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Does not recognize Serial Number

New Here ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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I bought Photoshop CS6 Extended back in 2012, and now that I need to reinstall it on my new hardware, it somehow does not recognize my serial key I received via mail. 

I downloaded CS6, installed the trial version but wont be able to use it after the 30 days... I have not shared my key with any1, no idea how it s not valid anymore.

So if there s an adobe support that could look at this, that d help a lot (did not get any support in the chat either, except for the bot).

I can also send the original mail from 2012 I received, with the keys and confirmation of my order if necessary.


Best Regards,


Activation , Installation






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

New Here , May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022



Yeah, thanks for the info, wasn't going to add any images with personal data etc. just like that, just wanted to get an employee to give me a few hints on what to do, but I resolved it in the meantime.

Had install the right language package, which was german instead of english and that accepted the key.


Issue is resolved,

Thanks for the quick reply!





Community Expert ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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This is a public forum, not Adobe support... DO NOT POST PRIVATE INFORMATION HERE !!!


If you registered, your serial number will be recorded

-Log-in to your Adobe account and click this link https://account.adobe.com/products
--click Order history on the left and then the link to your order that will show on the right
--and finally click the link "Downloads and serial numbers" that will appear



This space is provided by Adobe, but it is not Adobe support
Sorry, nobody here can help with an account or payment problem
This is a public forum, you need the link to Adobe support, not other users
Be sure to remain signed in with your Adobe ID before accessing the link
Do be aware that Adobe's staffing is impacted by the virus, so wait times are long
-you MUST make sure that your browser does NOT block ads, scripts, or pop-ups
-you MUST also allow 'cookies' in your web browser for the link to work
This link will go directly to the chat option
Type "Agent" in the chat box to bypass the chatbot and be connected to a person
-Meaning type in the word Agent without the quote " " marks
- or by telephone https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/phone.html
Adobe does NOT do support by email, so beware of answering anyone who sends you a private message
-click for more information about scammers https://tinyurl.com/10791730





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New Here ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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Yeah, thanks for the info, wasn't going to add any images with personal data etc. just like that, just wanted to get an employee to give me a few hints on what to do, but I resolved it in the meantime.

Had install the right language package, which was german instead of english and that accepted the key.


Issue is resolved,

Thanks for the quick reply!







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