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Hola a todo el mundo mi nombre es Ly¡uis Rommero y necesito de vuestra ayuda.
Tengo un iMac Retina 5K 27-inch 2017 con 64 GB de RAMN y procesador 3,8 GHZ intel core i5 de 4 nucleos con Sistema operativo MacOS Monterey 12.6
Estoy iuntentando instalar desde los DVD origianles el Adobe MAster Collection CS4 para posteriormenete instalar la actualizacion Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection tambien desde discos originales. Ambos paquetes los he comprado de segunda mano pero soon obsolutamente originales y en perfecto estado con su numero de serie correspondiente.
Al introducir el primero de los discos del CS4 no se ejecuta de forma automatica por lo que acudo a la carpeta de la aplicacion y hago doble click sobre le SETUP y me envia una ventana que dice:
“Setup” debe actualizarse. y de ahi no he logfrado pasar...
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download the cs5 installation file. from
you don't need to install cs4. when installing cs5 you'll be prompted for the cs5 serial number,and thereafter the cs4 serial number.
follow the directions (esp, step 1)
save the install file. it may not remain online.
thank jim @
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Apple did not maintain backward compatibility, so try this to install old programs
I don't think CS5 will install on your operating system
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They are obsolete for many reasons. It is time to subscribe, or to remove this mistaken upgrade to Monterey and go back to a system that can run your old software. This was a BIG mistake.
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"CS4, CS5 and CS6 are on life support. But they can still be activated providing you have the following:
1. original media (disks or downloads) you received at purchase and a way to read them,
2. a legitimate serial number for that version, language and platform (Win/Mac),
3. an older operating system that can support legacy 32-bit apps."
So with Monterey it's a 'no go'.!
See the full forum thread with this post at- Adobe CS5