How do I upgrade from Photoshop CS5 to CS6?
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I have Photoshop CS5 and want to upgrade to CS6. However, I don't want the Creative Cloud version. (I don't want to have to pay a monthly or annual fee!) I want to pay the one-time "lifetime" license fee. Where do I go to do this? How much will it cost? Or is this no longer an option?
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I don't want the suite, just the Photoshop application by itself. Not possible?
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How 'bout you actually click the link...? Magic!
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All I see is an option to BUY CS6.
Is there any way to UPGRADE from CS5 to CS6?
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Again, you seem to be afraid to click links.
Click "Buy" then you can buy an upgrade.
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Don't blame the OP for not clicking links marked "Buy $699" when it's not clear at all why one should! He want's an UPGRADE. "Buy" means "purchase, or procure" it doesn't mean "find out what options you have". "$699" means "$699" not "possibly some other amount."
It's bad web design - perhaps purposeful to redirect people to the Cloud, perhaps just bad.
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I agree about the Web design being poor. However, what possible harm could come from exploring the "Buy" link to see if an upgrade is an option?
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"I agree about the Web design being poor. However, what possible harm could come from exploring the "Buy" link to see if an upgrade is an option?"
I think it's a matter of context. The OP wanted to know how to upgrade. The page he was pointed to was for an entire suite and only presents a "buy at $699" choice.
Now that he knows that it's "lying" about being a $699 option to buy, clicking makes sense. It's like looking for the cereal in the green box in the grocery store. You don't find it, because you don't know that it now is only packaged in red and it's been moved to the soft drinks section.
I used to similarly sneer at people who kept asking me what photoshop to get until I realized how much Adobe muddied those waters! Hint, there are about a DOZEN Photoshop products (or at least there were).
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NightSkyGuy wrote:
The page he was pointed to was for an entire suite and only presents a "buy at $699" choice.
That page has suites and individual apps.
Now that he knows that it's "lying" about being a $699 option to buy, clicking makes sense.
That's not a lie. Photoshop CS6 can be bought for $699.
NightSkyGuy wrote:
I used to similarly sneer at people who kept asking me what photoshop to get until I realized how much Adobe muddied those waters! Hint, there are about a DOZEN Photoshop products (or at least there were).
I hardly think that the difference between a full purchase and an upgrade is analogous to the differences amongst "about a DOZEN" products.
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I clicked the links!!
When I click on UPGRADE, it does not give a price. It is grayed out!!
Please don't answer unless you know what you are talking about!
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Seems to work here. Have you tried logging in with your Adobe ID?
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Well, it doesn't work here!
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Then use the "Chat Live" button or "Purchase by Phone" options at the top right of the page.
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Arkayem wrote:
When I click on UPGRADE, it does not give a price. It is grayed out!!
Please don't answer unless you know what you are talking about!
Did you select which product you're upgrading from ("Photoshop CS5", as shown in gener7's post)?
Failing that, have you tried a different browser?
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Arkayem wrote:
I clicked the links!!
When I click on UPGRADE, it does not give a price. It is grayed out!!
Please don't answer unless you know what you are talking about!
The links are working for me and other people today. They have worked for many others, recently. Your problems with the Web are not evidence that I don't know what I'm talking about.
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I have clicked the links!!
The option to upgrade is not available. It is grayed out!!
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What in the world is so tough about answering a question without the standard SM reply of "click the link", or "this has already been answered". Do you dorks understand that some of us are not as technically "gifted" as you are? If you are unable to help, then just don't reply. Your replies are not helpful.
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caupwhiting13 wrote:
[...] Do you dorks understand [...]
You complain about the style of my replies while calling me a dork.
Bl**dy hypocrites! You crack me up!
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Many of us REALLY don't like smart-ass answers.
Apparently you think that fully answering a question is some huge personal sacrifice.
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Arkayem, folks here not with Adobe, and who are volunteering their time to help you out of the goodness of their hearts don't care for smart-ass remarks from those whom they have tried to help either.
Your frustration is understandable, but it does not justify abusing others. We are all on the same side.
The internet is growing to be an increasingly hostile place to communicate. Maybe instead of making this place more like that it would be a good idea to just relax and try some of the suggestions. A little humility would go a long way.
I hope you can get the proper web forms to work. Things on the Adobe site are changing moment by moment, with Adobe ramping up to sell subscriptions to the CC release. Just last night I noticed the site kept redirecting everything to the educational discount pages, which it's not doing now.
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"who are volunteering their time to help you out of the goodness of their
hearts don't care for smart-*** remarks from those to whom they have tried
to help either."
For some reason, people on forums like this volunteer their time and then
act put out when they are asked details about a question.
If he had really wanted to help, he would not have made the smart-ass
remarks, and he would have fully explained why he was directing people to a
'Buy' link instead of an 'Upgrade' link , and how to use it to do an
upgrade. He would have also explained that you have to be logged in to use
the upgrade function, and you have to say which software you own. That
would have been a complete answer. But he didn't do that, even when asked
again and again by other people.
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Ok, folks, is it possible to go back at the problem at hand: are you still facing the issue of the grey link?
Sometimes, answers done by text only can be interpreted the wrong way, keeping that in might before answering can also help smooth out problems.
Yes, both experts and beginners need to think they are in the other's shoes.
Some of the regulars give the same answers repeatedly might become tired of expliciting everything over and over again, and wonder why the new members do not search before asking a question that is already answered two posts lower.
On the other hand, the forum interface is not optimal for beginners, it might not be clear that they can search for answers, and the threads they find might not be relevant when they do try.
Please, do not hesitate asking questions!
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PECourtejoie wrote:
On the other hand, the forum interface is not optimal for beginners,
Or anyone else!
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PE, your comment is clear and makes a lot of sense, and yes, I have
eliminated the greyed out link. I didn't realize I had to log in.
Now, I'd like to use some of your comments to highlight the problems
with this thread.

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