issues you describe.  They are very technical and will be happy to help you with your difficulties.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Re: cannot install Premiere Elements 10 on my new Macbook Pro

Exactly same problem here.  New MacBook Pro using Lion OSX and purchased Adobe last week; attempted to install several times but same errors as shown above with others.  Multiple fatal errors as noted stop the install from being successful.   Not happy about this as I don't see that Adobe has offered a solution, and as one person noted, the software is worthless unless a solution is introduced; it is clearly a common problem as same errors are generated with each of the users.
Adobe, please advise.




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Barry you will want to try the document I listed above Installation, launch log errors | Creative Suite 5, CS5.5.  You can then reference your specific errors to determine the solutions which will work for your system.  Please remember to search for Error and Fatal and that the most recent errors will be at the end of the file.

Our support teams are also happy to assist with installation issues for our current products at no charge.  They will be happy to look at the log file for you and provide a solution for your specific circumstances.




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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Hi Jeff, I am having the same exact issue. I purchased PE10 yesterday and have been through the link that you've referenced. I've run the Support Advisor as well as searching for the individual error strings in the Adobe forums and the internet. I have not found anything that has helped yet. I'm going to call in to Support. If I get an answer I'll report it back here in the hopes that it can help others.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Jeff/Doug:  I've also done the start up in safe mode and followed the CUSID to no avail.   Adobe has their heads buried in the sand here.  Clearly many people are experiencing the same problem, and I'm not planning to wade thru logs to try to fix it.  I'll move onto another tool if Adobe cannnot put forth a straight forward solution.   This is in fact Adobe For Mac, so it has clearly not been debugged before release.  Very disappointing.




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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Just got mine and having the same problem tonight.  Photoshop Elements 10 installed with no errors, Premiere Elements 10 had the same epic fail as everyone else on this post.  If you all don't mind me asking, since the dates are all the same range on this post, can I assume we all just bought this?  Was it one of the black Friday promotions?  I tried rebooting in safe mode, uninstalling AIR, and turning off AV as well, but no work.  Boo Adobe.  Please fix!




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Dan:  I purchased mine on Amazon a couple weeks back, but who knows if it could be from the same lot.  Just curious, I was not able to find AIR to uninstall, so that is one thing I did not accomplish.  When I go into Applications and look at all the Adobe files, I never saw the Adobe AIR file.  In any case, a disasppointing show for Adobe.




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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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In my case this is a new imac and the Photoshop Elements/Premiere Elements combo pack that I ordered together a week ago....so there may be a time factor here BUT...

...consider that Apple has been tweaking OS 10.7 constantly and it may be that some recent tweak has caused the problem...so don't be so quick to blame Adobe; it very well may be that they're having to shoot at a moving target in adjusting the software to work on the new OS. If we haven't heard of this difficulty previously and it just seems to have popped the past week or two then there may be several possibilities. I DO hope that Adobe will get to the bottom of it soon, though 'cause all of the steps that I've seen suggested seem like you have to be a programmer to suss the issue out and solve it and, I don't know about you guys, but I am a confirmed end-user.





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Participant ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Just spent over 2 hours with Adobe Support and honestly I wasn't impressed with how it went. Been leading software teams and developing software for over 30 years so I've been around the block and know how tough getting any software to work is. So, here's the deal I have:

1. Environment is Mac OS X Lion on iMac desktop and laptop, MacBook Pro.

2. Installed Adobe CS5.5 Standard design.

3. Installed combo Photoshop/Premiere Elements 10 on desktop iMac (bought on Black Friday special). Successful.

4. Installed Photoshop Elements 10. Successful.

5. Installed Premiere Elements 10. Failed (same as above).

6. Tried again. Failed. Found Adobe support blog (also above) and couldn't find Air to remove.

7. Tried again in Safe mode. Failed again. Used Disk Utility to reset permissions and tried again. Failed.

8. Set up Admin account, disabled antivirus software, retried in Safe mode. Failed again.

9. Uninstalled Photoshop Elements 10 in case Premiere Elements 10 needs to be installed first. Reinstalled Premiere Elements. Failed.

10. Reinstalled Photoshop Elements 10 and that installed. Tried to install Premiere Elements 10. Guess what?

Failed again. Adobe support basically said this was the last thing they could try.


Worn out.

Best regards,

Ken (Software Maniac)






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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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I too have been having the same issue over the last 24 hours trying to install Premiere Elements 10 on an iMac, but I believe I have a solution, or at least a workaround.

I noticed in the logs the issue seemed to be caused by the smartsound install.  I opened the install pkg, and tried installing those payloads manually.  What I discovered was that the certificates used to publish those had expired as of around 7pm Nov 30th, 2011.

This is something you can override when installing manually, but the silent installer chokes on it.

The workaround I found was to simply to roll back the system date, and then run the install.

Hope that works for you also.




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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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Workaround posted bt NewMacNerd worked for me and Premium Elements 10 installed successfully.  Hope now that Adobe knows the issue they can issue a fix.




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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2011 Dec 11, 2011

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The installation issue is not the major deal here, because it can be resolved easily by applying any of the steps given in the kb, but iff you recall, the log also contains the following error :

ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Premiere Elements 10_LangPackde_US: Install failed

ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Premiere Elements 10: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

Even after installing the software succesfully, you may be able to launch the editor succesfully, but try launching Elements Organizer, and then you will see why I have specifically mentioned the language errors above.

I have applied many troubleshooting steps, like launching from the root account, or clean installation, but not to avail.

So, its like, the installation failure leads to a new issue, failure to install language packs.

The confusing thing here is, that the language pack installation failure only affects The Elements Organizer, but the Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements remain unaffected.

This is the scenario.

You launch Organizer for the first time, you get a small dialog box where you get to select the country, but as soon as you click on the drop down button, you notice that the countries are listed there, but there is nothing written, invisible names given for the countries, and finally, you select any random option, and you proceed further, and when you are in the main program, you notice that you dont have a single word in there. One image has been automatically added to the Catalogue, but not a word, you dont even see File in the top left hand corner of your screen, but still you know that the option is there.

Please do the needful.






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Dec 13, 2011 Dec 13, 2011

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Hi Karan,

You query can be answered in 2 parts.

1) Error in the installation log - This should appear before applying the fix. After applying the fix(using dmg) or changing the system date, this log should not come. In case it still does, please let us know.

2) EO Issue -  This issue is unrelated to the installation problem(including Language pack failures) and its fix. Restarting the machine should this issue. Please let us know if it still persists.  As per our observation, It appears only on a small fraction of machines.

Just to reiterate these 2 issues are separate and installer fix has nothing to do with the EO issue. For the EO just try restarting your machine and things should work fine.






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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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I am using a disc that was bundled with photoshop...photoshop installed no prob




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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2011 Dec 01, 2011

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I have the exact same error code, word for word, have you been able to install yet?




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