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Illustrator version 2019 o 2020

New Here ,
Oct 31, 2022 Oct 31, 2022

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buenas tardes, 


Tengo un Mac version 10.13.6 y me hoy en clase al abrir illustrator he visto que no me va. He contactado con Adobe y me dicen que no hay version para mi Mac, pero que alomejor vosotros lo trabajabais o me podriais ayudar. 


A la espera de vuestras respuestas


Un slaudo, muchas gracias






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Community Expert ,
Oct 31, 2022 Oct 31, 2022

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For CC2019 you can try and download the installer from the following link


The downloads happen from Adobe servers so it's completely safe and legit. Do note that the download links might not work if Adobe closed these servers, as they no longer support anything other than the latest two version of CC Apps

For CC2020, you will have to contact Adobe support and ask for the installer. They might provide one if they have it available, there is no other way to get a genuine copy of this version. To contact support follow the instructions given below
1. Go to https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen
2. Wait a bit on the page that opens up, it should automatically open a chat popup. If that does not happen then look for a call out/chat icon at the bottom right, click over it and the chat popup should open
3. In order to talk to a human type "AGENT" in the chat box
4. If you are not able to get to the chat window, then disable your adblockers, firewall, enable cookies/scripts on your browser. If it still fails then change your browser/machine/network.

P.S. Be mindful of answering anyone who sends you a private message. See the following for more information about scammers





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