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What are the solutions to the problem? I cannot get Adobe Application Manager to load
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Neither can I. Even AAM 6.2
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1) Reboot the computer.
2) Download and install Adobe Application Manager Installer from the below link.
3) If error still persist, Rename the OOBE folder to OOBE OLD from
Mac: MAC HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe
Win: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\
Install AAM again and try launching.
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Does this answer still apply? I've encountered it in the newer Creative Cloud app when trying to update it when it prompted me to install a new version. Half way through installing either pre- or post-reboot, it displays the error code and kills the process.
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Hi Sharkley,
Was the error code A12E1 or A12E5?
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Hi Anirudh,
I went to do the process again to check the number and for some reason, this time the update worked! So, no idea what's different this time, but it seems to be up and running if the latest build is
Thanks for your reply and offer of help in any case!
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I'm having this problem this morning too. I've rebooted and reinstalled twice still getting the A12E1 error.
bhatnaga if you could shed some light on this issue that would be super helpful.
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If this is of any help, the times I got the error were on the start-up of the machine. To check the error the last time, I ran Creative Cloud and the update worked. It's the only point I can isolate on which made the last attempt a successful one.
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Hi Jarm,
Did you follow Maish's advise? A12E1 means download failure. It used to be a problem with old Adobe Application Manager but we fixed this in new version. On machines that we have seen that it is still coming is most likely due to some firewall blocking our application. Do you see any download progress at all?
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Ok I added Creative Cloud to the FireWall and 'allowd incoming connections'.
This has seamed to solve the issue of the error A12E1.
Thanks guys for your support.
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Is the solution different from A12E5 to A12E1?
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In case of
Do clean uninstallation part before installation of CC by downloading the cleaner tool
remove creative cloud and application manager by selecting them and click on cleanup selected.
rename the OOBE folder from both the location
from user library and hidden library.
Reboot the system
And download the CC desktop app from>download center
Don't download the Application manger CC from
Follow these steps as well:-
Rename the OOBE folder to OOBE-OLD from
Mac: MAC HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe
Win: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\
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Whew! The uninstall/rename/reinstall boogie seems to have worked on the Mac Pro. Now to try it on the PC.
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Why oh why oh why do we have to continually deal with these problems? This is the downside of the cloud and pushed updates. It's not like Adobe has NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH UPDATES!! UGH!
At least with physical software, we don't have to update if we don't want to.
I've done the uninstall/reinstall thing before, and now I have to do it again? And if the error lies with a program we use all the time, then we lose our custom panels and have to re-set them up again. Can I bill Adobe for the time it takes each time? I certainly can't bill my clients.
I back up my Mac Pro twice a day onto an external hard drive via SuperDuper. A bootable backup.
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If you are facing this issue, the steps to do is kill AAMUpdatesNotifier from task manager on windows and activity monitor on mac. Reboot the system and try installing again. If this doesn't work, follow the advise of renaming the folder and then trying to install. For helping us track the reasons and quantity of this error, can you all mail the PDApp log files from your systems to This will help us improve our install and update experience immensely.
PDApp.log file can be found at:
Win: %temp% (C:\Users\{Current User}\Appdata\Local\Temp
Mac: ~/Library/Logs/ (Here ~ denotes user's directory. Library folder is hidden inside the user's directory. The best way to access this path is to use the go to folder option in go menu of finder and type the path exactly as I have typed including the ~ symbol).
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User error. Thank you for checking.
Sent from my iPhone
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So frustrated with Adobe products constantly requiring an update and their hunger for my limited regional internet access!!! I just can't afford to update.
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this worked..... thanks Man!!
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On a Mac and have tried everything you mention, but I keep getting the A12E1 error code. Other thoughts?
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Hi Rlevers,
Have you tried all the solutions here?
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Finally found one that worked: OOBE_old instead of OOBE OLD Thanks for following up.
Be Heard.
Levers Advertising + Design
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Hi all
I had the A12E1 error too on my iMac. I opende the AdobeApplicationManager and the application made an automatic update. After this Adobe Creative Cloud was running like if there had been no problem at all. Maybe it could work for others too?
BR Torben
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Glad to hear you got it sorted out Torbenhammer
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I have tried these solutions and they work; unfortunately, they come back with every update. This is getting really annoying. I've been dealing with this for over two months, and I've sort of given up using Creative Cloud to update.
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I've been dealing with this since Creative Cloud came out. Seriously. This is ridiculous.