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Failed to withdraw payment from Paypal

New Here ,
Oct 08, 2017 Oct 08, 2017

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Good evening,

I've received an email from Adobe 8 hours ago where they told me to check my account because they failed to withdraw the monthly fee from my Paypal account.

So I logged into my adobe account where it now tells me that ''there is a problem with the payment method'' and I get an automatic pop-up to change edit my payment method.

However I don't even have the option to change to another payment method. It tells me that I can either edit my saved Paypal payment information or switch Paypal accounts. Since I don't own another Paypal account, I clicked on the first option where I get redirected to my Paypal account telling me to add a credit card.

Now the thing is that I don't own any credit cards. My Paypal account is linked directly to my bank account which is kinda normal for German payment methods.

Also, the first time Adobe deducted the subscription fee, it worked perfectly fine and the amount was withdrawn from my bank account to my Paypal and then sent to Adobe.

Why is it suddenly failing now and what can I do to ensure that the payment goes through? It's not possible for me to get any credit cards because that would take too long, require a lot of work and cause me additional costs. I chose to subscribe to Adobe because they gave me the option to use Paypal without needing a credit card but why is it not working anymore when it did last month?

And what is going to happen now that it failed to withdraw the payment yesterday?

Is my subscription going to get shut down?? How long do I have time to find a way to fix the payment issue? And what happens if I can't make it in time?

Sorry. I never had issues with services being unable to withdraw payments from my Paypal so I'm really confused why Adobe is the only one giving me this problem.

Would appreciate it if someone could help me with this problem and thank you in advance.

Creative Cloud






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 08, 2017 Oct 08, 2017

This is an open forum, not Adobe support... click below to contact Adobe staff to help

While the forums are open 24/7 you may not contact Adobe support at all times

Chat help: Mon - Fri  5am - 7pm  (US Pacific Time) <=== NOTE DAYS AND TIME

Be sure to remain signed in with your Adobe ID before accessing the link below

Creative Cloud support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)




Community Expert ,
Oct 08, 2017 Oct 08, 2017

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This is an open forum, not Adobe support... click below to contact Adobe staff to help

While the forums are open 24/7 you may not contact Adobe support at all times

Chat help: Mon - Fri  5am - 7pm  (US Pacific Time) <=== NOTE DAYS AND TIME

Be sure to remain signed in with your Adobe ID before accessing the link below

Creative Cloud support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)






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New Here ,
May 19, 2022 May 19, 2022

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my paypal account kyc verification is uncompleted payment was a send you to which i not payment received please can the serious payment and sended to use again.before 5 day





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Community Expert ,
May 19, 2022 May 19, 2022

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I'm sorry, but your message is not to understand. I suggest you post in your language.


However, the problem of yours probably needs resolution by Adobe customer care or PayPal customer care. Adobe customer care can be contacted by beginning a secure chat session at https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen. Pop-up blockers need to be disabled! If the chat window fails to open, or is non-responsive, use a different device to start the interaction.
Support phone numbers may be found here: https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/phone.html. Please note that phone charges may apply.

(see also here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/creative-cloud-services/how-to-contact-adobe-support/td-p/11875703 or here

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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